factors for the weakening of crown finance
repercussions of QE, parliament, irresponsibility of J, irresponsibility of C
how expensive were antesuppers
one in 1621 cost £3,300
what money did KJ gain financially from his FORTH P
1624 - gained £300,000 for warefare in exchange for statute of monopolies which resticted his selling of monopolies
what happened in Cadiz
1625 - foreign policy failure, intervened in the 30YW, 4000/6000 deaths were from starvation, more English troops died because of lack of food than because of enemy gunfire, failed to get the gold from Spanish fleets and caused Charles to call another Parliament.
what was the petition of right
1628 – written by p as they didn’t believe he =could rule without them writing everything out for him basically, stated that p had to agree to taxation, imprisonment only with just cause (had to stick to habus corpus), imposition of martial law, and billeting was illegal.
what were the three resolutions
1628 - resummoned p as they would now compromise , agrredd to give charles five subsides if he address agrivences on illegal taxation, billeting, martial law, and imprisonament without trial. the ynegociated gaainst Coke as to not directly attack charles. mps held the speaker down in the chair so he could not s=dissolve p until they passed it
what was the overbury scandal
1613 – Death of Overbury. Became a scandal 2 years later as Carr was suggested murderer. James begged him to plead guilty after severe pressure; sentenced to death – pardoned in 1622.
who was lionel cranfeild
fav - made lord treasurer in 1621
who was esme stuart
kji’s fav 1579-81
who was robert carr
kji’s fav 1607-13 but lost it during overbury scandal
what was the subsides act
1624 – Parliament agree to give James a subsidy of £300k, (as he was ill it was mainly Charles and Buckingham – agreed to use the money for FP.
why was the death of sir walter reiley controveral
1618 – Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh done to appease the demands of the Spanish. Marked end of Elizabethan golden age and, even though he wasn’t popular, became it (anti-Spanish feelings.)
what was the book of bounty
1608 - surveying Crown lands to adjust the leasing policies. But James’s continued gifting of the lands hampered Cecil’s efforts.
what happened to Buckingham in 1628
assinated, caused rejoicing in p
what were the contents of the Two Remonstrance drawn up in 1628
one criticizing buckingham’s FP failures, one addressing Charles’s continued collection of tonnage and poundage which apparently went against the Petition of Right. Charles suspended parliament to keep collecting.
how did james get rid of the haters in p in 1625
stratigically removed wentworth and coke haters, Earl of Arundel and John Keeper, by dismissing and arresting them
what was the five knights case
1628 - 76 people were imprisoned for refusing to pay the forced loan and Charles imprisoned the 5 main resistors without writ of habius corpus (you counldnt be imprisioned without trial) and then kci falsify the legal records