The Russian Revolution

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Stalin was not a good person :(

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Similar to congress. Czar Nicholas II made reforms to government to make a Duma. Duma did things that Nicholas didn’t want, so he resolved Duma later.

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Nicholas II

Last Emperor of Russia. He was overthrown during the November Revolution. Forced to make reforms during Revolution of 1905 (The one with workers strikes, revolts, assassinations of leaders, etc)

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October Manifesto

Nicholas’ II promised freedoms which established Duma; but was dissolved soon after. Was made due to revolution of 1905. Guaranteed civil liberties

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Mob attacks against Jews

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Revolution of 1905

Caused by Bloody Sunday massacre. Economic and social problems. Similar to what France had gone to. Strikes and people revolting, assassinations, leaders being killed.

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Local representative government

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Communists in Russia

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Command Economy

Government makes all economic decisions

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Five year Plan

Plans put in place by Stalin

  • Command economy - government makes all economic decisions

  • Build heavy industry, transportation, increase farm output

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Leon Trotsky

Stalin’s rival to take over Soviet Union (Lost). Lead Red Army in Civil war. Lenin’s partner. Died by icepick in head. (ouch)

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The Great Purge

  • Stalin’s attacks on anyone in the party/army he saw as a threat, eventually hit ordinary citizens as well

  • Given “show trials”, executed or sent to labor camps

  • At least four million deaths

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Stalin’s agricultural policies led to terrible famine, as many as eight million people may have starved to death. Referred as Ukrainian Holocaust

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Alexander Kerensky

Leader of provisional government. Could have been a great leader if he didn’t continue in the war.

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V. I. Lenin

First leader of the Soviet Union

  • Supreme soviet - elected legislature

  • USSR

  • New Economic Policy (NEP) - government retains control of major industries and financial institutions, but small businesses were allowed to operate for profit

  • Showed some success, industrial output increased

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March Revolution

Series of protests and uprisings in Russia in 1917 that led to the overthrow of the imperial government. Led to establishment of the Russian Provisional Government.

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New Economic Policy

  • Government retains control of major industries and financial institutions, but small businesses were allowed to operate for profit

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November Revolution

Members of the Bolshevik political party seized power in the capital of Russia (Petrograd). Put Bolsheviks in power and lead to development of Soviet Union

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Communist term for “We People” Working class or common people of Russia.

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Self-proclaimed holy man, gained influence over Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra due to his supposed ability to heal their son's hemophilia. Rasputin's influence over the royal family and his scandalous personal life made him a target of criticism and suspicion among the Russian people. Assassinated by a group of nobles who feared his influence over the royal family.

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Workers' councils that emerged in Russia; they were formed by workers and soldiers who were dissatisfied with the Provisional Government that had been established after the February (March) Revolution. They were a big part in the Bolshevik uprising of the November revolution

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Josef Stalin

“Man of Steel”

  • Lenin died in 1924, power struggle ensued between Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky

  • Gained control of the party infrastructure and leadership, used that to defeat his rival claimants to the head of the USSR

  • Stalin’s first goal was industrialization

  • Five year plans

  • Stalin’s agricultural policies led to terrible famine, as many as eight million people may have starved to death known as the Holodomor

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Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, between the new Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) that ended Russia's participation in World War I. Marked the beginning of the Russian Civil War and the consolidation of Bolshevik power in Russia.

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Loose confederation of anti-communist forces that fought the Bolsheviks in Russian Civil war.

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“openness”, refers to a lessening of hard-line Soviet censorship, secrecy, open the government to debate, criticism

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“restructuring” of government and economy, some free market ideas mixed with the essence of communism

  • Lead to shortages, inflation, factories closing, unemployment, some Soviet reps, leaving USSR, conflict with hard-liners

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Boris Yeltsin

President of Russia, first president of Russian Federation after dissolution of the USSR

  • Problems- change to market economy, inflation, unemployment, crime, terrorism, debt crisis, conflict with west, yearning for “good old days”

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Vladimir Putin

President of Russia after resignation of Yeltsin

  • Former member of KGB

  • Returned “law and order,” rebuilt economy

  • Re-elected March 2012

  • With constitutional changes, can remain president until 2036.

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