Managing Change and Stress
The success of change initiatives are measured in terms of __________.
tendencies to respond either favorably or unfavorably to a given object or situation
external forces for change
originate outside the organization
external forces for change
Demographic characteristics, technological advancements, shareholder, customer, and market changes, social, political, and regulatory all describe what
internal forces for change
come from inside the organization
adaptive change
reintroduces a familiar practice either in a different unit or in the same unit at a different point in time
innovative change
introduces a practice that is new to the organization
radically innovative change
introduces a practice that is new to the industry
In the _________ stage, the purpose is creating motivation to change.
In the ______ stage, you provide employees with new information, new behavioral models, new processes or procedures, new equipment, new technology, or new ways of getting the job done
In the _______ stage, you support and reinforce the change.
The _______ approach to change is based on the notion that any change, no matter how small or large, has ripple effects.
change; change
_____ creates additional _______.
the systems model of change
shows a practical approach that can diagnose what to change and how to evaluate the success of a change effort
mission statements
expresses the reason an organization exists
a compelling fufure state for an organization
readiness for change
the strength of our beliefs and attitudes about to the extent in which changes are needed and our capacity to successfully implement them
strategic plan
outlines an organizations long term direction and the actions necessary to achieved planned results
target elements of change
the compenents of an organization that can be changed
target elements of change
organizational arrangements, social factors, methods, and people are what?
_______ ripples across an organization.
_________ are the final piece of the process model of change and should be consistent with an organizations strategic plan.
John Kotter
________ belives that organizational change often fails not because of inadequet planning but because of ineffective implimentation.
John Kotter
________ proposed an eight step process for leading change.
Establish a sense of urgency.
What is step 1 in Koffers Eight Steps to learning organizational chhange?
create the guiding coillition
What is step 2 of the organizational change steps?
Develop a vision and strategy
What is step 3 in the organizational change steps?
communicate the change vision
What is step 4 in the organizational change steps?
empower broad based action
What is step 5 in the organizational change steps?
generate short term wins
What is step 6 in the organizational change steps?
consolidate change and produce more gains
What is step 7 of the organizational change steps?
Anchor new approaches in the culture
What is step 8 of the organizational change steps?
behaviors and activities
The value of Koffers approcah to change are recommendations about specific ______ and __________.
What are the 4 steps in organizational development (OD)?
What stage of organizational development do you ask What is the problem and its causes?
What stage of organizational development do you ask what can be done to solve the problem?
What stage of organizational development do you ask is the intervention working?
What stage of organizational development do you ask what does the evalutatoin suggest about the diagnoses and the effectiveness of the intervention.
resistance to change
any thought, emotion, or behavior that does not align with actual or potential changes to existing routiness
If you are going to effectively manage change then you have to understand and manage ________
dispositional resistance to change
a stable personality trait, are less likely to voluntarily initiate changes and are more likely to form negative attitudes towards the changes they encounter
engaging in new behaviors
failure to engage in new behaviors
recipient characteristics
dispositional resistance to change, surprise and fear of the unknown, fear of failure, peer pressure and past success are all examples of what>
a change agent
someone who is a catalyst in helping organizations deal with old problems in new ways
job stress
the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or the needs of the worker
stress associated with positive emotions and outcomes
factors that produce stress
What are the 4 types of stressors?
The 4 types of stressors
Individual, group, organizational, extra-organizational describe what?
a prolonged state or physical and mental exhaustion that cannot simply be remedied by a good nights sleep
typically physical and short-termed and is resolved by rest and sleep
feelings of depression and/or anxiety and difficulties concentrating are signs of what
occurs when employees show up and are sick or are in no shape to work productively
primary appraisals
your perceptions of wheather a stressor is relevant, positive, or negative
secondary appraisals
your perceptions to how able you afre to cope with a given demand
control strategy
consists of behaviors or cognitions that directly anticipate or solve problems
escape strategies
those in which you avoid or ignore stressors
system management strategies
focus on reducing the symptoms of stress
____ can decrease job satisfaction, organizational commitment, positive emotions and performance.
confronting and overcoming failures
Talking about it, failing productively, and choosing your audience are all ways to do what?
overcome resistance to change
Respond to employee characteristics, improving change-agent employee relationships, implement organizational processes and practices, take a contingency approach to overcoming resistance are ways to do what?
reward systems
job dissatisfaction
Select internal forces of change.
Forces that originate outside of the organization are:
__________ forces for change come from inside the organization.
radically innovative
Select the three types of organizational change.
1- Unfreezing
3- Refreezing
List the steps in Lewin's Model of Change with the first step on top.
Which of the following external pressures can be strong enough to force change in business practices?
mission statement
What is exemplified by Instagram's statement "To capture and share the world's moments"?
cause its demise
provide opportunities to grow
Which of the following can external forces for change do to a company?
Kotter proposed an eight-step process for leading organizational ______.
internal forces for change
Human resource problems and managerial behaviors are examples of
The component of OD that looks for problems and causes is called ______.
To which degree do the three general types of organizational change differ? (Check all that apply.)
resistance to change
Any thought, emotion, or behavior that does not align with changes to existing routines is called:
Select the stages in Lewin's change model.
the relationships between the change recipients and change agents
The expanded view of resistance states that it is caused by the interaction between the changer, the change recipient, and:
mission statement
What is the blurb that states the reason for the organization's existence?
Recipients' inactions
Recipients' actions
The quality of agent's relationship with recipients
Which of the following influence a change agent's actions and perceptions? (Check all that apply.)
Kotter believes that change most often fails not because of poor planning but because of ineffective ________.
True or false: Job stress means different things for different people.
Determining whether an intervention is working is the component of OD called ________.
Stress that is associated with positive emotions and outcomes is called:
resistance to change
The notion that people resist both actual and potential events is known as:
A model of occupational stress suggests that potential stressors can be at which levels?
True or false: Some change experts believe that resistance does not reside solely within the individual employee; they contend that it is a result of the context in which change occurs.
the change agent
the relationship between the change agent and the recipient
the recipients of change
What are the three causes of resistance to change?
What is the term used to describe the harmful physical and emotional response that results when one's capabilities, resources, or needs do not match the requirements of the job?
________ are factors that produce stress
it can have positive consequences
it can be managed
stress is inevitable
Which of the following statements about stress are accurate?
Gain another person's perspective.
Own your mistakes.
Recognize your vulnerabilities.
What can be achieved by talking about a failure?
Role conflict, role ambiguity, and job security are examples of stressors at what level?
the relationships between the change recipients and change agents
The expanded view of resistance states that it is caused by the interaction between the changer, the change recipient, and:
as an aid during the strategic planning process
as a way to identify targets of change
What are the two methods for applying the systems model of change?
The quality of agent's relationship with recipients
Recipients' actions
Recipients' inactions
Which of the following influence a change agent's actions and perceptions? (Check all that apply.)
use employee feedback
solicit employees' opinions
modify targeted elements of change
What are some actions that organizations can take to achieve the desired change outcomes?
True/False: Stressors can occur at the individual, group, organizational, and extra-organizational levels.
Lead by example.
What should managers do when it comes to stress reduction?
Fail productively.
Talk about it.
Choose who you share it with.
When confronting failure, what do experts suggest you do?
A model of occupational stress suggests that potential stressors can be at which levels?