Addison disease
chronic syndrome resulting from a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex. Signs and symptoms may include weakness, weight loss, hypotension, darkening of skin, and loss of appetite
congenital hypothyroidism
condition caused by congenital absence or atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism. The disease is characterized by puffy features, mental deficiency, large tongue, and dwarfism
Cushing syndrome
group of signs and symptoms attributed to the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortices (pl. of cortex). This syndrome may be the result of a pituitary tumor that produces ACTH or a primary adrenal cortex hypersecretion. Signs include abnormally pigmented skin, "moon face," pads of fat on the chest and abdomen, "buffalo hump" (fat on the upper back), wasting away of muscle, and hypertension
diabetes insipidus (Dl)
result of decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Symptoms include excessive thirst (polydipsia), large amounts of urine (polyuria), and water being excreted from the body
diabetes mellitus (DM)
chronic disease involving a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by under-activity of the insulin-producing islets of Langerhans and characterized by elevated blood sugar (hyperglycemia). can cause chronic renal disease, retinopathy, and neuropathy. In extreme cases the patient may develop ketosis, acidosis, and finally coma
condition brought about by hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland before puberty
enlargement of the thyroid gland. May be caused by autoimmune diseases of the thyroid (Graves disease or Hashimoto thyroiditis), iodine deficiency, or the presence of multiple nodules
Graves disease
autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland characterized by the production of more thyroid hormone than the body needs (hyperthyroidism), goiter, and exophthalmos (abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs)
serious condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in which acid ketones accumulate from fat metabolism in the absence of adequate insulin. If not promptly controlled by adequate insulin and hydration, can progress to conva and death
metabolic syndrome
group of signs and symptoms including insulin resistance, obesity characterized by excessive fat around the area of the waist and abdomen, hypertension, hyperglycemia, elevated triglycerides, and low levels of the "good" cholesterol HDL. Risks include development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, or stroke (also called syndrome X and insulin resistance syndrome)
condition resulting from an extreme deficiency of the thyroid hormone thyroxine; a severe form of hypothyroidism in an adult. Signs include puffiness of the face and hands, coarse and thickened skin, enlarged tongue, slow speech, and anemia
tumor of the adrenal medulla, which is usually non-malignant and characterized by hypertension, headaches, palpitations, diaphoresis, chest pain, and abdominal pain
condition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms as a result of low amounts of calcium in the blood caused by a deficiency of the parathyroid hormone
condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones
abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
chemical substance secreted by an endocrine gland that is carried in the blood to a target tissue
a group of hormones produced by the gastrointestinal system that stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas and help preserve the beta cells
narrow strip of tissue connecting two larger parts in the body, such as the isthmus that connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland
sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in a living organism
radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU)
nuclear medicine scan that measures thyroid function, particularly when distinguishing different causes of hyperthyroidism. given orally
sestamibi parathyroid scan
nuclear medicine procedure used to localize hyperactive parathyroid glands. The glands that take up an abnormal amount of radioactive substance are identified and selected for surgical removal; the other parathyroid glands may be left in place
thyroid sonography
ultrasound test of the thyroid gland used to help determine whether a thyroid nodule is likely benign or possibly malignant, including whether it is cystic or solid. Also used to help guide a fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy
fasting blood sugar (FBS)
blood test to determine the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood after fasting for 8—10 hours. Elevation may indicate diabetes mellitus
fine needle aspiration (FNA)
biopsy technique that uses a narrow hollow needle to obtain tiny amounts of tissue for pathologic examination. Thyroid nodules are frequently biopsied using FNA
glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1 C)
blood test used to diagnose diabetes and monitor its treatment by measuring the amount of glucose (sugar) bound to hemoglobin in the blood
thyroid-stimulating hormone level (TSH)
blood test that measures the amount of thyroid- stimulating hormone in the blood; used to diagnose hypothyroidism and to monitor patients on thyroid replacement therapy
thyroxine level (T4)
blood test that gives the direct measurement of the amount of thyroxine in the patient's blood. A greater-than-normal amount indicates hyperthyroidism; a less-than-normal amount indicates hypothyroidism