Barely anything cause the slides dont help and I cba rewatching the video
Thinking about thinking
Is it epiphenomenal (no cause and effect) or would it affect behaviour?
Social perceptions
Metacognition seems to be informed by these (i.e. How other people describe you, interact with you, etc) though it can also be informed by general self awareness
Metacognitive accuracy
Perceptual decision making task and confidence (in accuracy): Despite performance being constant (around 70% accuracy across all subjects), confidence in accuracy was low? Idk.. I dont understand lmao
Structural MRIs (I think for ^?) did something!
There is lots of evidence implicating PFC in metacognitive accuracy
Raises further questions:
Cognitive mechanisms
Domain generality
Relations to disordered cognition
Distortions of metacognition
Bias vs inaccuracy
The planning fallacy (Kahneman & Tversky, 1994): We are deluded about how long things take (even though we are quite good at estimating how long it will take other people to do things), which doesn't seem to be affected by expertise