interventions and development in human rights

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sustainable development goals

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sustainable development goals

adpoped by the United Nations in 2015- call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity - 17 goals

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measures key dimensions of human development

a long and healthy life - measured by life expectancy

access to education - measured by literacy rate

decent standard of living - measured by gross national income per capita

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human interventions - education

literacy rates can increase contributing to higher HDI

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human interventions - healthcare

develop socially by increasing healthcare Bothe IMR and MMR will decrease and increase HDI

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human interventions - farming tech+ machinery

improve crop yeilds and crop variety improving diet and life expectancy

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consequence of intervention- positive ST

employment opportunities and reduction of poverty, freedom from abuse and children, provision of shelter and sanitation eg Oxfam

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consequence of intervention - positive LT

improvement of helathcare and life expectancy -

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consequence of intervention - negative ST

cilcian casualties + damage to property and infrastructure

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consequence of intervention - negative LT

tensions can be fuelled over aid and conflict prolonged into longer term

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Honduras factfile

highest murder rate in the world- 8000 murders per year - 60% below the poverty line

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Honduras location - LOD

North America - north of the equator - LIDC - net migration rate = -1.34/1000 (2022)

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Honduras - discrimination

LGBT duffer high levels of violence and discrimination - against article 14 “the enjoyment, of rights and freedoms”

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Honduras - accsess to education

fail to protect the right to education - 1/3 of those under 17 do not attend school

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Honduras - corruption

the justice system has a weak corruption - 1200 allocations since 2012 none of which have been investigated

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global governance - United Nations - aims

strengthen government institutions working with human rights help implement Honduran national human rights plan (2010-2022)

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global governance - United Nations - results

deacrease 27% points of homoside - 86/1000 in 2012 to 54/1000 in 2015

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global governance - the use - aims

increase food security, supporting renewable energy, help with environmental conservational projects

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global governance - the USA - results

53% increase incomes for 20,000 families

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global governance - Honduran government - aims

set up a ministry for justice and human rights

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global governance - Honduran governed - results

there have been widespread violence and abuses prepared since the 2009 military back coup as a result of collusion between government officials

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global governance strategy - NGO global communities - aims

work to meet immediate needs as well as preparing for the future create stable, resilient communities, focus on disaster prevention

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global governance strategy- NGO global communities - result

implementing the Honduras emergency wash shelter (HEWS) program

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global governance strategy - NGO Honduran national hiv strategic plan - aims

to achieve 0 infections of HIV as well as zero discrimination and 0 deaths related to aids

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global governance strategy - NGO Honduran national hiv strategic plan - results

making information of HIV as well as zero discrimination related to aids

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global governance strategy - TNCs kenco - aims

“coffe vs gangs” provide alternate pathway away from gangs to become coffee farmers

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global governance - TNCs kenco - results

reasons for high gang affiliation because of inopportuinity - 36,000 gang members in Honduras compared with 12,000 police

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Opportunities- stability

political stability is being achieved with us support fro anti-curruption and free + fair elections

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opportunities - socio-economic development

40% of the population is under 15 efforts to improve and hinduras spends 7.3 percent of its gdp on public education mroe than any other latin american country, by increasing numbers enrolled tin school the country provides opportunites for futher education, cild health and nutrition and to prevent aids - providing opportunities for development

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opportunities - economic growth - 1

the us, un and civil society are effectively implementing new found security programmes and promoting economic diversion, us povided $50 million in security aid between 2010-14 helping to achieve political stabilty and creating opportunites for national security to become more stable

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opportunities - economic growth - 2

USaid - (lead US government needs) is working in local areas to end poverty and enable communities to reach their potential by increaseing food security and strenghting the participation of marginilised groups in 3 years it healped 23,000 honduran families increase incomes by 103%,

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challanges - economic inequality

inequalities between rich and poor evident in uraban areas such as the industrial centre of san perdro sula leads to to urban migration leads to housing shortages, internal displacement cuased by vilooence of drug trffickers many people migrate to urabn areas, as a reult of global goverenace there is an increaase in services and security in urban areas hence the migration

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challanges - socio-economic inequality

LGBT in Honduras are frequently targets of violence and discrimination. they face violence from gangs, the police and public

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challanges - economic injustice

judges faced acts of intimidation and many also faced unfounded judicial proceedings designed to intimidate and hamper their human rights work

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challanges - socio-economic injustice

attacks on journalists - 4 murdered in 2020 high incidence of violence related in drug trafficking and urban gangs - the most powerful being the barrio 18

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challanges - soical

unequal acess to education between rural and urban areas - 1 in 10 are illeterinte but 2 in 10 in rural this si due to global goverance being able to acsess inner city areas more easily however means that disparity grows beterrn urban and rural negatively efecting HDI and socio-econimic development

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