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Mons Veneris
A pad of adipose tissue located over the symphysis pubis that protects the junction of the pubic bone from trauma.
Labia Minora
Hairless folds of connective tissue posterior to the mons veneris that become firm and full during childbearing age.
Labia Majora
Two folds of adipose tissue positioned lateral to the labia minora.
Produce, mature, and discharge ova, as well as produce estrogen and progesterone.
Fallopian Tubes
Convey ova from the ovaries to the uterus and provide a place for fertilization by sperm.
Fallopian tubes are approximately ______ in length in a mature woman.
The most proximal division of fallopian tubes, the interstitial portion, ________ is the next distal portion. It is, like the interstitial tube, extremely narrow.
The third and also the longest portion of the fallopian tube. This is where fertilization of an ovum usually occurs.
This portion is approximately 2cm long and is funnel shaped.
A hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ located in the lower pelvis that consists of the fundus, body/corpus, and cervix.
50 to 70g
Uterus lies in the center of the pelvic cavity between the base of the bladder and the rectum and above the vagina. It is level or slightly below the brim of the pelvis, with an external opening of the cervix about the level of the ischial spines. The mature organ weighs about ________ and approximately 7.5 cm long ang 5cm wide, and 1 to 2.5 cm thick.
Uterine walls of three separate coats or layers of tissue.
A hollow musculo membranous canal located posterior to the bladder and anterior to the rectum that serves as the organ of intercourse and to convey sperm to the cervix so sperm can meet with the ovum in the fallopian tube and serve as birth canal.
pH 4.0 to 5.0
The acidic vaginal environment normal during a woman’s reproductive life.
A relative neural pH of ___ is normal from infancy until puberty and after menopause.
Periodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormonal changes, allowing for conception and implantation of a new life.
The first menstruation period in girls, may occur as early as 9 or as late as 17 and still be within normal limits.
Anovulatory cycle
Emotional and physical factors can alter the cycle interval. Frequently ovulation does not occur in early cycles this is known as
Human Sexuality
A multidimensional phenomenon that includes feelings, attitudes, and actions, influenced by both biology and culture. This is the expression of sexual feelings due to genetic predisposition or one’s own personal experimentation
occurs with physical and physiologic (sight, sound, emotion, or thought) stimulation that causes parasympathetic nerve stimulation. This lead to arterial dilation and venous constriction in the genital area.
In women, this causes the clitoris to increase in size and mucoid fluid to appear on vaginal walls as lubrication.
Can be influenced by hormonal changes in the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Also influences social behavior. Can also be understood as part of the social life of human, governed by implied rules of behavior status.
Sexual identity
Can be molded by the social environment to which one is exposed, e.g. an authority figure giving a little boy a toy truck to play with, and a girl a doll.
Human Sexual Response
The stages of excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution that occur during sexual stimulation and activity.
reached just before orgasm. In the woman, the clitoris is drawn forward and retracts under the clitoris prepuce: the lower part of the vagina becomes extremely congested (formation of the orgasmic platform), and there is increased nipple engorgement. In men, the vasocongestion leads to full distention of the penis. Heart rate increases to 100 to 175 beats per minute and respiratory rate to approximately 40 respiration per rate
occurs when stimulation proceeds through the plateau stage to a point at which the body suddenly discharges accumulated sexual tension. A vigorous contraction of the muscles in the pelvic area expels or dissipates blood and fluid from the area of congestion.
In orgasm, the average number of contractions from the woman is from ____ contractions intervals of one every 0.8 sec.
seminal vessels and prostrate
Orgasm of men happens with muscle contraction surrounding the ___________ projects semen into the proximal urethra. These contractions are followed immediately by three to seven propulsive ejaculatory contractions, occurring at the same time interval in woman, which force semen from the penis.
is the period during which the external and internal genitalia organs return to an un-aroused state.
Skene’s glands or the paraurethral gland
Bartholin’s gland
Other external organs (CHSBF)