a religion with many representations of one major god
cycle of life and death in hinduism and buddhism
tasks depending on caste born into, complete for good karma, don’t complete for bad karma.
the social class that you are born into and remain in for your whole life
four noble truths
suffering exists, it has a cause, suffering has an end, it has a cause to end
eightfold path
right view, resolve, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, meditation, need to follow in Buddhism
result to completing dharma, bad/good actions, counted up at end of life, decides which life you will be born into next
atman (lowercase a)
only in hinduism, your soul, part of the greater universe/world, goal is to escape samsara and reunite soul with soul of world (Atman)
Atman (uppercase A)
soul of the world/universe, goal is to escape samsara and reunite your soul with it
untouchable caste
lowest caste, disgraced by society
lowest caste (above untouchables), unskilled laborers, assistant, physical labor
second to lowest caste (not including untouchables), farmers who owned land or skilled laborers/craftsmen
second to highest caste, people on second life or beyond, warriors
highest caste, people on second life or beyond, priests and lawyers
freedom from samsara in hinduism
practicing no violence in hinduism
another way to say caste
people from india, came to mean nobles
people who came from middle east and merged with people of india
qin shi huang (di)
creator of qin dynasty, unified china after warring states, employed legalism in government
the analects
collection of confucious’ ideas compiled after his death by his students
mandate of heaven
the confucian belief that the current ruler/dynasty was chosen by the gods, and the gods will make them relinquish the mandate (be forced from the throne) when they see fit
don’t treat others how you wouldn’t want them to treat you
arts of peace, use money for arts and not for military, other countries will see this and aspire to be like you, soft power
moral power/example
parents > child
most important relationship, filial piety
older sibling > younger sibling
second most important relationship
third most important relationship
ruler > subject
fourth most important relationship
fifth most important relationship
yin and yang
focus on compliments not opposites (one wouldn’t exist without other), balance and harmony symbol
the way and its power
main text of daoism
goal of daoism
be a happy and effective person by connecting with nature and going with the flow
reached after moksha (instead of reuniting atman with Atman in Buddhism), state of nothingness
siddhartha gautama
the buddha
love, escaping samsara through divine intervention
bhagavad gita
the song of the lord, one of the epics in hinduism
the ramayana
one of the epics of hinduism
hindu texts that comes from gurus meditating in the woods and interpreting vedas
a type of hindu text from the indo-aryans, written in sanskrit
gobi desert
desert in the north of china
taklamakan desert
desert to the west of china
eastern/western ghats
mountains on either side of india
yellow river
river through china known for its yellow color due to the loess, fresh soil, it carries, also called “chinas sorrow” or the “huang he”
yangtze river
river through china, connected to yellow river with a canal
khyber pass
a small area in the north of india where it is easier to get in
indo-gangetic plains
the region in the north strip of india that gets the most rain
mountains in nepal to the north of india and south of china, contains mt everest, all about 20,000 feet tall
hindu epic
someone who has reached enlightenment, but stays back to help others reach it too
deccan plateau
large, flat, dry area in the center of india
ganges river
river in the northeast of india
indus river
river in the northwest of india
eastern/western ghats
mountains on either side of india
khyber pass
small area in hindu kush where it is easier to get into india
karakoram mountains
mountains to northwest of india, above hindu kush