Rank Electromagnetic radiation by increasing E and V
radio waves -> Microwaves -> Infrared -> Viisible -> UV -> X rays -> Gamma-rays
Visible Wavelength value
300 to 500 nm
UV wavelength value
300 to 10 nm
Infrared region
800 nm to I um
x rays
.01 to 10 nm
6.6x10^8 m/s
Metric Conversions
You can convert between the smaller and larger metric units by simply moving the decimal point.
Scientific notation rules
Decimal must be after first non-zero integer
Positive exponent means move decimal right
Negative exponent means move decimal left
Multiplication/Division: add/subtract exponents
Addition/Subtraction: exponents must match before calculating
Energy (of a photon)
Radio waves
1 nm to 100s m
Spin nucleus excited used in MRI (non-invasive)
Responsible for AM, FM radio
Micro waves
100 um 100 cm
Excited spin of electrons
excites rotation of H20, fats molecules around 12 cm to cook food
800 to 1000 nm (1 um)
Causes vibrations in molecules
used in night vision goggles
excited wavelength of -OH in ethanol and used to measure intoxication
300-800 nm
causes excited value of e-'s to higher energy level
solution for H atom
This is rays of detection for human eye
300 to 10 nm
excites valence electron
Lyman series for H emission, n=1 excited
causes sun burn
10 to 0.01 nm
Excites core e-'s in atoms
used in medicine for invasive imaging
cause cell mutations to limit exposure
Gamma and Cosmic Rays
<0.01 nm
associated with decay of atom nucleus
are emitted from stars hence comic ray name
When given molecule absorbs a photon (IR) radiation
it begins to vibrate
Radiofrency radiation has what kind of impact on matter?
It makes the nuclei spin
Photo-electric effect
The emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal
In the photo-electric effect, metals with low ionization energy like alkine metals hit the metal
and do not emit electrons
Electron threshold
the minimum kinetic energy a pair of traveling particles must have when they collide
In the photo-electric effect, high energy (hv) hits the metal and
electrons are emitted
According to classical mechanics,
the intensity of the light should make any
hv energy eject electrons
But this does not happen. Classical mechanics fails.
According to Plank and Einstein, thinking of light as a particle
E = hv ← a photon
of enough energy will eject electrons.
E = hv = E threshold +KE photon
Photons above the threshold cause electrons
to be ejected with higher velocities
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the photoelectric effect?
I) The sum of the work function and kinetic energy of an ejected electron is proportional to the frequency of incident light.
II) Given light of high enough intensity, electrons can be ejected from any surface.
III) Einstein employed the concept that photons have quantized amounts of energy to explain the effect.
Classical mechanisms predicted that light of any wavelength could be
able to eject electron from a metal surface it was sufficiently intense, which was
inconsistent with the observed threshold. This threshold effect, the ejection energy,
required that light energy was quantized. Conservation of energy lets us conclude
that KE = hv − )0(
Light is a wave and a particle
-Light used to be thought of as wave-like, in keeping with classical
mechanics. Wave phenomena includes: diffraction, reflection,
polarization, etc.
-Downfall of classical mechanics: Blackbody radiators, H emission
spectra and photoelectric effect can't be explained by classical
-Light as a particle E ≡ hv ≡ photon is postulated.
Matter is also a wave and a particle
-Matter is a particle. It behaves according to Newtonian physics.
But as matter gets smaller, it does not behave like particle. Can't assign
trajectories to electrons.
deBroglie postulated that matter also acts as a wave.
This is shown in Foreman experiment where electrons have a
diffraction pattern.
The famous electron diffraction pattern is proof of what concept?
Particles can exhibit wave-like properties
"light and matter both have
dual nature:
wave-like and particle-like."
Electron diffraction
The spreading of electrons as they pass through a gap similar to the magnitude of their de Broglie wavelength. It is evidence of the wave-like properties of particles.
de Broglie wave equation
λ = h/mv
wavelength of matter
mass of particle
velocity of particle
Planck's constant
Note inverse relationship between wavelength and wave
The larger the wave, the smaller the wavelength
Because h = 6.6×10^-34 Js is so small, this says that large particles that you can see have undetectably small wavelengths
Simple estimate is 100 kg person
walking 1 m/s ≡ 10 ^-36 m wavelength.
But electrons and protons are small enough that their wavelength can be measured!!
An e- has λ of nanometers, about the length of an atom. Protons are 10^3 layer so they have a λ of picometers depending on the velocity
According to de Broglie, which of the following objects has the smallest wavelength?
This is why quantum mechanics Is needed
It explains wave behavior of
electrons ≡ where they are
Rydberg equation
It ties experiment and theory to explain the behavior of
electrons in an H atom. Bohr's atom, that you learned in elementary school, is the bridge
between experiment and theory
Bohr's atom
Electrons move in circular orbits, around a nucleus-- electrons remain in orbits unless disturbed-- when an electron jumps from one orbit to another, energy is released or absorbed
Note that as energy spectra get
closer they become 1/n^3 function
1/2^2, 1/2^2, 1/3^2 , or 1, 0.25, 0.11
UV falls to n=1
lyman series