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what is a profession?
calling requiring specialized knowledge or long/intense schooling
what makes an occupation a profession?
extensive learning & entry standards
-NAPLEX exam (license)
what makes an occupation a profession?
service orientation & altruistic values
-serving best interest of patients
-not motivated primarily by economics/prestige
what makes an occupation a profession?
unique body of knowledge
-exclusive keeper of a body of knowledge
what makes an occupation a profession?
-self-regulation and policing
—>state boards of pharmacy
—>development of professional practice standards
-independence and respectful collaboration
-pharmacist respects values and abilities of collegues
what makes an occupation a profession?
intellectual effort
-exercise judgment in the routine conduct of one’s work
—>maintain competence (life-long learning)
what makes an occupation a profession?
code of ethics
-APhA Code of Ethics of Pharmacists
what is professionalism?
active demonstration of the conduct, traits, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a professional person
6 tenants: what is altruism?
unselfishly commit to serving best interests of patients
6 tenants: what is honesty & integrity?
display of honesty and integrity in all professional settings
6 tenants: what is respect of others?
treat others the way you want and expect to be treated
6 tenants: what is professional presence?
establish trust through your professional presence
6 tenants: what is professional stewardship?
actively engage in school, participate in organizations and other worthwhile endeavors
6 tenants: what is dedication and commitment to excellence?
strive for excellence!
assume responsibility for your professional development
there are __ times as many physicians in practice than pharmacists
MDs are also known as ________ (must have post-graduate training)
DOs are also known as _______ (could just do internship, but probably have to do psot-grad)
do physicians need to complete a residency
what is a fellowship for in medical practice
what are the 3 educational paths to be an RN
-BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
-DIPLOMA from hospital-based nursing program
-ASN (Associate of Science degree in Nursing)
regardless of degree or diploma, all RNs must pass ___________
state board licensure exam
exam does NOT differ based on previous education
number of baccalaureate degree-nursing is ________
number of associate degree-nursing is __________
what is independent prescriptive authority
ability to prescribe without limitation Rx and controlled drugs
what is the difference between independent and dependent prescribing
independent does NOT require collaboration with another licensed health professional
what is dependent prescribing
prescribing that must be supervised by another health professional
who has complete independent prescribing authority
who has independent prescribing authority ONLY within the scope of their practice
dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, veterinarians, and
some APNs/nurse practitioners
do psychiatrists have independent prescribing authority
YES (they are physicians)
do chiropractors have independent prescribing authority
whether or not APNs have independent prescribing authority or not is ______ dependent
in most states physician assistants have ________ prescribing authority
pharmacists in some states have prescribing authority over things like…
oral contraceptives, tobacco cessations, immunizations, naloxone
which is more formal: collaborative practice agreement and collaborative pharmacy practice
collaborative practice agreement
what is a collaborative pharmacy agreement
FORMAL practice relationship between a pharmacist and another healthcare practitioner where pharmacists assume responsibility for specific patient care BEYOND their typical scope
what is a collaborative pharmacy practice
LESS FORMAL agreement that provides similar outcomes to CPAs