History 108 flashcards based off the lecture (Chapters 11, 16 and 17

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What states were the Rebel states?

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US History

48 Terms


What states were the Rebel states?

The Border states became the rebel states (Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Texas. Then Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina joined)

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What was the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation?

It stated all slaves were now free and that even they could join the union army and be paid.

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What did the Radical Republicans think of the Emancipation Proclamation

They felt it was not enough because it still meant there was no equality and the lack of the right to vote.

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How did the end of the Civil War effect the south?

It caused a negative economic impact

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What type of Warfare did the Union use? (specifically Sherman)

They used scorched Earth Warfare (It was also thought to be the start of modern warfare)

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What were things like post emancipation?

People were worried, some were headed north and most were in poverty and had to rent lands

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Who was Frederick Douglass and why did the South fear him?

He taught himself from scratch and became the figure head of the abolishment movement. The south feared him because he educated.

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What was the false history that the Confederacy created?

It was the idea that the white people were the ones who were being oppressed.

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What do The Daughters of Confederacy do?

They put up confederate statues.

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Who were the main Radical Republicans (or least the 4 the teacher talked about in class)

John Creswell, Thaddeus Stevens, James Hind and Charles Summer

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What was the Ten Percent Plan?

All the southern states would be accepted back into the union if 10% of the population would take an oath of loyalty.

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How did the Republicans feel about the Ten Percent Plan?

They felt it needed to be harsher and punish the Southern States.

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What was the Freedmen’s Bureau?

It aided former slaves and established school (it was ran by Howard or whatever his name is)

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Who was Charlotte Forten

She was the first African American teacher

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Was sharecropping successful?

No everyone was in poverty,

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Why was Johnson Vice president?

Lincoln thought he could help with the south

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Why was Johnson so disliked

He constantly opposed the Radical Republicans who believed that he should’ve done more to punish the south. (also violated the tenure of office act)

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What was Amnesty

it completely pardoned all southerners except the high ranking (though they eventually got pardoned too)

They also had a 20,000 property value tax

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What did the 13th Amendment do? (1865)

It abolished slavery

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What did the 14th Amendment do? (1868)

It granted citizenship protections

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What did the 15th Amendment do (1870)

It gave the right to vote.

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What were black codes?

They were reactionary laws to the Amendments and there was no due process and this eventually transformed into Jim Crow Laws.

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What happened during Radical Reconstruction

Johnson gets impeached and almost Convicted and Grant becomes President

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What was the Grandfather clause?

you could only vote if your Grandfather also coted

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How many African Americans were in political spots during reconstruction

2000 were in political spots

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What did Thomas Jefferson want during the 1800s?

He wanted to know what was West of the Mississippi and wanted a route to the pacific ocean

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What empire was currently experiencing their downfall?

The Spanish Empire

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Why did Napoleon agree to sell the Louisiana territory (1803)

He was dealing with his own wars at the time.

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What was the Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

Spain gives up Florida and also gives up the Oregon treaty (Florida was also given up because the tribe discourse)

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What was the Missouri Compromise?

To give an equal amount of slave states and free states and there was also a restriction of slaves that could be brought in.

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Why did immigration in Mexico become a problem when Southerners started to move to Texas

In 1829 Mexico had abolished Slavery

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Who is General that was exiled to Cuba?

General Santa Anna

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Why is America worried about the Lone Star Republic?

Because Powerful European countries recognize it as a country

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What does the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo do?

It ends the war, America then befriends Mexico and it also grants Mexico citizens US citizenship

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What group of people does Caifornia ban from immigrating?

They ban the Chinese

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What did the compromise of 1850?

It declared California a free state but the fugitive slave act you had to return slaves no matter what.

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What was Manifest Destiny

It encouraged settlers because it was their “divine right.” and should spread American ideals

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Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?

They named after Native Americans and were high respected former union soldiers

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What did Thomas Jefferson think of the Native Americans

He thought they were equal but uncivilized

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What did the 1830 Indian Removal act lead to in the South?

It led to the trail of tears (1831-1850) and the creation of reservations

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What was Americanization?

It was Handle the Indian Problem with Assimilation, killing or displacement/reservation.

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What was the Indian Appropriation Act of 1871?

It meant Tribes were no longer individual nations and previous treaties were void

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What was the Dawes act?

It took the land and divided it amongst the tribes

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What did the Transcontinental railroads do?

it displaced native and the world got smaller

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What did America treat Chinese Americans?

They had no right to vote in California and there was the Chinese exclusion act that lasted ten years

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What did the Immigration Act of 1924 do?

it put limitations of the number Eastern and Southern Europe could immigrate (same with asia) because they believed some people were more white than others

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What was Article X/ten?

It stated that any land owned before the US you had to prove the land was yours.

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What laws were in place for Hispanic Americans

Sunday Laws (restriction on days of celebration)

Greaser laws (restricted the movement to California)

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