Where is the GRF in A/P horizontal plane during initial contact and toe off?
IC - posterior direction TO - anterior direction
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What are peak values of GRF during the stance phase in vertical, A/P, and M/L planes?
vertical - 120% A/P - 20% M/L - 5%
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What is the center of pressure (CoP)? Where is it located during initial contact, midstance, terminal stance, and toe-off?
Point of application of GRF:
IC: midpoint of heel MSt: lateral midfoot region TSt: medial forefoot TO: great toe
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How does JRF and GRF and joint moments change with increased movement speed?
all increased (due to increased acceleration)
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How do you measure torque?
force * perpendicular moment arm
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How do you capture muscle activity and what does it measure?
EMG, measures motor recruitment signals (voltage) as a function of time
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What is ROM, torque demand, muscle activity, and functional significance of initial contact?
ROM - neutral or slight PF TD - external plantar flexion MA - internal concentric dorsiflexion FS - position foot for loading response
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What is the ROM, torque demand, muscle activity, and functional significance for loading response at the ankle?
ROM - 5 degrees rapid plantar flexion TD - external plantarflexion (decreased at end) MA - eccentric pretibial muscles FS - preserve forward momentum via HEEL ROCKER
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By what part of stance does the GRF move anterior to the ankle?
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What is the ROM, torque demand, muscle activity, and functional significance of mid-stance at the ankle?
ROM - 5 degrees DF TD - external dorsiflexion MA - eccentric plantarflexors FS - preserve forward momentum via ankle rocker
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What is the fulcrum at mid stance?
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At what stage of stance is the maximum dorsiflexion torque demand?
terminal stance
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At what stage of stance is muscle activity at max demand at the ankle?
terminal stance, plantarflexors max eccentric
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What is the ROM at the ankle and MTPs, torque demand, muscle activity, and functional significance of terminal stance?
ROM - ankle at 10 degrees DF, MTPs at 30 degrees ext TD - max external dorsiflexion MA - mac eccentric plantarflexors FS - max forward progression via forefoot rocker
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What is the fulcrum during terminal stance?
forefoot (MTPs)
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What stance provides the critical component of optimal step length of the opposite limb?
trailing limb posture that occurs in terminal stance
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What is the ROM of preswing at the ankle and MTPs? What is the total arc of the ankle from terminal stance to preswing?
By the end of loading response, the external torque at the knee is in the direction of _________ and the active muscle group is the _________ with a __________ contraction
flexion, quads, eccentric
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By the end of loading response, the GRF is ____ to the knee creating an external torque in the direction of _____
posterior; flexion
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How does the ROM change at the knee in mid stance
moves from 20 deg flexion to 0-5 deg flexion
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What is the TD and MA at the knee in mid stance in sagittal plane
TD - from flexion to external extension MA - concentric quads until BW is in front of the ankle, then gastroc and soleus kick in
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What maintains knee stability during midstance? (functional sig)
gastroc and soleus and the external extension torque
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T/F: The quads are active during terminal stance?
FALSE - our body weight/gastroc soleus helps to keep the knee extended
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What is the ROM, TD, and MA, and functional significance during terminal stance at the knee?
ROM - max extension TD - external extension (peaks and then decreases) MA - gastroc and soleus keep knee extended FS - knee stability, forward prog, trailing limb posture
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What muscle prevents hyperextension during terminal stance at the knee?
biceps femoris - short head
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What is the ROM at pre-swing at the knee?
moves from max extension to rapid 40 degrees flexion
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What is the torque demand and MA at the knee during pre-swing?
TD: external flexion due to ankle plantarflexion aka "interaction torque" MA: rectus femoris (to restrain KF), minimal gracilis