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Masson Trichrome
collagen fibers, reticular basement membrane, osteoids: blue/green
muscle/fibrin: red
van gieson
collagen fibers and osteiods: red
muscle, fibrin, elastic fibers, reticular fibers, basement membranes: yellow
Verhoeff-van Gieson
elastic fibers: black
elastic fibers: fuscia
collagen fibers: green
Gomori Silver Stain
reticular fibers: black/brown
black sudan
lipids and myelin: black
nuclei and cytoplasm: red
Oil Red O
lipids: red
PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) carbs
neutral mucopolysaccharides, mucoproteins
toluidine blue
metachromasia: purple with blue nuclei
Ziehl-Neelsen stain
microbacteria: red/magenta
warthin-starry stain
spirochetes, helicobacter pilori
PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) fungi
polysaccharide walls of fungi: magenta
Grocott stain
walls of fungi: black
acidic (DNA,RNA, nucleus): blue/purple
basic (cytoplasm, proteins): pink
what two stains are used to detect collagen fibers?
masson trichrome, van-gieson
what two stains help identify elastic fibers?
verhoeff van-gieson, gallego
which stains are used to identify fungi?
grocott, PAS for fungi
which stain is used to distinguish between collagenous connective tissue and elastic connective tissue?
in which stain would you be able to see collagen fibers in blue/green?
masson trichrome
which is the most commonly used stain?
the _____ stain allows you to see collagen fibers in red
elastic fibers appear black with which stain?
verhoeff van-gieson
which stain shows elastic fibers in a fuscia color?
with the gallego stain, the structures that appear in green are ____
collagen fibers
with the ______ stain, reticular fibers appear black/brown
gomori silver
what two stains can be used for visualizing lipids?
oil red o, black sudan
with which stain can you see lipids in red?
oil red o
which stain can you identify carbohydrates with?
lipids appear black when using the ______ stain
black sudan
which carbs are identified with the PAS stain?
neutral mucopolysaccharides, mucoproteins, glycoproteins serum...
with the van gieson stain, what structures appear in yellow?
muscle, fibrin, elastic fibers, reticular fibers, basement membranes
the masson trichrome stain stains ____ red
with a H-E stain, _____ is purple
nucleus, DNA, RNA
what is stained pink in a H-E stain?
basic structures (proteins, cytoplasm, etc)
what 2 stains detect microorganisms?
warthin-starry, ziehl-neelson
what appears red/magenta with the ziehl-neelson stain?
what microorganisms are identifiable with the warthin-starry stain?
spirochetes, helicobacter pilori