unit 5: political participation

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the voting rights act of 1965

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the voting rights act of 1965

this act made it easier for african americans to vote

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the motor voter act

this act made it easier to register to vote by registering at the same time as registering for a drivers license

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rational choice voting

voting based on what is in the citizens personal interest

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retrospective voting

voting based on what a candidate did in the past

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prospective voting

voting based on what a candidate plans on doing in the future

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straight ticket voting

voting based purely on the candidates party. typically, this type of voter will vote for all members of a political party regardless of their standings on specific issues

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voter turnout

number of registered voters who vote in an election

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compulsory voting

a practice that legally requires citizens to register to vote in elections

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political efficacy

the belief that your vote matters and can influence policy, or the belief that our actions have an influence over the government

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presidential elections

elections for the president and vice president that occurs every 4 years

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midterm elections

elections for congress. occurs during the middle of a presidents term

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characteristics of a population or information used to study the population

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political party

an organization of people with the same ideologues that influence public power through elected officials

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linkage institutions

informal organizations that connect people to the government, can influence the political agenda (elections, political parties, interest groups, etc.)

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campaign finance

funds raised to support various political positions (ex. candidates, political party, etc.) that are regulated/limited by laws

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candidate centered campaigns

a type of campaign revolving around a candidate and their personality and political agenda rather than their party

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critical election

a type of an election that leads to a major party realignment where supporters of one party may switch to another

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direct primary

this type of primary is when voters choose a candidate to represent a party in the presidential election

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political action committee

an organization representing an interest group or corporation that raises money in support of their interest. there are limits to how much this kind of organization can donate during an election

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super pac

"independent expenditure-only committee", can raise unlimited funds for a candidate or party, cannot interact with those that funds are donated to

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when an individual loses interest to their political party and does not align with another party. becoming indepenedent

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when an individual switches voter preferences from one political party to another

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third party

a minor party, a party that is not one of the major two parties (republican/democrat). these types of parties rarely win elections

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independent candidates

candidates for office with no formal affiliation with a party

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free rider problem

when an individual uses a service/receives benefits from without making a personal contribution (money or time) or the individual assumes others will pay for that service

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interest groups

formal or informal groups of people with the same interest, attempting to influence policy

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iron triangle

the relationship between congressional committees, federal bureaucracy, and interest groups. mutually beneficial to maximize gain over similar issues

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a strategy in which organized interests seek to influence a politician on a specific issue

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protest movement

a type of public demonstration that raises awareness and brings attention to a specific issue

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social movement

a type of public demonstration that brings about influence or change in society (ex. civil rights movement)

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single issue groups

a type of interest group devoted to a singular, specific issue

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closed primary

a primary election limited to registered party voters

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open primary

a primary election not limited to registered party voters

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a meeting of members of a political party to choose nominees for political office

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electoral college

electors chosen by each state formally vote in the presidential election where electors vote based on the result of their state elections

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an official who already holds office and has an advantage due to experience, staff, and media exposure

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general election

a type of election used to decide which candidate will hold office, candidates compete against candidates from other parties

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popular vote

the total or % of votes won by each candidate

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primary election

a type of election used to determine which candidate a party will send to the general election, candidates compete against other candidates from their party

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political consultants

advisors to candidates that help promote the election of a candidate

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citizens united v. fec

this supreme court case ruled that political spending is a form of free speech and is therefore protected by the first amendment

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mccain feigngold act

this act banned soft money and reduced attack ads with "stand by your ad" (adding, "i'm ____ and i approve of this message)

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soft money

money spent on a campaign rather than directly donating to a candidate

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horse race journalism

a type of journalism that focuses on reporting who is winning the polls or ahead in the election rather than actual policy agendas or candidate information

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