1&2. introduction and neurodevelopment

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what influences behaviour

evolutionary and genetic influences

environmental and social influences

previous experience

current motivational state

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hierarchy of organisation means that: (2)

  1. levels are connected

  2. any manipulation at any level can change the function at other and at all levels of the hierarchy

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building blocks of the brain

neurodevelopment, genetics →

neurophysiology (neurotransmission and neuromodulation, pain etc) →

behaviour (social behaviour, sleep and circadian rhythms, typical and atypical functioning)

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brain weight at birth


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brain weight in adulthood


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prenatal development - germinal stage

  • 1-2 weeks

  • nuclei of the egg and sperm fuse to form a zygote

  • zygote begins to divide at 12h, by a process called cleavage, to form a cluster of homogenous cells (morula)

  • morula continues to divide to form a blastocyst (200-300 cells)

  • once implantation in the uterus begins, the embryonic stage takes place

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fusion of egg and sperm nuclei

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cluster of homogenous cells resulting from cleavage of a zygote

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embryonic stage - gastrulation

  1. initially - embryonic disc

  2. uneven rate of cell development forms 3 distinct layers

    • ectoderm

    • mesoderm

    • endoderm

  3. the ectoderm will fold in on itself to form the neural tube which will eventually become the nervous system

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formation of the neural tube

day 18: ectoderm outer layer thickens and form a plate - edges form ridges and curl towards each other in a longitudinal line

day 21: ridges touch each other and fuse together, forming neural tube (brain and spinal cord)

day 28: neural tube is closed - rostal end has developed 3 interconnected chambers (will become ventricles, with the tissue around them becoming the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain)

<p>day 18: ectoderm outer layer thickens and form a plate - edges form ridges and curl towards each other in a longitudinal line </p><p>day 21: ridges touch each other and fuse together, forming neural tube (brain and spinal cord) </p><p>day 28: neural tube is closed - rostal end has developed 3 interconnected chambers (will become ventricles, with the tissue around them becoming the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain)</p>
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neural tube defects

spinal bifida - failure of the closure of the neural fold at the level of the spinal cord

  • 1 in 1000 live births

  • small opening can often be surgically corrected

  • larger openings can lead to paralysis and limb deform

  • can be prevented by folic acid supplements

anencephaly - brain fails to develop - generally results in stillborn

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stages of brain development

  1. cell birth/proliferation (neurogenesis and gliogenesis)

  2. cell migration

  3. cell differentiation and maturation

  4. synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning

  5. cell death

  6. myelination (myelongenesis)

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impact of experience on synapse formation

experience expectant

  • development will not happen unless an experience happens during its critical period (the result of evolution and genes) and is species-specific

experience dependent

  • not predetermined but are generated in response to the environment

  • vary between individuals eg rats in complex environments have more synapses and more neurons than the ones in standard conditions

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stage 1 of brain development - cell birth/proliferation

  • at peak, 250,000 neurons are born per minute

  • initially, neural tube is 1-cell thick touching on both ends

  • as neural tube widens, the extensions of the cells elongate still holding on to the outer wall

  • neurogenesis does not take place with neuronal division - neurons do not divide

  • immature cells called stem cells divide to form progenitor (precursor) cells

  • each progenitor cell can be a neuroblast or a glioblast

  • cells undergoing mitosis were always closer to the inner surface of the neural tube - the ventricular tube (brain nursery)

  • the neural tube gives rise to the ventricular system in a mature brain

  • in adulthood, the lining of the ventricles still contain stem cells

  • an abundance of neurons will be created during early development - more than you will have as adults

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stage 2 of brain development - cell migration

  • movement of the newly formed cells towards the outer layers (marginal zone)

  • the cortex develops in an inside-out manner

  • there is a primitive map of the cortex that predisposes cells born in a certain region to migrate to a certain cortical location (aka where cells are born dictates where they go)

  • occurs with the help of:

    • chemical signals (immunoglobulins and cytokines - secreted by target cells to guide stem cells to that direction)

    • physical support (provided by radial glia - cells ‘climb’ up the radial glia with the help of extensions

  • some cells migrate tangentially (sideways) to form areas such as basal ganglia and amygdala

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what helps cell migration

chemical signals and physical support

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what chemical signals help cell migration

immunoglobulins and cytokines

secreted by target cells to guide stems cells to that direction

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what physical support helps cell migration

radial glia - cells climbs along them with the help of extensions

radial glia exist only during time of neurodevelopment

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migration of young neurons into the infant frontal lobe

  • a large wave of neurons are still migrating into the frontal cortex after birth

  • most prominent in the first few months of life (up to 3-7 months)

  • most will become inhibitory GABAergic interneurons - important in modulating excitation

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step 3 of brain development - differentiation and maturation

  • once they arrive at their destination, immature neurons begin to express particular genes that will allow them to become a particular type of cell

  • they start to form an axon (grow in mm/day) and dendrites (grow in µm/day)

  • dendritic development:

    • dendritic arborization (branching)

    • growth of dendritic spines (swelling on neurons - providing space for other neurons to synapse onto them)

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broca’s area

  • associated with expression of language eg being able to articulate and produce speech

  • (compared to Wernicke’s area associated with ability to piece together meaning of words)

  • branching continues to develop in Broca’s area to 24 months - cells are differentiating during this time

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differentiation and maturation

  • there are ongoing cell-cell interactions via the secretion of chemicals, where cells influence the fate of neighbouring cells - a process known as induction

  • if immature cells are removed from a given region, they will be replaced by subsequent neurons that will acquire the same characteristics - pluripotency

  • because of this pluripotency of immature cells or stem cells, they can be used therapeutically to help neurodegenerative conditions eg Parkinson’s

  • once the cells mature and differentiate they lose that property

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what is induction

cells influence the fate of neighbouring cells through the secretion of chemicals

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what is pluripotency

stem cells can give rise to any of the cells in the body

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stage 4 of brain development - synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning

  • growing end of axon = growth cone

    • axons extend by additing microtubules to the tip of the axon

  • growth cones develop thin extensions - filopodia

  • growth cones are attracted (or repelled) to chemicals released from target sites:

    • cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

    • tropic molecules

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  • once a successful contact has been made, axon and target induce each other to construct machinery to help them attach to one another (neurexins and neuroligins) and to form a synapse (post synaptic density proteins, PSDs)

  • once synapses are formed, they are sluggish and slow in their firing compared to those in adults or more mature brains, but they get faster with time

  • the majority of our synapses take place after birth and continue to rearrange themselves throughout life

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filopodia advance by …

… adhering to other cells or by sensing their way around

  • they can make physical contact with other cells (contact guidance)

  • or they can be chemically guided (chemotropism)

  • they have proteins on their membrane which serve as receptors that ‘recognise’ various molecules to which they will adhere or not

  • so growth cones detect and select among a wide range of guidance cues

  • both contact guidance and chemotropism can be either attractive or repulsive to the growth cone

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synaptic pruning

  • successful synapses are those who are active and thus maintained and strengthened

  • those that are not successful are eliminated - synaptic pruning

  • due to the ability of the brain to constantly form new synapses and eliminate (prune) others there is plasticity

  • the determining factor is experience - “use it or lose it” principle

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synaptic rearrangement

  • occurs throughout life and is related to learning or experience

  • branches are being redirected / redacted throughout life

  • branches look different at different time - dynamic process that changes depending on what is going on in the brain

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adolescence - period of increased synaptic pruning

  • prefrontal cortex still immature, while other areas are better developed eg limbic system

  • brain scans of 4-25 year olds every 2 years: grey matter thickens in childhood but then begins to thin out gradually

    • synaptic pruning starting from the back to the front by early adulthood

    • increase in white matter (myelination) which peaks in adulthood - adults faster in responses compared to adolescents

    • “use it or lose it” again

    • process is completed earlier in girls than boys

  • environmental influences important

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stage 5 of brain development - cell death - apoptosis

  • type of cell death in development - apoptosis - Programmed Cell Death (PCD)

  • useful in the shaping of organisms

  • eg separation of our fingers occurs through apoptosis of the cells of the webbing whereas in ducks the webbed feet remain

  • when axons initially reach their targets, they form synapses with several cells - there is overabundance

    • there are more neurons and more connections than we will eventually need, so some have to go

    • many will not form active synapses and will be eliminated → neural darwinism (survival of the fittest idea)

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apoptosis vs necrosis

  • apopsis is an active process - cells that undergo apoptosis are expressing genes that enable them to die → death genes (caspases)

    • eliminates itself quietly - doesn’t disturb vicinity

  • necrosis = kind of death that happens with disease or injury

    • cell swells, plasma, organelles, and nucleus break down, leakage of contents

    • cause a lot of inflammation and hurt the other neurons in the area

    • very disturbing to area

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which neurons will live and which will die?

  • proteins secreted by target cells promote the survival and growth of neurons - survival signals

  • these proteins are neurotrophic factors - eg nerve growth factor (NGF)

  • in order to avoid apoptosis and survive a neuron will need:

    • neurotrophins (growth factors) from its target cells AND

    • active communication with other neurons which leads to the strengthening of the synapses

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stage 6 of brain development - myelination

  • process by which glia form the fatty sheath that covers the axon of neurons

  • myelin speeds up the transmission of neural impulses

  • first occurs in the spinal cord and then in the hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain (back-to-front)

  • slow process - it occurs gradually for decades, depending on the region eg in the cortex it continues until adulthood

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myelination in peripheral nervous system (PNS)

shwann cells (glial cells that provide the myelin sheath)

  • wrap themselves around the axon of a neuron - monogamous

  • creates a pathway after injury - can trace which glial cells are damaged

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myelination in central nervous system (CNS)


  • more poly - wrap themselves around as many axons as they can

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motor behaviour

  • correlation between myelination and ability to grasp

  • eg 2 months, infant orients hand towards object and gropes to hold it

  • 4 months, grasps object with entire hand

  • 10 months, uses pincer grip

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summary of brain development

  • immature neurons are created, migrate, differentiate and mature, form synapses and compete for survival

  • synapses and dendritic branches of a neuron are not fixed - they extend, retract, or even disappear

  • myelination is a job for glia and is a slow process

  • some processes extend beyond prenatal life and continue to shape our brains

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new neurons - in songbirds

  • in songbirds, there is a steady replacement (seasonal) of neurons in the ‘singing’ area

  • generated in the lining of the ventricles, migrated to their final destination, differentiated, and then responded to auditory stimuli

  • songbirds need to learn a song every mating season

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neurogenic regions in the adult human brain

  • olfactory epithelium - contains cells that continuously divide to provide new olfactory sensory neurons, and replaced damaged ones → we are exposed to a lot of new chemicals / smells so this is useful

  • also cells produced in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles migrate to replace interneurons in the adult olfactory bulb

  • this path of migration to the olfactory bulb is called the Rostral Migratory Stream (RMS)

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rostral migratory stream (RMS)

  • newborn cells from the subventricular zone (SVZ) migrate to the olfactory bulb and become interneurons

  • astrocytes (another type of glial cell) wrap around the migrating neurons to create a ‘pipeline’ and keep them on the right path

  • this occurs throughout life

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neurogenesis in the hippocampus

the granular layer of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus was the first neurogenic area to be discovered

  • new neurons are created and added to the dentate gyrus throughout life

  • hippocampus - learning and memory → supported by neurogenesis

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neurogenesis in the cerebral cortex

  • there seems to be very few adult-born neurons in the cortex, which are created in the SVZ

    • neurogenesis can be induced by injury but depends on the extent of the injury

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recovery following injury

  • recovery is better in younger brains than older brains and is better in the periphery than in the brain

  • mechanisms of recovery mainly involve new branching of axons and dendrites - process = collateral sprouting

    • new branches formed by non-damaged axons attach to vacant spots of dendrites and cell bodies

    • the cells secrete neurotrophins that allow collateral sprouting to occur

  • especially in the first 2 weeks after damage, the rate of new synapses forming is very fast

<ul><li><p>recovery is better in younger brains than older brains and is better in the periphery than in the brain</p></li><li><p>mechanisms of recovery mainly involve new branching of axons and dendrites - process = <strong>collateral sprouting</strong></p><ul><li><p>new branches formed by non-damaged axons attach to vacant spots of dendrites and cell bodies </p></li><li><p>the cells secrete neurotrophins that allow collateral sprouting to occur</p></li></ul></li><li><p>especially in the first 2 weeks after damage, the rate of new synapses forming is very fast </p></li></ul>
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brain adaptations throughout life

  • in people blind since infancy there is enhanced tactile (finger sensitivity) and auditory ability

  • people who are deaf have a better sense of touch and vision

  • in cases of amblyopia or lazy eye we can intervene (ie wear eye patch on good eye) and reinstate good vision - usually for children

  • so the brain adapts according to environmental stimuli → neuroplasticity (synaptic plasticity)

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reorganisation in the monkey brain

  • monkey amputation study - one finger cut off

  • somatosensory cortex - mapped out areas in the cortex that responded to stimulation of the fingers

  • looked at brain again some time after finger was cut off

  • area of brain that corresponded to missing finger was taken over by areas related to fingers on either side

  • shows rearrangement of brain depending on environment

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blindness - brain adaptations

researchers asked sighted and blind people to feel Braille letters or other items and say if they were the same or different

  • blind people performed better

  • PET and fMRI scans indicated substantial activity in the occipital cortex [visual] of blind people while they performed these tasks

  • auditory stimuli also produced increased responses in visual areas of the cortex

  • aka brain areas not being used are taken over by areas that are being used

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music training - brain adaptations

musicians have larger brain areas responsible for hearing and finger control

MRI scans reveal:

  • the temporal cortex of professional musicians in the right hemisphere is 30% larger than in non-musicians

  • thicker grey matter in the part of the brain responsible for hand control and vision of professional keyboard players

  • larger than normal area of the postcentral gyrus in the right hemisphere for the movements of the left hand (string control)

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enriched environments

  • rats raised in enriched environments developed a thicker cortex and have increased dendritic branching

  • much of the enhancement was due to physical activity

  • increased dendritic branching was correlated with improved ability to learn

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broca’s area and language development

increased dendritic branching also as a result of increased experience of language - lots of people talking to others

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critical periods

  • a period in which the brain is most sensitive to a specific experience

  • absence of visual stimuli can lead to blindness, or lack of exposure to language at an early age may lead to the inability to use language

    • sensitive periods could be conceived as a brief opening of a window of vulnerability, of need, and of opportunity

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richard tees - ‘train ride’

3 waves of critical periods:

  1. senses (infancy)

  2. language

  3. higher cognition (childhood)

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critical periods - evidence

cats and stripes

  • cats in enclosures of stripes with just one orientation for 3 hours (rest of time was dark)

  • neurons in visual cortex only fired for same orientation of line

  • shows critical period

the case of genie

  • social and experiential deprivation and chronic malnutrition

  • kept from birth to 13 years in the dark in a room - not allowed to leave

  • learned words after being discovered but never learnt language the way normal developed children would

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many conditions can be traced back to early development

  • epidemiological studies show evidence for environmental factors that lead to pathology later in life such as epilepsy, autism, schizophrenia etc

    • activation of the mother’s immune system (MIA) - season of birth, viral epidemics, population density

    • prenatal malnutrition (folic acid, thiamine deficiency etc)

    • substance abuse

    • complications during pregnancy and delivery particularly anoxia or hypoxia

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  • brain development begins prenatally but extends beyond birth and continues throughout life

  • because of this constant interaction between our genetic blueprint and our environment, each one of us shapes a unique brain

  • neuroplasticity allows for great potential and susceptibility to environment influences throughout life, but especially during the critical periods of development

  • our brains are more adaptive than we previously thought

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