Biology A2 2 - Respiration

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  • Adenosine triphosphate

  • Has three phosphate groups combined with the nucleotide base adenine and a ribose sugar

  • The presence of the phosphate groups provide ATP with its energy-releasing properties

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Purpose of ATP

  • Immediate source of energy in a cell, a (very) short-term store

  • ATP drives metabolism

  • Glucose can be used to make ATP but it cannot release energy directly

  • ATP releases energy when hydrolysed

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ADP/ATP interaction

  • ATP is synthesised from ADP (adenosine diphosphate), a molecule with two phosphate groups and inorganic phosphate

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The addition of phosphate to a molecule

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What happens when the terminal phosphate is removed from ATP?

  • Energy is released

  • The breakdown of ATP to ADP involves hydrolysis - the splitting of a molecule using water

  • This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme ATPase

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What makes ATP so suitable as an immediate energy store?

  • The hydrolysis of an ATP molecule releases a relatively small amount of energy, allowing energy to be released in small, manageable steps during energy-requiring reactions

  • The hydrolysis of ATP is a single reaction involving the breaking of one bond releasing immediate energy, providing the cell with fine control over its immediate energy budget

  • As a small, soluble molecule, ATP can be transported around the cell easily. This enables it to be transported from mitochondria to any part of the cell

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Using ATP in the cell

  • ATP has a role in active transport and muscle contraction

  • Anywhere 'work' is required, ATP is used

  • Provides the energy for many metabolic processes including anabolic reactions

  • ATP plays a role in the activation of molecules

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4 stages of respiration

  1. Glycolysis - splitting of glucose into two 3-carbon pryuvate molecules

  2. Link reaction - conversion of the pyruvate into 2-carbon acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)

  3. Krebs cycle - The feeding of acetyl CoA into a cycle of oxidation-reduction reactions

  4. Electron transport chain - Use of electrons and hydrogens produced in the Krebs cycle to synthesise ATP

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Where does glycolysis occur?


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Initial stage of glycolysis

  • The activation of glucose by phosphorylation

  • This makes the glucose more reactive

  • The 2 phosphates required come from the hydrolysis of 2 ATP molecules

  • The phosphorylation of the glucose converts it into fructose bisphosphate

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What happens in glycolysis following the phosphorylation of glucose? (Step 2)

  • The 6C fructose bisphosphate splits into two 3-carbon molecules of triose phosphate

  • The triose phosphate is oxidised through the loss of hydrogen atoms to form pyruvate

  • The hydrogen atoms are collected by the hydrogen carrier molecule NAD which becomes reduced to form NADH

  • The removal of hydrogen involves dehydrogenase enzymes in dehydrogenation

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How much ATP does glycolysis provide?

  • In converting each molecule of triose phosphate into a pyruvate molecule 2 ATP molecules are produced

  • However as each glucose molecule splits to form 2 triose phosphate molecules this produces 2 ATP molecules for each of the triose phosphate molecules, a gain of 4 ATP

  • This gives a net gain of 2 ATP for glycolysis as 2 were initially used to activate to the glucose

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Glycolysis summary

  • The initial stage of the cellular respiration of glucose that does not require oxygen and takes place in the cytoplasm

  • The reduction of NAD between the triose phosphate and pyruvate stages to give two reduced NAD (NADH)

  • Net gain of 2 ATP

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The link reaction

  • The pyruvate produced in glycolysis is transported into the matrix of a mitochondrion

  • During the link reaction the pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA like this:

  • The pyruvate is decarboxylated with the removal of one molecule of CO2

  • Dehydrogenation also takes place with the removal of hydrogen leading to the formation of NADH

  • Following decarboxylation and dehydrogenation, the resulting 2-carbon acetate combines with CoA to form acetyl CoA

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Where does the Krebs cycle occur?

mitochondrial matrix

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Key stages in the Krebs cycle

  • The 2-carbon acetyl CoA from the link reaction combines with the 4-carbon acid (oxaloacetate) to form a 6-carbon acid (citrate)

  • Decarboxylation of the 6-carbon acid (citrate) results in the formation of the 5-carbon acid (oxoglutarate) with the loss of a molecule of CO2

  • Decarboxylation of the 5-carbon acid (oxoglutarate) results in the formation of the 4-carbon acid oxaloacetate with the loss of a molecule of CO2 and the cycle continues

  • The reactions in the cycle involve dehydrogenation and dehydrogenase enzymes. At 3 points in the cycle hydrogen is released that subsequently reduces NAD to form NADH. At one point hydrogen is picked up not by NAD but by FAD to form FADH^2

  • 1 molecule of ATP is produced by the transfer of a phosphate group from an intermediate compound to ADP. ATP produced in this way is called substrate-level phosphorylation

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Where does the electron transport chain happen?

Based in and on the inner mitochondrial membranes (cristae)

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What molecules are used in the ETC?

The hydrogen atoms collected by NAD from the dehydrogenation in glycolysis, the link reaction and Krebs cycle are carried

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What happens in the electron transport chain?

The energy in the hydrogen is converted into ATP

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Revisiting the mitochondrion

  • The more deeply infolded the cristae, and the more infoldings there are, the more extensive the ultrastructure that exists for ATP production in the mitochondrion

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  • The NAD, FAD and other coenzymes and carriers in the ETC are highly organised and arranged in a sequence of decreasing potential energy

  • Each carrier downstream has slightly stronger reducing power than the one before it

  • Therefore the hydrogens are able to move along the chain with carriers being successively reduced and oxidised as hydrogen/electrons pass along the chain in a series of oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions

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The carriers of the electron transport chain

  • The NAD/FAD operate as hydrogen carriers

  • The NAD and FAD function by bringing the hydrogen to the chain

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Steps of electron transport chain

  • Hydrogen passes along the carriers NAD, flavoprotein and coenzyme Q

  • Following this, the hydrogen dissociates into electrons and the ETC subsequently acts as an electron carrier

  • The electrons pass along the cytochromes in a series of redox reactions

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Final hydrogen acceptor

  • Oxygen

  • At this stage oxygen is used in respiration

  • The oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water, a waste product

  • The final stage in the electron transport chain is catalysed by the enzyme cytochrome oxidase

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What benefit does the downstreaming of carriers bring?

Energy becomes available as the redox reaction takes place. At certain points there is enough energy to produce ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

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How much energy is produced in respiration?

  • For each reduced NAD sufficient energy is released to produce 3 ATP molecules in the ETC

  • Reduced FAD enters the chain further along than reduced NAD and there is only sufficient energy to produce 2 ATP

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How many ATP are produced by substrate-level phosphorylation and by oxidative phosphorylation?

  • Substrate-level phosphorylation: 4

  • Oxidative phosphorylation: 34

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Anaerobic respiration

  • Glycolysis will only continue if its products are removed and not allowed to accumulate

  • The pyruvate is converted to lactate in animals and ethanol in plants/yeast

  • The reduced NAD formed during glycolysis must be oxidised again so that NAD will be available to take up further hydrogen atoms from glycolysis

  • If this did not happen all the NAD would be reduced and glycolysis would stop as there would be no hydrogen acceptors available

  • The mopping up of these hydrogen atoms is achieved by the hydrogen being used in the reactions between the pyruvate and lactate/ethanol

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Role of glycolysis in anaerobic respiration

  • Glycolysis is the only energy producing stage of respiration, with a net gain of 2 ATP; inefficient compared to aerobic respiration

  • It is a fast process; taking place throughout the cytoplasm and substances do not have to diffuse in/out of the mitochondrion in addition to it being only a short part of the normal aerobic pathway

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Anaerobic respiration in animals

  • In animals anaerobic respiration can be advantageous

  • In mammals, anaerobic respiration is most likely to take place in the skeletal muscles

  • During strenuous exercise, the muscles will be respiring aerobically and anaerobically, and the anaerobic respiration provides extra energy

  • This extra energy may be enough to make the crucial difference between escaping from a predator, etc

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How is oxygen debt formed?

  • The lactate produced by anaerobic respiration accumulates in the muscles and can cause muscle fatigue/cramp

  • It is removed when sufficient oxygen becomes available again and anaerobic respiration is no longer necessary

  • Lactate can be converted back to glucose or metabolised in other ways, processes that require O2

  • As the body is dealing with the lactate produced because of an oxygen shortage earlier on, the extra oxygen used to metabolise lactate is called the oxygen debt

  • The extra oxygen is also used to resynthesise depleted ATP

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Anaerobic respiration in plants and fungi

  • In plants/fungi the end product of anaerobic respiration is ethanol, not lactate

  • Anaerobic respiration in plants and fungi produces carbon dioxide as a waste product

  • The ethanol is not reconverted to pyruvate but is eliminated as a waste product

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Value of anaerobic respiration in plants/fungi

  • A significant part of most plants/fungi penetrates through soil or other substrates

  • Oxygen levels can often be low in these environments and the ability to respire anaerobically allows production of ATP to be maintained

  • The lower metabolic rate in plants/fungi compared to animals means lower ATP yield from anaerobic respiration is not as significant an issue

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