exceedingly plain
mahogany wood
Plaster Ceilings and paneling
Timbered ceilings
Painted walls to look like tapestries and painted panels to imitate marble
Blackwork: elaborate patterns in black on s white background
Period: Rayonnant
Paris, France
Period: Early Gothic
Paris, France
Period: English Gothic
London, England
Period: Islamic Spain
Cordoba, Spain
The Great Mosque
Hypostyle Hall
Hybrid of Roman Columns with horse shoe arches
Period: Ottoman
Istanbul, Turkey
Period: Teotihuacan
San Martin de las Piramidas, Mexico
Period: High Renaissance
Todi, Italy
Period: late renaissance
Florence, Italy
Designer: Michelangelo
Period: Late Renaissance
London, England
Designer: Inigo Jones
Period: Elizabethian
Wiltshire, England
Designer: Robert Smythson
Period: Baroque
Rome, Italy
Designer: Boromini