HOTA Vocab 3

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  1. Franz Ferdinand

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  1. Franz Ferdinand

a. Who/What: Austrian Archduke b. When: 20th century c. Where: Austria d. Why: Ferdinand was the ruler of Austria-Hungary, and, at the time, he endured the resentment of Serbian nationalists. e. So what: His assassination contributed to the start of World War I.

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  1. Gavrilo Princip

a. Who/What: assassinator of Franz Ferdinand b. When: 1914/20th century c. Where: Austria-Hungary d. Why: Gavrilo Princip was the assassinator ad Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He did so to help the Serbian nationalists of Austria. e. So what: His actions contributed to the genesis of WWI.

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  1. “The Black Hand”

a. Who/What: nationalist Serbian group b. When: 20th century c. Where: Austria-Hungary d. Why: The Black Hand was a Serbian group that attempted to liberate Serbians via terroristic acts; they assisted in the assassination of Franx Ferdinand. e. So what: Their actions contributed to the beginning of WWI; Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.

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  1. U-boats

a. Who/What: German undersea boat b. When: 20th century c. Where: Germany d. Why: The German U-Boat was the first submarine used in a war; it was used during World War I; used to destroy enemy ships. e. So what: It contributed to German naval power, and the militarization of Germany contributed to the genesis of WWI; led to the Lusitania & unrestricted submarine warfare

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  1. Trench warfare

a. Who/What: type of land combat b. When: 20th century c. Where: Europe (Germany, UK) d. Why: Trench warfare is an underground defensive method of attack, in which both sides attack and defend in a trench. e. So what: Resulted in many standstills between the UK and Germany; unrestricted submarine warfare.

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  1. Sussex Pledge

a. Who/What: document/international agreement b. When: 1916/20th century c. Where: Germany/USA d. Why: Germany signed the Sussex Pledge, which promised to evacuate capital ships before sinking them during submarine warfare. e. So what: It was made to relax British blockades in Germany; led to the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

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  1. Lusitania

a. Who/What: British ocean liner b. When: 1915/20th century c. Where: UK d. Why: The British Ocean liner Lusitania was sunken by a German boat in 1915; this killed many UK and US citizens on board, offending the US e. So what: partially contributed to the entrance of the US into WWI; believed it infringed on any peace regulations

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  1. Zimmerman telegram

a. Who/What: coded German message b. When: 1917/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: The Zimmerman telegram was an encoded message from the German Foreign Minister to Mexico; they said how they would give up unrestricted submarine warfare, how they wanted Mexico to ally with them, and potential threats to the USA. e. So what: resulted in the US’ final straw; led them to enter the war.

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  1. Woodrow Wilson

a. Who/What: US president b. When: 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: why: Woodrow Wilson was involved the German army passing through Belgium, which ignited UK involvement in WWI e. So what: he constructed the 14 points; helped convince Germany to negotiate settlements

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  1. National Defense Act

a. Who/What: marital act from congress b. When: 1916 c. Where: US d. Why: The National Defense Act was brought to fruition by Woodrow Wilson; it would expand the national guard and state militias. e. So what: increased militarization for the war

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  1. Selective Service Act

a. Who/What: US federal law b. When: 1917 / 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: The Selective Service Act was an act that inducted men into the army for many years; it was a form of compulsory military service for WWI and on. e. So what: It resulted in the conscription of American men and the large number of troops in WWI; gave Americans an advantage but gave presidents power to conscript.

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  1. National War Labor Board

a. Who/What: government labor agency b. When: 1918/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: a government agency meant to better working arrangements; it was supposed to settle industrial disputes. e. So what: improved conditions for workers during the war; did not help women and African

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  1. “4 Minute Men”

a. Who/What: nickname for American speakers b. When: 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: When the Lusitania sank, the government made an association where men could address American citizens on support for the war; it was meant to encourage war bonds. e. So what: Developed pro-American feeling and war support; encouraged war bonds and propaganda.

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  1. Bernard Baruch

a. Who/What: an American financer b. When: 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: American foreign policy advisor that Woodrow Wilson appointed as chairman of the War Industries Board e. So what: War Industries Board & managed economics

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  1. War Industries Board (WIB)

a. Who/What: government finance board b. When: 1917/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: A board that coordinated finance and supplies; meant to stabilize production in the US during war. e. So what: It managed the US' economy and facilitated pro-war feelings

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  1. Committee on Public Information (CPI)

a. Who/What: federal maintenance of public information b. When: 1917/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: A pro-war government institution that made anti-German propaganda and encouraged American domesticity. e. So what: Changed public view of Germans; took away German language and cultural rights.

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  1. George Creel

a. Who/What: US journalist b. When: 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: The head of the Committee on Public Information; he mandated public sentiments about the war, trying to unite Americans through nomenclature and propaganda. e. So what: Influenced American sentiments towards Germany and rallied American support for the war; it was also a violation of rights.

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  1. Daylight Savings Time

a. Who/What: method of time telling b. When: 1918/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: It was signed into law with the Standard Time Act; it was meant to add daylight hours to help save energy costs during WWI e. So what: Symbolized national support for the war, established time zones across the US, and represented how war time had a literal impact.

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  1. Espionage Act

a. Who/What: totalitarian act from US government b. When: 1917 c. Where: US d. Why: a harsh act that imposed fines against central powers’ supporters and for antigovernmental literature. e. So what: swayed public opinion on socialism; many were jailed, as well as African

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  1. Sedition Act

a. Who/What: governmental act on social feelings b. When: 1918 c. Where: US d. Why: an act that listed criminal offences against the government; criminalized written attacks against the government and opposition to war bonds; no more socialism. e. So what: swayed public opinion on socialism; many were jailed, as well as African

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  1. Schlieffen Plan

a. Who/What: battle plan b. When: 1905/20th century c. Where: Germany d. Why: a battle plan from the German perspective that let Germany gain an attack advantage; Germany wanted to get France out of the way in the beginning of WWI e. So what: involved the German army passing through Belgium, which ignited UK involvement in WWI

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  1. Fourteen Points

a. Who/What: written document on foreign policy b. When: 1918/20th century c. Where: US d. Why: An address for the ideal outcomes of WWI; the first category maintained order, second category was about self-determination, and the last point was about the creation of the league of nations. e. So what: Wilson’s last point about the LoN caused a lot of disagreement and went against US isolationist policy; caused the Knox-Porter Resolution but still revolutionized the idea of national cooperation.

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  1. League of Nations

a. Who/What: international organization b. When: 20th century c. Where: US; Global d. Why: The League of Nations was Wilson’s idea for an international organization; it was meant to keep peace, have global sanctions, and various treaties. e. So what: Was not well-received amongst Americans, who were pro-isolationist; led to the formation of the LON after WWI

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  1. Henry Cabot Lodge

a. Who/What: US politician b. When: 20th century c. Where: US d. Why: He was a senator that frequently opposed the fourteen points, particularly the league of nations. He led various American groups that were against US foreign involvement. e. So what: He succeeded and contributed to preventing US’ involvement in the LON; influenced the LON’s failure.

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  1. 19thAmendment

a. Who/What: federal suffrage b. When: 1920 c. Where: US d. Why: The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote; it represented the growth of women’s rights. e. So what: Changed voting demographics in the US, and it symbolized the US’ increasing social progressivism.

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  1. Dawes Plan

a. Who/What: economic arrangement for Germany b. When: 1924/20th century c. Where: Germany d. Why: Dawes Plan was a plan for Germany to pay reparations; if Germany paid its debts to Britain and France, then the US could collect its money faster. e. So what: Resulted in the payment of debts from Germany; eventually fell apart with inflation

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  1. Ross Rifle

a. Who/What: rifle b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: the Ross Rifle was a rifle used in WWI on the Allied side; it was a sniping gun and had long range accuracy; jammed often in its use. e. So what: gained a reputation as an unreliable weapon; replaced with a better gun; symbolized issues with all-Canadian production & the fall of Sam Hughes

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  1. Sam Hughes

a. Who/What: Canadian politician b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: He was head of military and defense for Canada during World War I; he was politically controversial, but adamantly contributed to Canada’s early war effort. e. So what: he caused the Ross Rifle failures, and he was a poor organizer for Canada; this put the Allied Powers at a slight disadvantage.

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  1. Robert Borden

a. Who/What: Canadian prime minister b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: A Canadian prime minister during WWI; he was pro-LON and settled domestic disputes e. So what: Contributed to Canadian involvement in the League of Nations and established Canada as an actual country; conscription crisis & made a union government with bipartisan, pro-war Canadians.

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  1. Canadian Expeditionary Force

a. Who/What: Canadian army b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada / Europe d. Why: It was a Canadian army specialized for overseas warfare during WWI; this was a volunteer-based army, but eventually fell to conscription. e. So what: Conscription into the expeditionary force was controversial in various parts of Canada; it was also the mode of Canada’s involvement in WWI & exhibited its ties to the Allied Powers, Britain in particular.

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  1. Henri Bourassa

a. Who/What: Canadian politician b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: He was a pro-independence Canadian, which represented Canadian aversion to WWI and British rule; he was also pro-French Canadian. e. So what: He was against conscription, he opposed WWI, and he was an integral alternative perspective to Canada’s role in international wars.

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  1. War Measures Act

a. Who/What: federal Parliament law b. When: 1914/20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: It was meant to maintain security and order during WWI, but it extended to other wars. It suspended the civil liberties of certain Canadians, those considered enemy aliens. e. So what: It resulted in unconstitutional arrests of ethnic minorities; represented intolerant sentiments in Canada during WWI.

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  1. Military Service Act

a. Who/What: law passed by Parliament b. When: 1917/20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: It forced conscription for male citizens aged 20 e. So what: Led to Borden’s Union Government, Anglo-French divisions, and contention over WWI.

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  1. Military Voters Act

a. Who/What: Canadian legislation b. When: 1917 / 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: It was an act allowing all Canadian soldiers to vote, as well as many Canadian women, It was meant to appease the conscription crisis and strengthen the Union Government. e. So what: The Union Government was reestablished.

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  1. Arthur Currie

a. Who/What: Canadian solider b. When: 20th century c. Where: Canada d. Why: He was the first Canadian commander of the Canadian Corps in WWI; led at the Battle of Somme and the Battle of Vimy Ridge. e. So what: Won various battles and contributed to Allied Wins: Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele; criticized for pointless battles but a good military leader.

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  1. Allied Powers (Triple Entente)

a. Who/What: GB, France and Russia. b. When: 20th century c. Where: Europe? d. Why: It was the association between Great Britain, France and Russia during WWI; the coalition spawned from a Franco e. So what: Russia’s involvement was a bit controversial; allowed for the collaboration of their countries throughout WWI; it established the sharks of Europe essentially.

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  1. Central Powers (Triple Alliance)

a. Who/What: Germany, Austria b. When: 20th century c. Where: Europe d. Why: It was a WWI coalition that opposed the Allied powers; they supported Austria-Hungarians due to past alliances. e. So what: Resulted in a sort of bloc in Europe, and it spurred the Allied Powers; Germany was the main contributor.

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