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After a period of fasting what enzyme does the pancreas secrete related to blood glucose levels, and what does it do to return glucose levels to normal?

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After a period of fasting what enzyme does the pancreas secrete related to blood glucose levels, and what does it do to return glucose levels to normal?

Glucagon to increase glycogenolysis, releasing glucose into the blood

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What soil characteristic do prairie soils have that those in tropical rainforests don't?

Thick layer of organic topsoil

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Why do so many plants form symbiotic relationships with bacteria in the soil?

Soil bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that plants can use

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What cellular process creates the carbon dioxide byproduct that living things need to transport out of their cells?

The Citric acid cycle

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After a large meal what enzyme does the pancreas secrete related to blood glucose levels, and what does it do to return glucose levels to normal?

Insulin to draw glucose out of the blood and into muscle and fat cells

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Which of these organisms has a complete digestive tract?


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What is the purpose of the villi and microvilli in the small intestine?

Increase surface area for absorption

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The digestion of starches begins in the _____where ______ ______breaks down polysaccharides into smaller molecules so that _______ can continue breakdown in the _______

Mouth, salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase, small intestine

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Why do birds have gizzards?

To begin mechanical breakdown of food, since they have no teeth

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Why do the chief cells in the stomach lining secrete inactive pepsinogen?

In its active form it would begin digesting the proteins within the chief cells

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What is the general role of the hepatic portal system?

To control nutrient levels in the blood

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What is an advantage to breathing air instead of water?

Higher concentration of oxygen

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What cellular process creates the carbon dioxide byproduct that living things need to transport out of their cells?

The Citric acid cycle

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In a capillary bed in the intestinal epithelium levels of glucose ___________, carbon dioxide ___________, and oxygen ___________as blood passes from the arterioles to the venules.

Increases, increases, decreases

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What is an advantage to breathing water instead of air?

Low dehydration risk

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How is water transported over long distances through plant tissues?

Passive transpiration

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What of these characteristics describes arteries?

Higher pressure in systemic circuit

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Xylem and Phloem tissue are often found next to each other in plant tissues, why is that?

High solute concentration in phloem cells draws water out of xylem and directs phloem sap flow to sugar sinks

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Plants have a high number of aquaporins in the cell membranes of their root hairs, what is their function?

To move water into the root faster than simple diffusion would

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Which of these characteristics describes veins?

Contains valves to prevent backflow of blood

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You eat a cheeseburger for lunch, which of these enzymes will break down the protein in the meat patty in the small intestine into small peptides that can be cleaved into amino acids by the brush border proteases?


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Which of these is an accessory organ to the alimentary canal that produces bile?


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What nutrients do heterotrophs consume that is the most essential component of cell membranes?


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How do agricultural practices in the Midwest affect species living in the Gulf of Mexico?

Excess nitrogen fertilizer that washes into the Gulf causes an algal population boom, leading to drop oxygen levels in the water.

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What is the purpose of the rumen in cattle?

Creates a home for symbiotic bacteria that break down cellulose.

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Digestion of proteins begins in the ______ when the enzyme ________ starts breaking down large polypeptides, which are further broken down in the small intestine by _______.

stomach, pepsin, trypsin

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After a period of fasting what enzyme does the pancreas secrete related to blood glucose levels, and what does it do to return glucose levels to normal?

Glucagon to increase glycogenolysis, releasing glucose into the blood

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Where does the carbon that plants use to build their cells come from?

From the atmosphere

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What substances is carried by the blood plasma, but never leaves the capillary?


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Why are premature babies administered surfactant?

To help the lungs prepare to breathe air

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What characteristics describe the phloem sap?

(a) High in sucrose (b) Travel from sugar source to sugar sink

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How does lung surfactant help maintain human respiratory function?

Reduces surface tension in alveoli

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Which characteristic describes xylem sap?

High in minerals

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What is the purpose of gastrin?

To stimulate acid production in the stomach, starting digestion

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How does the diaphragm function to aid in respiration?

Contracts to expand the chest cavity allowing air to rush into lungs

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Which is a characteristic shared between animals with closed and open circulatory systems?

A muscular pump

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What is a positive consequence of plants actively pumping ions into their roots?

Higher solute concentration draws in water

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Which of these cells help form blood clots when vessels are damaged?


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Plants have high number of aquaporins in the cell membranes of their root hairs, what is their function?

To move water into the root faster than simple diffusion would

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During hurricanes, storm surge brings seawater into freshwater marshes and causes massive deaths of marsh plants. Why does this happen?

Water is drawn out of the cells into the salty soil, causing them to wilt.

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Why do we breathe?

to supply enough oxygen for aerobic respiration

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What resource are carnivorous pitcher plants gaining from the digestion of insects?

Inorganic materials

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In the research related to the invention of Gatoraid discussed in the book, what did Cade et al. hypothesize was the best way to maintain osmotic balance during excersice?

Drink a solution resembling sweat

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What hormone is produced by the stomach once food enters it to stimulate the excretion of gastric juices?


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What is an adaptation that cattle have to have to help digest cellulose in plant material?

Multichambered stomach with symbiotic bacteria

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You are a plant living on the shady forest floor of a tropical rainforest. Which of these adaptations would be least effective?

Thin needle shaped leaves that are drought resistant

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Why do plants grow best in well aerated soils?

plant roots need access to oxygen to perform cellular respiration

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The digestion of fats finishes in the ________ where ________ breaks up fat into smaller molecules so that there is a greater surface area for ________ to get access to the lipid molecules to break up chemical bonds.

small intestine, bile, pancreatic lipase

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Digestion of proteins begins in the _______ when the enzyme _______ starts breaking down large polypeptides, which are further broken down in the small intestine by ________.

stomach, pepsin, trypsin

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Which of these nutrients function primarily as coenzymes in animal metabolism?

B Vitamins

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Tropical rain forests have large amounts of organic matter being dropped on the forest floor every year, why aren't those nutrients more available to plants?

High rainfall leeches the material away

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What does a micelle do?

Allow the slow absorption of fatty acids

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Which of these nutrients primarily provides energy when digested, not cellular building blocks?


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Which of these is an important macronutrient for plants?


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What is the biggest advantage of having a complete digestive tract?

Specialized compartments can have different conditions

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Which of these characteristics is NOT shared by all types of respiratory tracts?

Contact with the blood supply

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How do plants prevent toxic metals in the soil from entering the xylem sap?

Specialized channels are transporters control mineral uptake

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What path of transport carries minerals through the plasmodesmata of plant cells into the vascular tissue?

Simplastic transport

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What is an advantage of double circulation of blood in mammals?

Blood pressure can be increased by another passage through the heart

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What is an adaptation plants have to prevent water loss?

(1) Closing of stoma as plant cells cry (3) Leaf loss at the start of winter in temperature climates

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What helps red blood cells offload oxygen in the systemic capillary beds?

Acidic conditions in the interstitial fluid that change the shape of hemoglobin

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Which of these nutrients CANNOT be absorbed directly through the intestinal epithelium, through interstitial fluid, and directly into capillaries?


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As a red blood cell leaves the lungs moving to the heart, it is carrying ________ gas. It travels through the Pulmonary vein, into the _______ _____of the heart, then into the _______ ______before heading to the body via the _______.

Oxygen, Left atrium, Left ventricle, Aorta

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What can cause a heart attack?

blockage of coronary arteries

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According to the study of Bruneau et al, how did expression of the Tbx5 gene affect the evolution of the double systemic circuit?

Mammals have a gradient of expression across the right and left sides, leading to the growth of 2 ventricles

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What is the most important limiting factor to plant growth?


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What resources is lowest in the soils of environments where carnivorous pitcher plants live?

Inorganic minerals

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As a red blood cell leaves the foot moving to the heart, it is carrying _______ ______ gas. It travels through the Inferior Vena Cava, into the _______ ______ of the heart, then into the ______ ______ before heading to the lungs via the _______.

Carbon dioxide, Right atrium, Right ventricle, Pulmonary artery

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Leopard frogs can escape predators by diving to the bottom of a lake and staying there for hours, how do they do it?

Absorbing oxygen directly through their skin

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Which element of blood functions mainly to prevent blood cell loss?


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Which of these cells helps form blood clots when vessels are damaged?


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What minerals does the lymphatic system transport?

(2) Excess blood plasma fluid (3) Immune cells

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Where does the pancreas join to the alimentary canal to secrete digestive enzymes?


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What is the major function of the large intestine in human digestion?

Water absorption

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What resource is lowest in the soils of environments where carnivorous pitcher plants live?

Inorganic materials

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Which of these is the pulimary artery?

C (image of heart)

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How do lungs take in air?

(b) The intercostal muscles contract to pull on the ribs and expand the chest cavity (c) The diaphragm moves down as it contracts

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Which is a material that is NOT transported by the hemolymph in insects?

Carbon dioxide

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An escaped lion is chasing you through the zoo, what will epinephrine do to help you survive?

Reroute blood flow to the muscles by dilating those blood vessels

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How does atmospheric pressure affect your ability to breathe at higher elevation?

Lower atmospheric pressure decreases respiration efficiency

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Which of these systems is responsible ONLY for osmoregulation, with no excretion of nitrogenous waste?


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Which of these systems is not associated with a circulatory system and secretes nitrogenous waste directly into the digestive tract?

Malpighian tubules

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Which of these organisms can excrete unaltered nitrogenous waste directly into the surrounding water without specialized organs?

Aquatic plants

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How do plants dispose of waste products?

Formation of saps, and oils

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In what part of the kidney nephron is the filtrate first removed from the blood plasma?


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What form of nitrogenous waste do birds excrete?

uric acid

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In what part of the kidney nephron are ions first reabsorbed from the filtrate back into the interstitial fluid?

Proximal tubule

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Which of these organisms would have the longest loop of henle?

Desert fox

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What form of nitrogenous waste do fish excrete?


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Which is TRUE about freshwater fish osmoregulation?

Have special ion pumps to take up ions from water through gills

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What helps move water out of the kidney filtrate as it passes through the descending Loop of Henle?

High salt content on the medulla interstitial fluid

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You water your prized petunia regularly and it has turgid cells, what does that mean?

There is more net movement of water into the cell, causing the cell membrane to press against the cell wall

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What materials do the lymphatic system transport?

(2) Excess blood plasma fluid (3) Immune cells

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How do plants prevent toxic materials in the soil from entering the xylem sap?

Specialized channels and transporters control mineral uptake

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You ate a cheeseburger for lunch, which of these enzymes will break down the protein in the meat patty in the small intestine into small peptides that can be cleaved into amino acids by the brush border proteases?


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Which is an adaptation plants have to prevent water loss?

(1) Closing stoma as plant cells dry (3) Leaf loss at the start of winter in temperature climates

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Which is a characteristic NOT shared between animals with closed and open circulatory systems?

Capillary beds

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Why does drinking alcohol make you need to pee?

Inhibits ADH secretion, which decreases number of aquaporins in collecting duct

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Which of these organisms would function as an osmoconformer?


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Which of these organisms produces the most nitrogenous waste?


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