Abolition of Man Main Assertions
Assault on Truth, Teachers/Educators Should Inculcate Truth, Men without chests
Assault on truth
The Green Book, and those like it, lead to a subversion of truth
Teachers/Educators Should Inculcate Truth
Students need to be taught/trained there is objective truth and values
Men without chests
This is the consequence of such texts/beliefs as The Green Book
Aim of educators
Irrigate deserts: better to train someone to have right passions than to only teach them to avoid wrong ones
Education inherently teaches us to like/dislike
What does Lewis fear is being done to the boy?
the loss of right/wrong distinction (disintegration of truth) and the succumbing to an assumption that all values are subjective – without even knowing there is a debate to be had
Trousered ape
We become reduced to materialism
Ornate affections
every object accorded the degree of affection that is appropriate/ just sentiments
Inornate affections
Unhealthy levels of intense affections
Reasonable emotions
Objects elicit (or demand) a certain response
Unreasonable emotions
Accurately describing something with hidden intentions of self gain
The Tao
A view that certain attitudes are true and others not – first principles of the universe
Old way of education
Mentoring, enhance value
New way of education
Using students to further opinion/objective. Agenda abuse
Jordan Peterson's perspective
Live as if there is a God, act it out
Claims you can’t say you believe in God when they examine the way they live
To claim you believe in God, you must live it out fully, an unbearable task, a lot to manage properly
To acceptance existence and act properly (i.e Christian-like), that’s what it means to believe
unless you act out, be careful of claiming it
if you were capable of believing it would be a transfiguring event
•Everyone has one (explicit or implicit)
•All require some element of faith
•Help interpret “facts” (make sense of the world)
•Better awareness helps to be more objective
Four questions
Where are we-Nature of reality
Who are we-Nature of humans
What’s wrong- Nature of evil/brokenness
What’s the melody-Path from brokenness to wholeness
Four Christian doctrines that refute the probability problem of suffering and evil
The chief purpose of life is not happiness, it is to know God.
Mankind is in a state of rebellion against God and His purpose
God’s purpose isn’t restricted to this life but spills over beyond the grave into eternal life.
Knowledge of God is an incomparable good
the five views of integration
Levels of explanation, Integration, Christian, Transformational, Biblical counseling
Levels of explanation (A biopsychosocialspiritual & evidence–based model)
•Science and Christianity point to a need for:
•Awareness of fallibility
•Science often supports Biblical & theological values
•Occasionally, science challenges traditional Christian views/understanding
•Begins with a Christian understanding of the human condition
•Interpretation of scripture can include human error
•Science is value-laden
•Social science can be helpful
•Should study other Christian counselors
•Helping as viewed through scripture or Christian historical sources
•modern social science has value
•Jesus is the standard of a whole and healthy human
•Counselor must be self-aware and engage in “becoming like Christ”
•can then glean from secular theories, techniques, & skills
•engages in research
•enters into “therapeutic alliance” – listening, waiting, discerning
•brings to the consulting room the mind of Christ
•Spiritual development of the counselor is imperative
•Benefits of living more moments of one’s life in Christ
•Biblical view of the person
•Let the realities of the client dictate the method of study
Biblical Counseling
\n Counseling flows from scripture to practical life application
Rejects medical model completely (e.g. no DSM diagnosis)
Counselor should reflect Christ overtly
Only in Christ can true change occur
God has given spiritual resources (e.g. Holy Spirit)
Hermeneutical Spiral
We always come to the world…with our faith...wherever we got it, however good or bad it is...This worldview faith strongly affects what we perceive... But the world is not a totally passive or subjective thing. We run the risk of coming away from any encounter with the world with our faith and our categories somewhat altered
Christian worldview of the Ultimate Good
Know who you are in Christ
Understand your purpose and grow in it
Short answer- Logical problem of suffering and evil
If God is willing to prevent evil but not able, then He is not all powerful
If He is able to prevent evil but not willing, then He is not good
But if He is both willing and able, how can evil exist?
If He is neither able nor willing, why call Him God
Short answer- The main idea of the probability of suffering
Suffering provides empirical evidence that God’s existence is highly unlikely
Short answer- The three points Christians use to refute probability of suffering
We’re not in a position to say God probably lacks reasons for allowing suffering in the world- we are limited, and God is unlimited
Relative to the full scope of the evidence, God’s existence may well be probable
Christianity entails doctrines that increase the probability of the co-existence of God and suffering