Artificial Scarcity
when the quantity of a resource is controlled so that it has the appearance of scarcity
gives a product its value, how much do we need it; only a problem if there is a demand for a resource
what you get
what you pay for
usefulness of a product (solves a problem for the consumer, thats why they buy it)
Opportunity Cost
opportunity lost when you select one thing over another
Allocative Efficiency
producting the RIGHT THING
Productive Efficiency
operating at MAX capacity
Factors of Prouction
Land (unprocessed resources), Labor (must be human, paying workers), Financial capital (money needed to produce a product
tangible, either consumer good or capital good
Consumer good
Final use, not producing anything else (someone buys a hammer to renovate their house)
Capital good
something else can be created with that good (someone buys a hammer to build something to sell)
either a good or a service
intangible, consumer service (something like babysitting) or capital service (brings revenue)
Production Possibilities Curve
meaures the possibilities of how much two resources can be produced
Productive efficiency
producing at the maximum capacity with the current factors of production
Conspicuous Consumption
the purchase of goods and services specifically to show ones wealth
something that is required for survival or under specific circumstances (that’s a relative need like suit for a job interview)
an expression of a need (if you want pizza, you probably need sodium)
Factor Market
resourse market, where the factors of production are purchased (wholesale)
Product Market
comsumer goods and services are purchased (retail)
Command Economy
resources are produced and distributed by the dictates of the state (central planning authority), determines the needs and wants of the population and sets production goals to reach them
Traditional Economy
the traditions of the community will dictate how recourses are produced and distributed, the traditions are rules and regulated (occupations are hereditary)
Market Economy
individuals determine how resources will be produced and distributed in a way that best meets consumer demand, Laissez-faire - the government is not involved
Mixed Economy
a blend of the market and command economies, provide a healthy balance of economic security and freedom
Economic Freedom
people are entitled to make their own economic decisions, personal responsibility
Economic Security
basic needs are taken care of by the state, but you must accept more control
Economic Efficiency
using all the resources wisely to maximize utility and longevity
Economic Stability (price stability)
Maintaining a healthy level of inflation, 2-4% is good
Economic Growth
having access to more and better quality goods and services, however with it comes inflation because there is an increase in consumption (demand pull inflation)
an economic and political system where a countrys economy is run by private companies/owners, more economic freedom and less security, more of a conservative philosophy
socialism, marxism, liberal philosophy, more economic security and less freedom, where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
one company that controls 90% or more of an industry, horizontal consolidation or horizontal integration
Horizontal Merger
when the supply is NOT controlled, when companies of the same industry merge
Vertical Merger
when the supply IS controlled, when companies involved at different stages of the supply chain merge (for a common good or service)