BMS respiratory system

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The main function of the respiratory system?

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The main function of the respiratory system?

gas exchange across an epithelium

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What happens during gas exchange?

- O2 moving from air into blood
- O2 attaching to Fe on hemoglobin
- CO2 moving from blood to air

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What is the respiratory zone?

- site of gas exchange
- alveolar epithelium meets the endothelium of pulmonary capillaries

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What is the conducting zone?

- series of tubes to deliver air to the respiratory zone
- highly branched

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What makes up the conducting zone?

- pharynx
- larynx (vocal cords)
- trachea
- hyaline cartilage rings
- bronchus
- bronchi
- bronchioles
- smooth muscle wrapped around bronchi

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What makes up the respiratory zone?

- terminal bronchi
- alveolus

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What is the alveolus and what is its function?

- single layer of epithelial cells
- site of gas exchange

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Where are mast cells located?

adjacent to the epithelial cells in the tubes of conducting cells

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What are the two different elements that can cause smooth muscle contraction?

- histamine

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What are the two different elements that can cause smooth muscle relaxation?

- B2 adrenergic receptor (GPCR)
- epinephrine

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What is IGE?

- immunoglobulonase

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How does asthma happen?

- antigen binds to mast cells/IGE
- mast cells/IGE release histamine
- causes smooth muscle contraction
- shuts off air flow through the tubular system

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What happens during parasympathetic innervation of the bronchiolar smooth muscle?

- muscarinic receptors cause smooth muscle contraction
- no sympathetic innervation--causes B2 receptors to bind epinephrine and releasing a hormone from the adrenal medulla

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What is the story of the epi pen and peanut allergies?

- breathes in air with peanut electin
- peanut electin binds to IGE which releases histamine
- smooth muscle constricts
- shuts down radii of the bronchioles
- stops breathing
- stick epi pen in thigh
- increase epinephrine
- increase blood pressure because of the alpha 1 receptors
- increase heart rate because B1 receptors
- epinephrine binds to B2 GPCR
- smooth muscle relaxes
- increase radii of bronchi
- decrease resistance to flow

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What is the sympathetic response?

- release epinephrine
- relax smooth muscle
- reduce resistance to get air in alveolar spaces
- emergency situations

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What zone does gas exchange occur in?


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What zone delivers gas?


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Does parasympathetic constrict the smooth muscle at all?

- yes, only a little
- doesn't want to consume so much of the volume of the respiratory tract in conducting zones
- alveolar region is now larger in proportion to the conducting zone
- decrease area of the conducting zone
- increase area of alveoli for gas exchange

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What is a Type I Pneumocyte?

layer of alveolar epithelial cells that makes up the respiratory zone

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What is a Type II Pneumocyte?

Secretes surfactant

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What is surfactant?

- phosphytidyl choline

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What does surfactant do?

breaks up the surface tension of water molecules in alveolar sac

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What is the function of surfactant?

allows the air to get into the lungs easily

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How does diffusion happen?

- diffuses through the fluid build up in the alveolus
- through the PLB of Type I Pneumocytes
- through the cytoplasm
- out the other side
- through to the O2 poor erythrocytes

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What makes up the pulmonary capillary?

single layer of endothelial cells

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What happens when the fluid in the alveolus gets really thick?

- increases diffusion path
- O2 can't get through the air sac to the erythrocytes

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What is the problem with the fluid in the alveolar sac?

fluid doesn't allow the sac walls to open very much

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What is the problem with pre-me's?

-after being in the womb, babies need to learn to breathe on their own
- pre-me's don't have activated Type II Pneumocytes
- lacking adequate surfactant
- babies can't breathe well because air isn't getting into the lungs
- this is due to the alveoli being stuck together because of the high surface tension

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How is surface tension decreased?

- separate dipole moments
- caused by phosphytidyl choline

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What is the visceral pleura?

set of mesothelial cells attached to the wall of the lungs

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What is the parietal pleura?

Set of mesothelial cells on the other side of the intrapleural space

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What is the intrapleural space?

- without it, there would be friction and pain
- always at a negative pressure with respect to atmosphere and inside of the lung

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What is the elastic lung?

- it contracts itself

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What happens when there's a hole in the body wall?

- goes into the pleural sac
- doctors have to cover hole
- remake the pressure vacuum
- reinflates the lung

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What is the diaphragm?

skeletal muscle innervated by lower motor neurons

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What happens when there is low pressure in the lungs?

takes air in

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What happens when there is high pressure in the lungs?

pushes air out

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What happens to the diaphragm during muscle contraction?

diaphragm deflates/flattens

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What happens to the diaphragm during muscle relaxation?

- diaphragm pops back up
- due to elastic recoil snapping

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Correlation between contracting diaphragm and volume of the thoracic cavity?

- contracting diaphragm increases volume of thoracic cavity
- diaphragm volume decreases = thoracic cavity volume increases

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What is the function of elastic recoil?

- returns diaphragm to original length
- resets lung volume

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What happenns with emphysema?

- damage to lung
- breaks down elastin
- size of alveoli gets bigger (the walls move apart)
- bad surface tension
- breathe in fine
- no elastic recoil/hard to breathe out

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What is compliance?

ease of filling the lungs

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What is elastic recoil?

ability of lung elasticity to permit air to be exhaled

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What happens to compliance and elastic recoil in emphysema?

- increase in lung compliance
- decrease in elastic recoil
- breathe in fine, can't breathe out

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What happens to compliance and elastic recoil in fibrotic diseases?

- increase in elastic recoil
- decrease in compliance
- can't breath in, breathes out fine

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What is the O2/N2 % in air

- 21% O2
- 79% N2

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What is the difference in partial pressures in sea level vs. FoCo?

760 mm Hg vs. 640 mm Hg

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Is [O2] higher in the blood or the alveolus?

[O2] alveolar > [O2] blood

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Is [CO2] higher in the blood or the alveolus?

[CO2] alveolar < [CO2] blood

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What are the percentages of CO2, O2, N2, and H2O in the air sac?

- CO2 = 5.2%
- O2 = 13.7%
- N2 = 74.9%
- H2O = 6.5%

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What are the pressures of CO2 and O2 oxygenated/deoxy in the blood stream and in the air sac?

Air sac
- CO2 40 mm Hg
- O2 106 mm Hg
Deoxy blood
- CO2 45 mm Hg
- O2 40 mm Hg
Oxy blood
- CO2 40 mm Hg
- O2 45 mm Hg

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Why does hyperventilation occur?

decrease in [CO2]

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What is Henry's Law?

gases go into solution in H2O in proportion to their partial pressures

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What does this graph imply about binding and hemoglobin?

- with each binding of O2 to hemoglobin, the probability increases of binding
- explains why diffusion is so fast

<p>- with each binding of O2 to hemoglobin, the probability increases of binding<br>- explains why diffusion is so fast</p>
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What is the hill coefficient?

- the slope
- it's always 4 because there's 4 binding sites on the hemoglobin for O2

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What does the right shift mean?

- warmer temperature
- decreased O2 attached to hemoglobin
- low pH

<p>- warmer temperature<br>- decreased O2 attached to hemoglobin<br>- low pH</p>
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What does the left shift mean?

- colder temperature
- increased O2 attached to hemoglobin
- high pH

<p>- colder temperature<br>- increased O2 attached to hemoglobin<br>- high pH</p>
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What kind of blood does the PO2 dissociation curve look at?

venous blood

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What is the bohr effect?

- rightward shift results from low pH (H+ effect)
- binding of H+ to hemoglobin that reduces O2 affinity

<p>- rightward shift results from low pH (H+ effect)<br>- binding of H+ to hemoglobin that reduces O2 affinity</p>
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How much CO2 in the blood is carried as HCO3-?


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What does carbonic anhydrase do?

- enzyme that speeds up the reaction
CO2 + H2O => H+ + HCO3-
- increases it million fold

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What does H+ do in the cerebrospinal fluid?

- signal to sensory neurons in the brain stem
- drives LMN in cervical spinal cord
- drives diaphragm

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Which part of the respiratory system is lined with both stratified squamous and pseudostratified columnar epithelium


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The mucociliary clearance is accomplished by? (epithelium lining the respiratory tract)

ciliated pseudostratified columnar

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an infection in the (bronchi + trachea) would indicate which part of the respiratory system is affected?


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Forced air expiration out of the lungs

contraction of abdominal muscles

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contraction of diaphragm / intercostal muscles

move air in

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The chloride shift will

aid in transportation of bicarbonate in blood plasma

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the intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure during?


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parts if the conduction zone (portion)

nares/ mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea,

(nasal cavity to larger bronchioles)

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Respiratory portion

bronchioles + alveoli

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type 2 pneumocytes

produce surfactant, reduces surface tension in alveoli to keep them open

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type 1 pneumocytes

gas diffusion

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upper division respiratory system

nose, nasal cavity, pharynx

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lower division respiratory system

larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, lungs, alveoli

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Conducting portion

Respiratory track to larger bronchioles

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purpose of conducting portion

prepare are “filtration”

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Respiration portion

smallest respiratory bronchioles + alveoli

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purpose of respiratory portion

gas exchange

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Where is simple squamous epithelium found in the respiratory system


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Cuboidal Epithelium - scattered cilia

smaller bronchioles

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Stratified Squamous epithelium

Inferior portions of the pharynx (protective function)

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Pseudostratified - ciliated columnar epithelium with numerous mucus cells

Nasal cavity, superior portion of pharynx, superior portion of lower respiratory system

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