1. Lion of Nemea --> offspring of Echidna and Typhaon; has club; strangles it and takes its' impenetrable hide
2. Hydra of Lerna (disqualified because he had help from his nephew Iolaus) --> offspring of Echidna and Typhaon; two heads replaced chopped off head so Hercules burns them; Hera sent crab to distract him; buried immortal head under rock
3. Cerynean Hind --> female deer sacred to Artemis; can only capture but accidentally breaks off horn
4. Erymanthian Boar --> captures and brings it back (Parergon --> Centaurs, Lapiths and Centaurs (Theseus), Prometheus suggests to transfer Chiron's immortality to Hercules)
5. Stable of Augeas (disqualified because Hercules asks for payment) --> diverts Alpheus and Peneus rivers; Arethusa on Sicily (chased by river god Alpheus, rescued by Artemis); Olympic Games (Hercules wages war on Augeas for not paying him --> establishes Olympic Games to commemorate victory)
6. Stymphalian Birds --> man eating birds; Hercules given noisemaker by Athena to startle them and kill them in the air
7. Cretan Bull --> bull sent by Poseidon; Hercules captured it
8. Mares of Diomedes --> tames the mares by feeding the flesh of their master (Diomedes); Parergon (Death and Hercules fight for Alcestis)
9. Girdle of Hippolyta --> queen of the Amazons; battle --> Hercules took belt; Parergon (King Laomedon of Troy --> Poseidon and Apollo help him build walls of Troy; defaulted; they send plague and sea-monster to eat his daughter Hesione; Hercules saves her but Laomedon doesn't give him his horses; Hercules return and sacks Troy)
10. Cattle of Geryon --> triple-bodied son of Chrysaor; Eurytion (cowherd); Pillars of Hercules (steles); rides in golden cup of Helios; Hercules kills Orthus (two-headed dog) and Geryon; Parergon (King Evander, Cacus --> tried to steal his cattle; defeats him with club)
11. Hesperides' apples --> were 3 daughters of Atlas; Ladon (snake, serpent) guards apples; relieves Atlas of his burden so he can go get the apples; Parergon (Nereus --> metamorph who Hercules wrestles for information; Antaeus --> son of Gaia, killed by Hercules; Busiris --> sacrificed King because that's what he did to foreigners)
12. Cerberus --> led by Hermes --> katabasis (following initiation in Elusenian Mysteries, Demeter); fights Cerberus in the Underworld (lion hide); Hades let him take Cerberus; rescues Theseus but not Pirithous