Jackson’s Democrats wanted western expansion, but it would mean confrontation with current Natives on the land. More than 125,000 Native AMericnas lived in the forests east of the Mississippi in the 1820s. Fed policy toward them varied. Beginning of 1790s, $20,000 was given for promotion of literacy, agricultural, and vocational instruction among Natives
Many tribes resisted white encroachment, others followed path of accommodation
Cherokees abandoned semi nomadic life and adopted system of settled agriculture
Missionaries opened schools; Cherokee National Council legislated a written legal code, adopted a constitution w/ 3 branches of gov.
Not good enough for whites
In 1828, Georgia legislature declared Cherokee tribal council illegal and asserted its own jurisdiction over Native affairs and lands; Cherokees appealed to Supreme Court, which upheld rights of Natives 3x, but Jackson wanted natives gone from land for white settlement Jackson proposed bodily removal of remaining eastern tribes—Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles—beyond Mississippi
Jacksonś policy led to forced uprooting of more than 100,000 Natives
In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, providing for transplanting of all Native Tribes then resident east of Mississippi. Natives died on forced marches—notably the Cherokees along the **Trail of Tears—**to the newly est. Native Territory, where they were to be “permanently” free of whtite encroachment
In fall/winter of 1838-1839, US Army forcibly removed 15,000 Cherokees from ancestral homelands in southeastern US and marched them to Native Territory (Oklahoma).
The Bureau of Native Affairs was est.. To administer relations with America’s original inhabitants the “permanent” frontier lasted about 15 years
Sauk and Fox braves from Illinois and Wisconsin, led by Black Hawk, resisted eviction and bloodily defeated in the Black Hawk War of 1832 by Lieut. Jefferson Davis. In Florida, Seminole Natives and runway slaves retreated to Everglades
The American field commander seeized leader, Osceola. Some fled deeper into Everglades, but ⅘ of them were moved to Oklahoma.
Panic of 1837:
Lone Star Rebellion
John Tyler leaves president’s office and leaves Polk to deal w/Teas and decided to compromise w/Britain (54 40 line)
Immediate Causes of Mexican-american war
Military Campaigns:
Consequences: After fall of Meixco City, the gov. Agreed to US terms
Manifest Destiny to the SOuth
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty:
Gadsden Purchase
Settlement of West
Thomas Paine’s anticlerical treatise that accused churches of seeking to acquire “power and profit”and to “enslave mankind”
Founding fathers embraced the liberal doctrines of **Deism–**deists relied on reason rather than revelation, on science rather than the Bible. They rejected the concept of original sin and denied Christ’s divinity. Yet Deists believed in a Supreme Being who had created a knowable universe and endowed human beings with a capacity for moral behavior
episodes in history of American religion; tidal wave of spiritual fervor resulted in converted people, many shattered and reorganized churches, and numerous new sects. It also encouraged evangelicalism that was pronounced in American life—including prison reform, the temperance cause, the women’s movement, and the crusade to abolish slavery
Methodists and Baptists thrived
Many Americans became missionaries and spread their messages to Africa, Asia, Hawaii, and to Native tribes of the American west
Peter Cartwright was the best known of the Methodist. He was a frontier preacher.
Charles Grandison Finney became an evangelist.
Key feature of the Second Great Awakening was the feminization of religion, in terms of both church membership and theology. Middle-class women were enthusiasts of religious revivalism. They made up majority of new church members; evangelicals preached of female spiritual worth and offered women an active role in bringing their husbands families back to God
Women turned to save society through Charitable organizations and ambitious reforms
American Antislavery Society
Liberty Party: Garrison’s radicalism led to split in abolitionist movement
Black Abolitionists:
Violent abolitionism: David Walker and Henry Highland Garnet were northern African Americans who advocated radical solution to slavery by means of a revolt
American peace society:
Southern reaction to reform
Conflict over status of territories
Free Soil Movement
Southern Position
Popular Sovereignty