HL Psych Studies: Paper 1

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Brewer & Treyens

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Brewer & Treyens

Office study, uni students, written/verbal/drawing recall, unusual objects in office, 30 seconds to observe (useful for: schema theory)

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Native American ghost story, British participants, repeated/serial cond., assimilated story (useful for: schema theory)

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Glanzer & Cunitz

Word list, delay/no delay, primacy & recency effects, Y1 IA study (useful for: MSM)

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HM: Milner

Part of hippocampus removed to stop seizures following childhood brain damage, could not acquire new semantic/episodic, retained procedural, hipp. played role in conversion from STM → LTM (useful for: MSM, localization, MRI)

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Landry & Bartling

Word list, articulately suppression (saying 1,2), impacted accuracy (useful for: WMM)

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KF: Warrington & Shalice

Brain damage, LTM intact, STM damaged, oral info not recalled, visual info recalled, supports separate stores for visual + auditory info (useful for: WMM)

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9/11, delayed TV vs immediate TV, 28hrs vs 6mo, delayed TV showed less detail & accuracy after 6mo (useful for: technology, FBM)

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9/11 vs Challenger, graphed recall accuracy vs media coverage, 9/11 higher media + accuracy, media reminders play role in overt rehearsal & thus formation of FBM (useful for: technology, FBM)

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Loftus & Palmer

Car crash, leading verbs (hit/smashed/bumped/collided/contacted), estimated speed higher for smashed than contacted (useful for: reconstructive memory)

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Yuille & Cutshall

Armed robbery witnesses, “a” vs “the” broken headlight, 79-84% accuracy (no broken headlight), does not support reconstructive memory theory (useful for: reconstructive memory)

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Tversky and Kahneman (anchoring)

High school students, ascending vs descending, Y2 IA study (useful for: anchoring bias)

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Tversky and Kahneman (framing)

“Pos” vs “neg” scenarios w same outcome (framed differently), pos group chose certain lives saved, neg group chose possible lives saved (useful for: framing bias)

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MAPguire, London taxi drivers, post. hipp. larger & ant. hipp. smaller than non taxi drivers (useful for: MRI, localization, neuroplasticity)

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Antman goes NOVA in the metaverse, VR game locating around an arena, scopolamine to block Acetylcholine, Ach. group showed lower accuracy + reduction in hipp. activity, suggests Ach plays role in spatial memories (useful for: neurotransmission)

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Rogers & Kesner

Rats in a maze, scopolamine as acetylcholine’s antagonist, similar to Antonova (useful for: neurotransmission, animal studies)

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Rosenzweig, Bennet & Diamond

Rats & swag, rich vs impoverished conditions for 30-60 days, brains examined, increased thickness + cortex weight in rich cond + greater neural activity (useful for: neuroplasticity, animal studies)

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Test theories about mate selection, 2 surveys about marriage, age difference, biographical info, then given 13 characteristics + ranked for desireability, supported theory that men favor youth + physical appearance, women favor abundance of resources (useful for: evolution)

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Sweaty weekend, men wore shirt for 2 days w out washing, women then asked to rank smell, ranked smell of men w/ different MHC (genes involved in immune system) higher than similar MHC (useful for: evolution)

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5-HTT gene, given survey about life events + depression, those w/ at least 1 short allele had more suicidal ideation symptoms, gene’s interaction w/ stressful events increased likelihood of depression ( useful for: genetics)

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MDD, 161 children + their parents & grandparents, high rates of psychiatric disorder w/ two generations of MDD (useful for: genetics)

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Hilliard & Liben

Young children, gendered vs non-gendered language & actions, gendered cond. showed higher rates of stereotypes + difference in group play (useful for: SIT, enculturation)

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Undergrad students, Asch paradigm, confederates gave right answer 50%, wrong answer 50%, higher conformity when “psych student” confederate gave wrong answer vs “history student” gave wrong answer (useful for: SIT)

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Bobo doll, verbal/physical violence, children who viewed violence from role model exhibited during free play (useful for: SCT, enculturation)

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Notel, TV introduced, 2 years later gender stereotyping increased (useful for: SCT)

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Hamilton & Gifford

Group A pos traits, group B neg traits, distinctiveness-based illusory correlations (useful for: stereotypes)

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Steele & Aronson

Stereotype threat, African-American Stanford students, performed worse when told test was “intellectual assessment” vs “problem solving” (useful for: stereotyping)

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Temne (collectivistic), Inuit (individualistic), Scots, asch paradigm, conformity higher in col. than ind. cultures (useful for: cultural dimensions)

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FBM in ind./col. cultures, asked to recall memories of public events, personal significance played less role in FBM in col. cultures (useful for: cultural dimensions)

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N. & Uchida

Hikikomori, Japanese uni students at risk, high risk scored lower on global + local identity (useful for: globalization, acculturation)

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Lueck & Wilson

First and second gen Asian Americans, interviewed about socioeconomics, language, etc, studied acculturative stress (useful for: globalization, acculturation)

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McGaugh & Cahill

Emotional vs “mundane” story in S1, given recall 2 wks later, follow up gave beta blocker to slow amygdala , same procedure, mundane + propranolol group had low recall, adrenaline/emotion may help formation of memories (useful for: hormones)

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