3.0: unit three review - cultural patterns and processes
Overall Unit Key Themes
Introduction to Culture
Cultural Landscapes
Cultural Patterns
Types of Diffusion
Historical Causes of Diffusion
Contemporary Causes of Diffusion
Diffusion of Religion and Language
Effects of Diffusion
Topic 3.1: Introduction to Culture
terms to know
Culture comprises the shared practices, technologies, attitudes, and behaviors transmitted by a society
Cultural traits include such things as food preferences, architecture, and land use
Cultural relativism and ethnocentrism are different attitudes toward cultural difference
geography and culture
__Culture: __ a shared set of meanings that are lived through the material and symbolic practices of everyday life (values, beliefs, practices, religion, family, sexuality, etc.)
Learned, not biological
Transmitted within a society to next generations by imitation, tradition, instruction
cultural relativism vs. ethnocentrism
Cultural Relativism: is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture (contrasts with ethnocentrism)
Ex: Having different beliefs from what you were taught
Ethnocentrism: Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group
Ex: Racism
Cultural Relativism: is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture (contrasts with ethnocentrism
Ex: Having different beliefs from what you were taught
Topic: 3.2: Cultural Landscapes
terms to know
Cultural landscapes are combinations of physical features, agricultural and industrial practices, religious and linguistic characteristics, evidence of sequent occupancy, and other expression of culture including traditional and postmodern architecture and land-use patterns.
Attitudes toward ethnicity and gender, including the role of women in the workforce; ethnic neighborhoods; and indigenous communities and lands help shape the use of space in a given society.
Using Region to Describe Location
An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics
Cultural landscapes often demonstrate Sequent Occupance: each group of inhabitants leave their distinctive imprint on the landscape.
Carl Sauer (1889-1975)
Study of cultural landscapes
Regions are areas fashioned from nature by a cultural group
religion on the cultural landscape
Religious architecture
Sacred space
Religious symbols
Topic 3.3: Cultural Patterns
terms to know
Regional patterns of language,religion, and ethnicity contribute to a sense of place, enhance placemaking, and shape the global cultural landscape
Sense of place:infusing a place with meaning and emotion
Language, ethnicity, and religion are factors in creating centripetal and centrifugal forces.
Centripetal: bringing people together
Centrifugal: splitting people apart
Topic 3.4: Types of Diffusion
terms to know
Relocation and expansion - including contagious, hierarchical, and stimulus expansion - are types of diffusion.
types of diffusion
Relevance to culture?
Example? Relevance to culture?
Example? Relevance to culture?
Example? Relevance to culture?
Topic 3.5: Historical Causes of Diffusion
terms to know
Interactions between and among cultural traits and larger global forces can lead to new forms of cultural expression; for example, creolization and lingua franca.
Colonialism, imperialism, and trade helped to shape patterns and practices of culture.
Topic 3.6: Contemporary Causes of Diffusion
terms to know
Cultural ideas and practices are socially constructed and change through both small-scale and large-scale processes such as urbanization and globalization. These processes come to bear on culture through media, technological change, politics, economic, and social relationships.
Communication technologies, such as the internet and time-space convergence, are reshaping and accelerating interactions among people; changing cultural practices, as in the increasing use of English and the loss of indigenous languages; and creating cultural convergence and divergence.
Topic 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language
terms to know
Language families, languages, dialects, world religions, ethnic cultures, and gender roles diffuse from cultural hearths.
Diffusion of language families, including Indo-European, and religious patterns and distributions can be visually represented on maps, in charts and toponyms, and in other representations.
Religions have distinct places of origin from which they diffused to other locations through different processes. Practices and belief systems impacted how widespread the religion diffused.
Universalizing religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhism, are spread through expansion and relocation diffusion.
Ethnic religions, including Hinduism and Judaism, are generally found near the hearth or spread through relocation diffusion.
cultural hearths
Origins of cultural practices (identified by Carl Sauer)
Language hearth: source areas of language (a subset of cultural hearths)
Indo-European: Origin and Diffusion
Romance Languages
Originated from Latin “Romans’ language”
diffusion through conquests
Vulgar Latin - spoken by the common people
Worldwide importance
Colonial activities of European speakers
Indo-European Languages
what happens when cultures interact?
__Assimilation: __process whereby people of a culture learn to adapt to the ways of the majority culture. There is a loss of one’s own culture as a person gives more value to the cultural aspects of the majority community in the process of assimilation
Acculturation: when a person belongs to a minority community in a country and retains their culture but adopts enough of the host society’s ways to be able to function economically and socially in the majority culture.
Syncretism: the combination of elements of two groups into a new cultural feature
2 cultural groups come together to form a new culture
EX: Baha’i religion
Multiculturalism: The policy of maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community.
EX:New York City is an example of a multicultural society.