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1-tailed T test
Evaluate the mean of 1 continuous variable.
2 tailed T test
Evaluating the mean of both tails of distribution of continuous variables
Chi-squared test
Compare the observed values in your data to the expected values if the null hypothesis is correct
Fishers exact test
Chi-squared for small sample sizes (fewer than 10 values per cell)
Parametric test
Normally distributed, continuous data
Non-parametric test
Suitable for any continuous data, based on ranks of data values
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Evaluates the strength and direction of the relationship between 2 continuous variables
ANOVA testing
Used to evaluate the difference between the means of more than 2 groups
Wilcoxon signed rank test
Non-parametric counterpart for t-test.
Kurskal-Wallis test
Non-parametric test to compare 3+ independent groups, extension of Mann Whitney test
Mann Whitney U test
Difference between 2 samples, using rank sums
Spearman’s rank correlation
Non-parametric version of Pearson’s test. Strength and direction of association between 2 ranked variables
Determine the strength and character of the relationship between variables (dependent and 1+ independent)
Bonferroni correction
The p value of each test must be equal to its alpha divided by the number of tests performed
p value
probability of obtaining observed results or results which are more extreme if the null hypothesis is true