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The coexistence of diverse cultural groups within a society, presenting philosophical, ethical, and political challenges.
Cultural Relativism
The belief that moral values and practices are relative to each culture and should be understood within their own context.
The belief that certain fundamental values and rights apply to all human beings, regardless of culture.
John Rawls' Theory of Justice
A theory proposing that social and economic inequalities should benefit the least advantaged in society.
The Original Position
A hypothetical scenario where people design the rules of society without knowing their own social status.
Veil of Ignorance
A conceptual tool that ensures fairness in rule-making, as individuals do not know their own position in society.
Equal Basic Liberties
The principle that every person should have equal fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech and religion.
The Difference Principle
Inequalities are only justifiable if they benefit the least advantaged members of society.
The willingness to accept or respect different opinions, behaviors, and beliefs.
Harm Principle
The principle that individuals should be free to act as they wish unless their actions harm others.
Self-Regarding Actions
Actions that only affect the individual and should not be restricted.
Other-Regarding Actions
Actions that affect others in harmful ways and may be legally restricted.
Negative Liberty
Freedom from external interference, such as freedom from government control.
Positive Liberty
Freedom to achieve self-mastery and personal fulfillment, including access to education and healthcare.
Legal Rights
Rights granted and protected by the law, such as the right to vote.
Human Rights
Universal moral rights that apply to all people, regardless of legal recognition.
The suppression of speech, communication, or access to information by authorities.
Freedom of Information
The right of people to access and distribute knowledge freely.
Just War Theory
The doctrine that outlines when it is permissible to engage in warfare and under what conditions.
The belief that violence is never justified regardless of the situation.
Technological Determinism
The theory that technology shapes society and its values.
Social Constructivism
The theory that society shapes technology and how it is used.
Digital Divide
The inequality in access to technology and the internet.
Surveillance Capitalism
The commodification of personal data by companies for profit.
Media Bias
The tendency of media to shape public opinion unfairly due to partiality.
Echo Chambers
Social situations where beliefs are amplified and reinforced by communication and repetition within a closed system.
Affirmative Action Policies
Policies intended to promote equality and diversity, which may cause reverse discrimination.
Social Justice Theories
Theories that address the fair treatment of individuals and the social distribution of resources.
Historical Discrimination
Long-standing systemic disadvantages faced by minority groups based on various identities.
Cultural Appropriation
The adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture, often criticized when done by a dominant culture.
Individual Choice vs. Arranged Marriages
Cultural perspectives on marriage practices that highlight differing values across cultures.
The evaluation of other cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.
Intrinsic Human Rights
Principles thought to be inherent to all individuals, encompassing dignity and worth.
Actions taken by states to prevent, deter, or respond to terrorism.
The idea that authorities may restrict freedoms for the 'good' of individuals.
Freedom of Speech
The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
Civil Liberties
Personal freedoms protected from government interference.
Cultural Norms
Shared standards and guidelines that dictate acceptable behavior in a group.
False or misleading information distributed regardless of intent.
Public Services
Services provided by the government to its citizens, often funded through taxation.
Incitement to Violence
Speech or actions that encourage violence against others.
John Stuart Mill
A philosopher who emphasized individual freedom and introduced the Harm Principle.
Philosophical Ethics
The study of what is right and wrong, guiding moral behavior.