Based on in class discussion and The Cultural Landscape textbook by Rubenstein
Non-living or inorganic matter of an ecosystem
The thin layer of gas that surrounds earth
Where all living things including human lives
Living organism of a ecosystem
The science of making maps. Connections. Relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space
The long term average weather
The extent of a feature spread over an area
The relationship among people and object across the barrier of space
The management of natural resource that is up to par with human needs
Contagious diffusion
A type of diffusion that is widespread and spread though a population fast
Cultural ecology
The approach to human-environment of geography
Cultural landscape
An approach that emphasizes the relationship of social and physical phenomena in a particular area
A body of beliefs, material trait and social form that makes up traditions of specific group of people
The frequency of something in a given amount of unit/area
The process of how ideas spread from one place to another
Distance decay
With increasing distance, the less important/the disappearance of a phenomenon
The arrangement of something on earths surface
The scientific study of ecosystem
Abiotic and biotic relationships with each other in a environment
Environmental determinism
The belief that the physical environment caused social development, first originated in the nineteenth-twenty centryish
Expansion diffusion
The spread of something from one place to another, in a additive process
Formal region
An area where people share one or more distinct feature
Functional region(nodal)
An area organized at a focal/nodal point
A computer system that captures, store and display geographic data
Geographic information science
Geographic data and analysis acquired through satellites and other electronic technology
Global positioning system
A system that determines the absolute location of something or someone on earth, using satellite and tracking station
The connection and or process that makes the world connected and world wide in scope
Greenwich Mean Time
The international time that is based on the prime meridian
A place from which an innovation or idea originates
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread of an idea from a node from an authority or key person or place . ie political leaders and elites
Housing bubble
When markets prices rise to unreasonable or unsustainable
Where all water near or on earth is located
International Date Line
An arch that follows 180 longitude for the most part. East would go back a day, while west would move up a day
The system to indicate a location measuring from east to west of the prime meridian
Hearts crust and a portion of the upper mantle that is directly below the crust
The position of anything on earth's surface
The system to indicate a location measuring from north to south of the equator
A flat or two dimensional representation of earth's surface
Map scale
The relationship of the size of an object on a map and the size of the actual feature in real life
Mental map
A personal representation of a portion of earth from a person's memories
An arch drawn between the north and south pole
A chain of communication that connects places from one another
Nonrenewable resource
A source that does not produced quickly as the demand for it
A circle drawn around a globe parallel to the equator and at right angles of meridians
The geometric or regular arrangement of something in a area
A location with particular characteristic
The land that the dutch created by draining out water from an area
The idea that even if the physical environment sets limits on human action, the people have the ability to adjust it
The maintenance of resources in the presents condition, with little to no human impact
Prime meridian
The meridian at 0 longitude, that passes at greenwich england
A system that is used to transfer the earth surface on a flat map
An area distinguished by one or more distinctive feature
Regional (or cultural landscape) studies
An approach to geography that emphasizes the relationship of social and physical phenomenon in a certain area
Relocation diffusion
The spread of an idea through physical movements from one place to another
Remote sensing
The acquisition of data earth's surface via satellites and other long distance methods
Renewable resource
Sources that grows fast unlike its demands
A thing in an environment that is useful for humans and is economically and technologically feasible to access, and is socially acceptable to use
The study of a portion of an area of earth and earth as a whole
The physical character of a place
The location of a relative place from another
The physical gap between two objects
Space-time compression
The reduction of time that it takes a idea to diffuse thanks to transportation and better communication
Stimulus diffusion
The spread of an idea of a underlying principle
The use of earth's renewable and nonrenewable sources in ways that it can sustain human life/usage in the future
A name of a portion of earth
Transnational corporation
Companies that research/do business in foreign countries that are outside of their headquarters and shareholders
Uneven development
The gaps in economic condition between the core to the peripheral region of globalization in the economy
Vernacular region
An area that people believe exist as part of their cultural identity
Geospatial skills
The ability to take raw data and convert it into things such as maps and to draw conclusion from the data
Tax on goods and services imported into a country
The idea of shielding one's own country domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
Grid system
The system to help build/arrange information
Free trade
A trade policy that allow permit inexpensive imports and exports, without tariffs or other trade barriers
The business practice of obtaining goods and services from a outside source in place of an internal source
The business practice of relocating of a over sea, to take advantage of lower cost
rust belt
Located in the united states, is the region of industrial decline. Those of which includes mainly Michigan and Ohio
A landmark trade deal between Mexico, Canada and the united states, that took effect in 1994
common pool resource
a resource made available to all by consumption and to which access can be limited only at high cost
tragedy of the commons
a situation in which individuals with access to a public resource act in their own interest and, in doing so, ultimately deplete the resource
Race to the bottom
A saying that refers to a competitive situation that involves a company/state/nation attempting to undercut the competition's prices by sacrificing quality standards or worker safety, or reducing labor costs
An area that drains water by a river system
A high ridge line separating two or more watershed/basins/valley
A broad elevated plain
Where major river branch out into several tunnel before reaching to the sea
A calm protected in let from the sea
Strips of land sticking by water source
Closely scattered island
The distance above sea level
Small body of water flowing into a larger one
A stream of water that is either snowmelt or spring fed
river source
Where a river begins, usually from snowmelt or from a spring
Where river flow together
Underground water supply
Elevated land form caused by erosion
A narrow trip of land connecting two larger land masses
Narrow water passage between land mass
barrier islands
a constantly changing deposit of sand that forms parallel to the coast
river mouth
the place where a river enters another river, sea, ocean or lake
snow bird
a person who migrates from the colder northern parts of North America to warmer southern locales, typically during the winter.