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The number of minutes on a timer
What is your natural hair color? Brown, Black, Blonde, or Red
Rank your top three choices for graduate school.
I love when the teacher gives a pop quiz (1- strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree)
What kind of cell phone do you have? Apple, Android, or Other
The scientific approach helps researchers minimize ______.
When do you start reviewing existing literature?
After you choose a topic
________ does not imply causation.
Identify the incorrect word in the following sentence: "The results of our research prove that working out leads to weight loss."
True or False? Choosing a correlational research design for your study means you can conclude if one thing caused another.
The scientific approach is favored because it helps to ____________.
Minimize bias
What happens after research results are made public?
Other researchers critique
Other researchers verify results
More complex questions on the topic are explored
Other researchers verify results
More complex questions on the topic are explored
A study or measure that is not reliable _______ be valid.
If studies using reliable and valid measures consistently found similar results, the results are _______.
A study with high internal validity usually has low _______.
External validity
Replication is one way to test _______.
I believe illegal drug use is a serious problems among college students. (1 strongly disagree - 5 strongly agree)
Have you ever used illegal drugs? Yes or No?
Rank the seriousness of the following problems among college students (1=most serious, 8 least serious)
How many times have you observed illegal drug use while at college?
Gender (Scales of Measurement)
Age (Scales of Measurement)
Ethnicity (Scales of Measurement)
Highest level of education
Pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality
Reliability refers to _______ and validity refers to _______.
consistency; accuracy
Reliability of a study:
How consistent the results are across similar studies.
Literal Replication
Conducting the same study with new participants
Conceptional Replication
Conducting a study examining the same patterns or relationships but with different methods
Internal Validity
Found an accurate relationship among variables, in that changes in one variable are caused by changes in another variable.
External Validity
The results of a study are accurate for different types of people in different settings assessed with different procedures.
Measurement Reliability
Consistency of a measure
Measurement Validity
Measurement is accurate in that it measures what it claims to measure
Internal Consistency
Consistency of responses to all the items in a scale
Test-retest reliability
Stability of scores on a scale over time
Alternate forms reliability
Consistency of scores on two different forms of a scale (Different test, get the same score (SAT)
Inter-rater reliability
Consistency between different raters' scores
Something looks like it measures what it's supposed to, just by looking at it.
Construct validity
The extent to which a measure mirrors the characteristics of a construct
Content Validity
Inclusion of all aspects of a construct by items on a scale or measure
Convergent validity
Positive relationship between two scales measuring the same or similar constructs
Divergent validity
Negative or no relationship between two scales measuring different constructs (Happy + Sad)
Criterion validity
Positive correlation between scale scores and a behavioral measure.
Concurrent validity
Positive correlation between scale scores and current behavior that is related to the construct assessed by the scale
Predictive validity
Positive relationship between a scale scores and a future behavior.