Population Theorists

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Food production grows arithmetically while population grows exponentially, therefore there will be moments when the human population is checked due to shortages in food

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Neo Malthusians

Human solutions negatively modify the planet and as a result their will be shortages of space, scenery, clean air, water, food, etc. Therefore there will be moments when the human population is checked due to shortages in the above resources

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Humans are inventive and will create ways to produce more energy, space, food, water, clean air, but their may be some other consequences

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Humans are inventive and therefore there will always be enough energy, space, food, water, air, and scenery

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Plenty of resources the problem lies in the distribution of the resources

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Positive Checks

War, Famine, Disease, Drought, etc (word)

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Negative Checks

Family Planning, birth control, natural f.p., abstinence, sterilization, etc (word)

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increase the death rate (sign)

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decrease the birth rate (sign)

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