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the policy of extending a stronger country’s power and influence over a weaker country or region by means of colorization or military force.
philippe bunau varilla
A french engineer, was selected by the government to be an ambassador and to negotiate a treaty with roosevelt's secretary of state john hay
Grover Clevland
An anti imperialist
Sanford Dole
declared himself president of the republic of hawaii
Matthew Perry
his mission was to obtain an agreement with japan regarding the protection of shipwrecked sailors and the opening of ports for supplies, refueling, and trade. he was authorized to use “gunship diplomacy”
McKinley Tariff
raised the import rates on foreign sugar
William Seward
secretary of state, helped make the decision about buying alaska from russia for 7.2 million dollars in 1867
Treaty of Kanagawa
signed in which japan ended more than 200 years from isolation from other countries. the treaty opened 2 ports to american ships so they could obtain wood, water, provisions, and coal.
Queen Liliuokalani
Thought the planters were gaining too much power and their influence was no longer desired. Last queen of Hawaii
John Hay
Asked the major european powers and Japan to agree on an open door policy in China. Intended to secure an informal agreement that would protect american business interests in china.
Open door policy
to keep chinese ports open so all nations had equal trade rights, would open trade to all nations on an equal basis.
Boxer Rebellion
A secret group of chinese officials who became angry over so much foreign intervention
roosevelt corollary
Served as a warning to european nations and the nations within the united states sphere of influence. int th case of the european union’s the warning was a simple “STAY OUT”
Banana wars
Civil war in multiple nations requiring intervention by the US to protect its commercial intrests in tobbacco, sugarr cane, and bananas.
francisco '“Pancho” villa
a border ruffian and theif who raided a US town in new mexico on 1916
hay-pauncefote treaty
nullified an earlier 1850 treaty between the two countries which stated neither country would occupy or colonize this region.
george washington goethals
in complete charge of building the canal, army engineer
william mckinley
pursued an imperialistic policy his official were looking for more refueling stations in the vast pacific ocean. asked congress for the authority to end the revolt in cuba between the rebels and spanish forces.
yellow journalism
published sensational stories, to the point of exaggeration without facts
william hearts & joseph pulitzer
used yellow journalism tactics to capture its readers attention
uss maine
sunk in cuba’s havana harbor in february 1898
teddy roosevelt
assistant secretary of navy, resigned his position to recruit a diverse group of people.
rough riders
most celebrated unit in spanish american war
Why the US pursued a policy of imperialism
The bandwagon effect. politicians reasoned all major powers are practicing imperialism so why shouldn’t we?
With closing the american frontier in 1890, many americans argued that our nation needed to expand beyond shores
technological innovations in industry and agriculture created a surplus economy
Results of the treaty of Paris
Granted Cuba independence under US protection
Ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the US as indemnity
Sol the Philippine islands to the US for 20 million dollars
Lost its colonial empire
Why the US wanted the virgin islands
germany had threatend to invade the islands, so to stop them from doing so, they occupied the land.
Roosevelt’s foreign and domestic policy famous quote
speak softly and carry a big stick
Reasons that made Alaska an economic bargain
Black gold and oil