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Primary neurulation: cells surrounding the neural plate cells direct the neural plate cells to proliferate, invaginate and seperate from the surface forming an underlying hollow tube
Secondary neurulation: neural tube arises from aggregate mesynchyme into a solid cord the makes cavities that eventually connect into a hollow tube
In many vert. There is a combination of the two that happen at different portions of the embryo where primary forms the anterior portion and posterior is formed by secondary neurulation.
Neural tube complete when two tubes join together at the transition zone where a combination of both mechanisms
Elongation and folding of neural plate (ap direction)
Bending of the neural plate by forming bottle cells to then make hinges(hinge points) where the medial cells are bound to the notochord creating the nerual groove
Convergence of the two lateral hinge points this happens at the dorsal points of the embryo and extends upward creating a driving force that furthers convergence
Closure of the neural tube: once the folds are brought into contact at the dorsal midline the folds adhere to one another. The surface ectoderm fuse with their counterparts and during this cells at the apex delaminate to form neural crest cells
Epithelial cells adopt a wedge shape via locallized contraction of actinomyosin complexes at the border of the cells creating apical constriction making bottle cell esc shapes
Cells also divide much faster in these regions creating denser areas adding force which is hypothesized to increase buckling
There is a morphogenetic pathway at work. SHH is released from the notochord which inhibits hogging thats expressed at the dorsal neural folds. Noggin inhibits BMP and BMP inhibits MHP which is activated by SHH
SHH is used for floor plate expression
Takes place in the most posterior region of the embryo during tailbud elongation
Production of mesenchyme cells from the prospective ectoderm and mesoderm f
Then condensation of cells into meddulary cord below the surface ectoderm.
The mesenchyme goes through a mesenchyme epithelial transition and then creates follow spaces that come together into a hollow cavity.
As the embryo trunk elongates ectodermal cells posterior nerual tube cells express Sox2 and teh mesodermal cells express Tbx6 TF that forms somites
Early mammal neural tube is straight but changes drastically.
Anterior region becomes the three primary vesicles: the fore brain, midbrain, and hind brain.
By the time the posterior end of neural tube closes the secondary vesicle has already formed.