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Stable internal conditions maintained by physiological systems.
Extracellular Fluid (ECF)
Fluid outside cells, includes blood plasma and interstitial fluid.
Groups of similar cells performing specific functions.
Epithelial Tissue
Covers body surfaces and lines cavities.
Muscle Tissue
Responsible for movement in the body.
Connective Tissue
Supports, binds, and protects other tissues.
Nervous Tissue
Transmits signals for communication within the body.
Structures composed of multiple tissue types for specific functions.
Organ Systems
Groups of organs working together for a common purpose.
Organism composed of multiple cells, allowing specialization.
Nervous System
Controls physiological systems by transmitting signals.
Endocrine System
Regulates physiological processes through hormone release.
Digestive Tract
Example of an organ with all four tissue types.
Cell Membrane Surface Area
Limits material exchange in single-celled organisms.
Specialization of Cells
Different cell types perform unique functions in multicellular organisms.
Nutrient Exchange
Process of cells obtaining nutrients from ECF.
Waste Elimination
Cells expel toxins into the extracellular fluid.
Physiological Systems
Mechanisms maintaining homeostasis in organisms.
Optimal Conditions
Ideal physical and biochemical states for cellular function.
Cellular Damage
Occurs when homeostasis is disrupted.
Organizational Hierarchy
Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems → Organism.
Blood Plasma
Liquid component of blood, part of ECF.
Interstitial Fluid
Fluid surrounding cells, facilitating nutrient and waste exchange.
Set point
Desired reference point for physiological regulation.
Device comparing current temperature to set point.
Information compared to the set point.
Error signal
Difference between set point and feedback.
Muscles or glands that enact changes.
Negative feedback
Counteracts deviations from the set point.
Positive feedback
Amplifies response, increasing deviation from set point.
Feedforward information
Anticipates changes, adjusting the set point.
Biological processes affected by temperature changes.
Antifreeze molecules
Substances preventing ice crystal formation in blood.
Loss of protein function due to high temperature.
Heat shock proteins (HSPs)
Proteins stabilizing others to prevent denaturation.
Survival limits
Temperature range within which cells function.
Thermoregulatory adaptations
Evolved traits for temperature regulation.
Reaction rate change per 10°C temperature difference.
Different enzyme forms with varying temperature optima.
Adjustment to environmental temperature changes.
Metabolic rate
Rate of energy expenditure in organisms.
Geographic range
Area where a species can thrive.
Cellular damage
Harm caused by extreme temperatures.
Biochemical reactions
Processes influenced by temperature variations.
Cell Membrane Composition
Changes maintain fluidity with temperature variations.
Different enzyme forms adapting to temperature.
Excessive body heat requiring rapid cooling.
Heat-Induced Cramps
Muscle spasms causing exercise cessation in athletes.
Pyruvate Kinase
Enzyme inactivating at 40°C, halting ATP production.
Animals maintaining a constant body temperature.
Animals with variable body temperatures.
Body temperature relies on external heat sources.
Animals generating internal metabolic heat.
Animals alternating between endothermic and ectothermic states.
Behavioral Mechanisms
Actions taken to regulate body temperature.
Radiation Heat Transfer
Heat transfer via infrared radiation between objects.
Convection Heat Exchange
Heat transfer with surrounding air or water.
Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat transfer through direct contact between objects.
Evaporation Heat Transfer
Heat loss as water evaporates from surfaces.
Energy Budget
Balance of heat production and heat exchange.
Surface Temperature Control
Regulated by blood flow to the skin.
Increased Blood Flow
Enhances heat loss, lowering body temperature.
Reduces blood flow, decreasing heat loss.
Marine Iguanas
Alternate feeding and basking to regulate temperature.
Heart Rate Adjustment
Changes blood flow to control body heat.
Fur retains body heat in mammals.
Heat Loss Control
Blood vessels regulate heat loss in skin.
Cold Fish
Heat lost primarily over gills during circulation.
Hot Fish
Maintain muscle temperatures 10°-15°C above water.
Peripheral Arteries
Transport cool blood, minimizing heat loss.
Countercurrent Heat Exchanger
Heat flows from arteries to veins, conserving warmth.
Metabolic Heat Production
Ectotherms raise body temperature through metabolism.
Isometric Muscle Contraction
Insects warm flight muscles before activity.
Honeybee Temperature Regulation
Group adjusts heat production for larval warmth.
Metabolic Rate Measurement
Assessed via O2 consumption or CO2 production.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Energy use at rest in thermoneutral zone.
Metabolic Rate and Body Mass
Smaller animals have higher metabolic rates.
Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Larger animals dissipate heat less effectively.
Thermoneutral Zone
Temperature range with minimal energy use.
Critical Temperatures
Bounds of thermoneutral zone for endotherms.
Energy Use Outside Thermoneutral Zone
Increased energy required for temperature regulation.
Endothermic Response to Cold
Increased heat production and reduced heat loss.
Heat Retention Mechanism
Blood vessels adjust to maintain body temperature.
Swimming Muscle Temperature
Higher temperatures enhance fish swimming power.
Metabolic Rate Formula
Metabolic rate = Mass^3/4.
Heat Exchange in Fish
Warm blood from veins heats cool arterial blood.
Shivering heat production
Muscle contractions release heat via ATP conversion.
Protein that uncouples ATP production from heat generation.
Brown fat
Fat tissue rich in mitochondria for heat production.
Endotherm adaptations
Features that minimize heat loss in warm-blooded animals.
Surface area-to-volume ratio
Smaller ratios help retain body heat.
Thermal insulation
Fur, feathers, and fat reduce heat loss.
Narrowing blood vessels to decrease skin blood flow.
Countercurrent heat exchange
Blood flow adaptation to conserve heat in extremities.
Heat dissipation adaptations
Mechanisms to release excess heat in hot climates.
Evaporation cooling
Sweating or panting to lower body temperature.
Metabolic rate increase
Higher metabolism when exceeding upper critical temperature.
Brain region regulating body temperature and thermoregulation.
Set points
Hypothalamic temperature targets for thermoregulation.
Circadian rhythm
Daily cycle of body temperature changes.