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water pollution
any change in water quality that can harm living organisms or make th water unfit for human uses such as drinking, irrigation, and recreation
infectious agents (pathogens)
cause diseases
ie: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites
sources: human and animal wastes
oxygen (demanding wastes)
depleted dissolved oxygen needed by aquatic species
ie: biodegradable animal wastes and plant debris
sources: sewage, animal feedlots, food-processing facilities, paper mills
plant nutrients
cause excessive growth of algae and other species
ie: nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4³)
sources: sewage, animal wastes, inorganic fertilizers
organic chemicals
add toxins to aquatic systems
ie: oil, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, cleaning solvents
sources: industry, households, farms
inorganic chemicals
add toxins to aquatic systems
ie: acids, bases, salts, metal compounds
sources: industry, households, surface runoff, mining sites
disrupt photosynthesis, food webs, other processes
ie: soil, silt
sources: land erosion
heavy metals
cause cancer, disrupt immune and endocrine systems
ie: lead, mercury, arsenic
sources: unlined landfills, household chemicals, mining refuse, industrial discharges
thermal (water pollutant)
ie: heat
sources: electric power and industrial plants
point source pollution
type of pollution that is located at specific places, is easy to identify, monitor, and regulate
ie: discharges from wastewater treatment plants, operational wastes from industries, combined sewer outfalls
nonpoint source pollution
type of pollution
broad, diffuse areas
difficult to identify and control
expensive to clean up
natural, gradual increase in the concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other plant nutrients as it ages
cultural eutrophication
human water pollution speeds up the aging process by introducing sewage, detergents, fertilizers, and nutrient sources into the ecosystem
clean water act
establishes basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface water
safe drinking water act
sets maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for any pollutants that affect human health, authorizes EPA to establish minimum standards to protect tap water and requires all owners or operators of public water systems to comply with these primary (health-related) standards
homes and businesses
wastewater treatment facility stage 1: produce waste-water
wastewater treatment facility stage 2: lifts waste-water
wastewater treatment facility stage 3: removes large debris like branches
sedimentation tank
wastewater treatment facility stage 4: solids settle to the bottom as sludge and scum float to the top
secondary aeration
wastewater treatment facility stage 5: provides oxygen for microorganisms
activated sludge
comes from secondary clarifier, added to water in secondary aeration
secondary clarifier
microorganisms decompose organic material and absorb nutrients
of treated effluent
sludge digester
reduces volume and odors and destroys harmful organisms
solid disposal
solids are sent to landfill or used as fertilizer
cause: drinking contaminated water
bacterial disease causing severe diarrhea and dehydration usually spread in water
fatal if not treated right away
key symptoms: diarrhea and dehydration, rarely, shock and seizures may occur in severe cases
treatment- rehydration, IV fluids, and antibiotics
disease caused by a parasite, transmitted by mosquitoes
symptoms: chills, fever, and sweating a few weeks after the bite
people traveling to areas where this is common typically take protective drugs before, during, and after their trip
a disease spread through a mosquito bite
in most cases, there are no symptoms, there’s no vaccine or specific treatment- only rest
west nile virus
in most cases, people either don’t develop signs or symptoms, or have only minor ones, such as a fever or headache. however, some people develop a life-threatening illness that includes inflammation of the spinal cord or brain
you can lower your risk by protecting yourself from mosquitoes using mosquito repellent and wearing clothing that covers your skin, as well as avoiding having standing water outside of your home
endocrine disruptors
any chemical that mimics or interferes with the normal actions of hormones in the body
ie: flame retardants, plasticizers, industrial chemicals, phytoestrogens, pesticides
agricultural activities, industrial facilities, mining
causes of water pollution
gulf of mexico hypoxic zone
depletion of oxygen, spring and summer- huge inputs of nutrients from the mississippi river basin, nitrogen cycle disrupted
water quality testing- dissolved oxygen
needed at a certain concentration to sustain aquatic life
water quality testing- turbidity
relative clarity of water
e. coli
the presence of this bacteria in aquatic environments indicates that the water has been contaminated with the fecal material of man or other animals.