Buy a script/book rights
Buy a game prototype
Buy rights to make a book a movie
Rent a studio
Paying Actors in Advance
Pilot episode
printed items, DVDs, Games, etc shipped to stores
promoting media (TV ads, magazine ads, etc.)
They pitch the idea to in investor and the investor chooses how much to fund (most or all)
Investor usually make his money back + 20%
Developer pitches game by bringing in prototype
Gaming company says yes and pays $
Developer makes game
Gaming company get % of each game sold (usually about 30%) 5.Developer splits rest with stores that sell (if not a digital download)
Deficit Financing
Producer pitches idea
Station says yes & pays producer
Producer writes and pitches script
Station says yes
Producer make pilot epidsode
Station says yes and funds 60% - 70% of production costs
Station gets to run show forever
Producer owns show and can sell it wherever (netflix, hulu, etc)
Producer makes $$$
you can only play with other gamers that have the same console
you can only play x games with x console
not all games are available for all consoles (closed system, developer must obtain licensing)
The characters use items or wear branded clothing
The characters can be mascots from companies (kool-aid man, dominoes weird guy, etc)
games that developers believe will be sure-fire hits even before release
can cost hundreds of millions
Producer pitches idea
Station says yes & pays producer
Producer writes and pitches script
Station Says yes
Producer makes pilot episode
Station says yes and funds
!!!!Success Rate: 20%!!!!!
The Network agrees to put 70% of the money forth because they like the script and pilot episode
After the original studio waits for the licensing agreement to go out, they make the money back in downstream revenue
(1 mega-hit can cover 5 - 6 bombs)
TV and Internet (via phone cable - dial-up) used to be free & not a lot of ads
Changed to a subscription model
Internet became dual revenue stream
TV Not as reliant on advertising
Person who holds the guiding creative vision
Creators often negotiate their power with the networks, studios, or editors that enable them to distribute their message
Creators make myriad negotiations between their visions and the economics of their projects
development and programming _______________ (TV)
record ____________ (music industry)
Managing Editors
evaluate creative products and provide assessments before they are finalized
maintain network policies about content
make sure content being produced will not result in legal action
will let entertainer know what can and cannot be shown on the air*****
diaries viewers documented in what they watched
Instantaneous Audimenter (kept track of what channels you watched and when
People Meeter (same as before but now you had to choose which family member was watching with the click of the remote)
Local People meters (same as before but now accessable to local TV Stations
it created another outlet for licensing of TV shows
gave TV data because it was digital (easier to track and more in-depth)
it relied on the traditional media channels (TV) to stay alive
it did not possess the same characteristics as media
passive program watching****
it's not user generated
it's not social
it's not free
They buy from the producer and distribute to the Aggregator
mostly invisible middle men/unsung hero
large companies will have their own distribution center
Publisher sets a recommended retail price for a product
publisher sells at wholesale price (50%)
Retailer charges what they choose
Publisher determines a retail price for a product
Publisher makes deal with aggregator (apple) to sell product at retail price
Aggregator makes agreement with publisher to keep a certain percentage of each sale (30% in apple’s case)