Amino acid
NH2- amine group
COOH- carboxyl group
variable R group
Peptide bond
Condensation between two amino acid
Condensation of two amino acid
Condensation of many amino acid
polymer of amino acid
Primary structure
initial sequence of amino acid
Secondary structure
hydrogen bonds form between chain leading to shape like alpha helix or beta pleated sheet
Tertiary structure
3D shape of protein from by further twisting and folding
Disulfide bridge
covalent bond between sulphur in cystene R group
Ionic bond
form between carboxyl and amino group that doesn’t involve peptide bond
Quaternary structure
several different polypeptide chain held together by bonds as the protein’s final 3D sturcture
Biuret test for protein
Add NaOH and CuSO4
Colour change from blue to purple
lowers activation energy of reacton when catalysts
Induced-fit model
the shape of the active site change slightly when enzyme binds with complementary substrates to form enzyme-substrate complex
rate of reaction increase up to optimum temperature
rate of reaction decrease above the optimum temperature as the enzyme becomes denatured
rate of reaction increase in optimum pH
OH ions distrupt bonds that hold enzyme’s tertiary structure, affecting the shape of active site
enzyme concentraton
rate of reaction increases as there are more active site for substrate to bind to
substrate concentraton is a limiting factor
substrate concentration
rate of reaction increases as there is a higher chance for collision
enzyme concentraton is a limiting factor
competitive inhibitor
compete with substrate to bind to the active site to block entry of substrate
non-competitive inhibitor
alternate the shape of the active site so substrate can no longer fit into active site