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affirmative action

the use of programs and policies designed to assist groups that have historically been subject to discrimination.

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American Indian Movement [AIM]

the Native American civil rights groups responsible for the occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973

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black codes

laws passed immediately after the Civil War that discriminated against freed slaves and other blacks and deprived them of their rights

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Brown v. Board of Education

the 1954 Supreme Court ruling that struck down Plessy v. Ferguson and declared segregation and "separate but equal" to be unconstituional in public education

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a term adopted by some Mexican American civil rights activists to describe themselves and those like them

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civil disobedience

an action taken in violation of the letter of the law to demonstrate that the law is just

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comparable worth

a doctrine calling for the same pay for workers whose jobs require the same level of education, responsibility, training, or working conditions

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a legal status of married women in which their separate legal identities were erased

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de facto segregation

segregation that results from the private choices of individuals

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de jure segregation

segregation that results from government discrimination

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direct action

civil rights campaigns that directly confronted segregationist practices through public demonstrations

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the revocation of someone’s right to vote

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equal protection clause

a provision of the Fourteenth Amendment that requires the states to treat all residents equally under the law

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Equal Rights Amendment [ERA]

the proposed amendment to the Constitution that would have prohibited all discrimination based on sex

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glass ceiling

an invisible barrier caused by discrimination that prevents women from rising to the highest levels of an organization—including corporations, governments, academic institutions, and religious organizations

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grandfather clause

the provision in some southern states that allowed illiterate whites to vote because their ancestors had been able to vote before the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified

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hate crime

harassment, bullying, or other criminal acts directed against someone because of bias against that person’s sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or disability

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intermediate scrutiny

the standard used by the courts to decide cases of discrimination based on gender and sex; burden of proof is on the government to demonstrate an important governmental interest is at stake in treating men differently from women

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Jim Crow laws

state and local laws that promoted racial segregation and undermined black voting rights in the south after Reconstruction

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literacy tests

tests that required the prospective voter in some states to be able to read a passage of text and answer questions about it; often used as a way to disenfranchise racial or ethnic minorities

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Plessy v. Ferguson

the 1896 Supreme Court ruling that allowed “separate but equal” racial segregation under the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

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poll tax

annual tax imposed by some states before a person was allowed to vote

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rational basis test

the standard used by the courts to decide most forms of discrimination; the burden of proof is on those challenging the law or action to demonstrate there is no good reason for treating them differently from other citizens

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the period from 1865 to 1877 during which the governments of Confederate states were reorganized prior to being readmitted to the Union

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Stonewall Inn

a bar in Greenwich Village, New York, where the modern Gay Pride movement began after rioters protested the police treatment of the LGBT community there

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strict scrutiny

the standard used by the courts to decide cases of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion; burden of proof is on the government to demonstrate a compelling governmental interest is at stake and no alternative means are available to accomplish its goals

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Title IX

the section of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972 that prohibits discrimination in education on the basis of sex

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Trail of Tears

the name given to the forced migration of the Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma in 1838–1839

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understanding tests

tests requiring prospective voters in some states to be able to explain the meaning of a passage of text or to answer questions related to citizenship; often used as a way to disenfranchise black voters

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white primary

a primary election in which only whites are allowed to vote

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agent of political socialization

a person or entity that teaches and influences others about politics through the use of information

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bandwagon effect

increased media coverage of candidates who poll high

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bradley effect

the difference between a poll result and an election result in which voters gave a socially desirable poll response rather than a true response that might be perceived as racist

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classical liberalism

a political ideology based on belief in individual liberties and rights and the idea of free will, with little role for government

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a political and economic system in which, in theory, government promotes common ownership of all property, means of production, and materials to prevent the exploitation of workers while creating an equal society; in practice, most communist governments have used force to maintain control

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convert content

ideologically slanted information presented as unbiased information in order to influence public opinion

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diffuse support

the widespread belief that a country and its legal system are legitimate

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exit poll

an election poll taken by interviewing voters as they leave a polling place

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a political system of total control by the ruling party or political leader over the economy, the military, society, and culture and often the private lives of citizens

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favorability poll

a public opinion poll that measures a public’s positive feelings about a candidate or politician

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shortcuts or rules of thumb for decision making

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horserace coverage

day-to-day media coverage of candidate performance in the election

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leading question

a question worded to lead a respondent to give a desired answer

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margin of error

a number that states how far the poll results may be from the actual preferences of the total population of citizens

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modern conservatism

a political ideology that prioritizes individual liberties, preferring a smaller government that stays out of the economy

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modern liberalism

a political ideology focused on equality and supporting government intervention in society and the economy if it promotes equality

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overt content

political information whose author makes clear that only one side is presented

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political culture

the prevailing political attitudes and beliefs within a society or region

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political elite

a political opinion leader who alerts the public to changes or problems

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political socialization

the process of learning the norms and practices of a political system through others and societal institutions

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public opinion

a collection of opinions of an individual or a group of individuals on a topic, person, or event

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push poll

politically biased campaign information presented as a poll in order to change minds

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random sample

a limited number of people from the overall population selected in such a way that each has an equal chance of being chosen

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representative sample

a group of respondents demographically similar to the population of interest

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a political and economic system in which government uses its authority to promote social and economic equality, providing everyone with basic services and equal opportunities and requiring citizens with more wealth to contribute more

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straw poll

an informal and unofficial election poll conducted with a non-random population

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theory of delegate representation

a theory that assumes the politician is in office to be the voice of the people and to vote only as the people want

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traditional conservatism

a political ideology supporting the authority of the monarchy and the church in the belief that government provides the rule of law

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