Concord (noun)
Feeling of agreement or harmony between groups.
Impassive (adj)
Not feeling or showing emotion.
Pretense (noun)
An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true; a false display of feelings, attitudes, or intentions.
Unequivocal (adj
Leaving no doubt; ambiguous; absolute; not subject to conditions or exceptions.
Behove (verb)
To be worthwhile to, as for personal profit or advantage.
Amalgam (noun)
a mixture or combination; blend
Disparaging (adj)
Expressing the opinion that something is of little worth
Interminable (adj)
With, or apparently without end; lasting or seeming to last forever; endless.
Capricious (adj)
Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior; erratic; unpredictable.
Intransigent (adj)
Refusing to agree or compromise; stubborn.
Vacuous (adj)
Having or showing lack of intelligence.
Zeitgeist (noun)
The spirit of the age; trend of thought and feeling during a period of time.