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Historically, the development of ultrasound began shortly after:
sonar in World War II
The early applications of obstetric ultrasound were initiated by:
Ian Donald
Visualization of the cardiac structures in the heart was discovered by:
Hertz and Edler
Which statement about the role of sonographers is false?
Sonographers perform ultrasound studies and gather diagnostic data independent of the physician
The organization that reviews and recommends Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs for accreditation is the:
Joint Review Committee for Diagnostic Medical Sonography
A structure that has well defined walls without internal echoes on ultrasound is said to be:
Gallstones within a fluid-filled gallbladder appear:
When sound travels through a fluid-filled substance and is not attenuated, it shows:
An example of a hypoechoic structure is:
Lymph node
All of the following structures are homogenous except:
Gastrointestinal tract
If a structure is very close to the normal parenchyma echogenicity pattern, it is:
Thin septa within a loculated mass are more likely to represent what type of disease?
Characteristics of a solid mass may include all of the following except?
Anechoic properties
Diagnostic ultrasound uses frequencies of:
1-10 MHz
The time required to produces each cycle depends on the frequency of the transducer, this is called the:
The means of converting one form of energy to another is called the:
Piezoelectric effect
The ___ is the product of the velocity of sound in a medium and the density of that medium.
Acoustic impedance
The angle of reflection is equal to the:
Angle of incidence
The best transducer to image the thyroid gland is:
Linear array, 5 MHz
The display mode that shows time along the horizontal axis and depth along the vertical axis is:
M mode
Which statement about the Doppler principle is false?
The beam should be perpendicular to the flow
Artifacts caused by sonographer technique include all of the following except:
Side lobes
The best example of a mirror image artifact is seen with the:
Diaphragm and liver
Reverberation may be seen when the transducer scans over a:
A “dirty” shadow usually caused by:
air in the duodenum
An example of subjective data in a health history is:
The patient states he has back pain
Which statement is inappropriate for the patient interview process?
Always use the patient’s first name to establish a friendly relationship
Which statement may be false in the guidelines for gastrointestinal assessment?
Bradycardia may occur with shock
Signs and symptoms for urinary tract obstruction include all of the following except:
Urinary frequency and urgency
Signs and symptoms for hydrocele include all of the following except:
Sudden and severe pain
Signs and symptoms for appendicitis include all of the following except:
Bright rectal bleeding
Bile pigment, old worn out blood cells, and materials from phagocytosis are removed by special hepatic cells called:
Hepatic jaundice may be the result of all of the following except:
polycystic disease
The enzyme that is released when fats and proteins reach the duodenum is:
The first step of urine formation is:
glomerular filtration
Which of the following is a carbohydrate enzyme?
Renal dysfunction will result in an elevation of:
serum creatine
The presence of hemoglobin in urine can cause:
acute renal failure
Fat enters the system in the form of all of the following except:
Which of the following physical assessment is helpful in evaluating cardiac output?
Blood pressure
A type of solution that contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions is called a:
normal findings in a gastrointestinal assessment include all of the following except:
rigid abdominal musculature
Uncontrolled hypertension may be related to:
renal dysfunction
Hematochezia may lead to:
in acute forms of hepatitis, an increase in ALT may take ___ to reach normal levels.
2-3 months
Which pancreatic function test remains elevated the longest in abnormal disease?
Urinary amylase
The specific gravity in urinary disease refers to the:
Measurement of the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine
which of the following is incorrect about cholesterol?
Total cholesterol is decreased in primary biliary cirrhosis
Which of the following is correct about bilirubin?
A bilirubin test spots the increase before the onset of jaundice
Which of the following statements is incorrect about blood urea nitrogen (BUN)?
BUN is more sensitive than serum creatine in determining renal impairment
the pancreas is located in which abdominal region?
which plane passes through the neck of the pancreas and hilum of the kidneys?
the linea alba is found in the:
abdominal wall
the material that covers an organ is known as:
visceral peritoneum
the epiploic foramen is the opening between:
greater and lesser sac
the clinical significance of peritoneal recesses is:
fluid and infection accumulate in recesses
which muscle is not related to the anterior abdominal wall?
quadratus lumborum
all except which of the following muscles comprise the muscular “sling” in the inferior boundary of the true pelvis?
the space between the right lobe of the liver and the anterior right kidney and colic flexure is:
morison’s pouch
Vital signs- medical measurements to ascertain how the body is functioning- may include all except which of the following?
pulmonary function tests
the true pelvis is subdivided by the:
an oblique passage through the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall is termed the:
inguinal canal
the hernial sac is a diverticulum of the
the smallest lobe of the liver that lies anterior to the inferior vena cave; superior border is the ligamentum venosum is the:
caudate lobe
the triad of the portal vein, cbd, and hepatic artery entering the liver is known as the
porta hepatis
which of the following is a muscular structure seen in the upper abdomen at the level of the celiac axis? it aligns the vertebral column before crossing the midline posterior to the inferior vena cava and anterior to the aorta. it may be mistaken for the right renal artery.
crus of the diapragm
the most superior aspect of the liver at the level of the diaphragm is the:
dome of liver
the central area of the spleen that allows the vascular and lymph structure to emerge or enter is the:
splenic hilum
which of the following is a peritoneal reflection that serves as a principle attachment of the liver to the diaphragm?
falciform ligament
Which of the following is an echogenic linear structure found anterior to the caudate lobe and posterior to the left lobe of the liver?
ligamentum venosum
a group of muscles that originate at the hilum of kidneys and lie lateral to the spine is the
psoas muscle
the triangular shaped echogenic structure seen within the left lobe of the liver is the:
ligamentum teres
a patient lying on the side with the right side up is in the ___ position
left lateral decubitus
the body of the pancreas lies ___ to the splenic vein
the portal confluence is formed by the splenic vein and
superior mesenteric vein
which artery courses along the anterolateral border of the head of the pancreas?
gastroduodenal artery
the transducer typically selected for an upper abdominal ultrasound examination is:
2.5-5 MHz curvilinear
the main lobar fissure projects from the ___ to the ___
right portal vein: neck of gallbladder
which of the following patient preparation is required before an abdominal ultrasound exam?
take nothing by mouth 6-8 before exam
the normal thickness of the gallbladder in a fasting state is
3 mm
Wall thickness of the gallbladder should be measured in the ___ plane
specific indications for a pancreas ultrasound exam include all of the following except
which of the following patient positions is the best for imaging the spleen?
right lateral decubitus
the texture of the spleen should be compared with that of the
in a transverse image of the lower pole of the kidney, the psoas muscle lies:
aneurysms greater than ___ cm or those with a documented rapid rate of expansion have an increased risk of catastrophic rupture.
which of the following is the best transducer for a scrota ultrasound exam
8-12 MHz linear
which of the following patient positions are best for the majority of breast ultrasound?
supine, shallow oblique
any plane parallel to the median plane
b. sagittal
a vertical plane that bisects the body into right and left halves
A. median
any plane at right angles to both the median and coronal planes
D. transverse
any vertical plane at right angles to the median plane
C. coronal
C. within
B. around
D. between
A. behind
C. inflammation of
D. urine
A. tumor
b. standing still