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You blocks, you stones, you worse than sneseless things! (1.1)
Patrician (Marullus) to plebians
Beware the ides of March (1.2)
Soothsayer to Juluis Caesar
Yond Cassius has a lean & hungry look; he thinks too much: such men are dangerous (1.2)
Caesar to Antony
It was Greek to me (1.2)
Casca to Cassius & Brutus
Think him as a serpent’s egg which hatched would as his kind grow mischievous and kill him in the shell (2.1)
Brutus to self
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valient never taste of death but once (2.2)
Caesar to Calpurnia
Et tu Brute? (3.1)
Caesar to Brutus
Cry “havoc“ & let slip the dogs of war (3.1)
Antony to self
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; (3.2)
Antony to Roman Masses
Mischief, thou art afoot, take thou what course thou wilt (3.2)
Antony to self
I had rather be a dog & bay the moon, than such a Roman (4.3)
Brutus to Cassius
This was the noblest Roman of them all (5.5)
Antony to Octavius
Elizabethan England
-Named after Queen Elizabeth I
-Era of theatre & fashion
-Great nation of Europe
-Torture was common
Shakespeare’s birthday
April 23, 1564
Who was Shakespeare’s wife?
Anne Hathaway
How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
He was 18 and his wife was 26
How many kids did Shakespeare have?
3 kids:
Susanna and twins Judith & Hammet
Where is Shakespeare from and buried?
What are the Lost Years?
A period of time with no record of shakespeares life
Who was his first group?
Lord Chamberlain’s Men
What theatre did he help build?
The Globe Theatre
What was one of the earliest mentions of Shakespeare in the dramatic community?
The “Upstart Crow”
What was Shakespeare’s second preforming group?
The King’s Men
Who did Shakespeare preform for?
Queen Elizabeth and King James
When/what age did Shakespeare die?
On his birthday at age 52
How many plays did he write?
Which play is he often not credited to?
The Two Noble Kinsmen
How many words has he invented?
How often is Macbeth preformed somewhere?
Every 4 hours
How many times does suicide occur in his plays?
13 times
The art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for pleasure & elevated thoughts
The ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse
Iambic Pentameter
Meter in poetry consisting of 10 syllable lines wherein every second syllable is stressed
Blank Verse
Unrhymed verse written in Iambic Pentameter
When a character in the play speaks alone on the stage
What are the 3 genres of plays Shakespeare writes?
What do Shakespeare’s histories and tragedies have in common?
The main character’s name is always in the title
Who were Juluis Caesars 3 wives?
Cornelia, Pompeia, and Calpurnia
Who does Caesars daughter Julia marry?
Who is in the SECOND triumvirate?
Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius
Who is both Caesar’s and Antony’s mistress/lover
Who murders Pompey?
The Egpytians
Who does Octavius become?
Augustus Caesar
What happens to Brutus and Cassius?
They commit suicide
The play is a period of 6 days, what is the actual historical time?
3-4 years
How old is Caesar when he is killed?
He is killed March 15; at 56 years old
Who is the first emperor of Rome?
Who defeats Mark Antony in battle?
How does Antony die?