Topic 1: Cell Biology

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explain the three principles of cell theory

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explain the three principles of cell theory

cells are the smallest units of life, all living organisms are composed of cells, and all cells come from pre-existing cells

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skeletal muscle

an exception to the cell theory; made up of muscle fibers, enclosed inside a membrane, much larger than most cells

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giant algae

an exception to the cell theory; only contains a single nuclei therefore not multicellular; ex. Acetabularia

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asepate fungi

an exception to the cell theory; consists of thread-like structures that are not divided containing a single nucleus, instead there a divisions of undivided hypha that contain many nuclei

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unicellular organisms

organisms consisting of only one cell

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list the functions of life

  1. nutrition

  2. growth

  3. response

  4. excretion

  5. metabolism

  6. homeostasis

  7. reproduction

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compare Paramecium and Chlamydomonas in carrying out the functions of life

Nutrition: P feeds through endocytosis while C photosynthesizes

Growth: P increases by accumulating organic matter while C increases through photosynthesis

Response: P reacts to touching solid objects while C senses light brightness

Excretion: P expels CO2 while C expels O2

Metabolism: both produce enzymes to carry out different reactions

Homeostasis: both keep internal conditions within limits

Reproduction: both reproduce asexually using mitosis or meiosis

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multicellular organisms

organisms consisting of multiple cells

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as as cell grows larger, SA:Vol become smaller

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explain why SA:Vol is important to maintain at a greater ratio

the rate at which materials enter or leave a cell depends on SA, the rate at which materials are produced depends on the volume; maximizing the ratio allows optimum cell activity

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explain how organisms maximize SA:Vol

  1. cells divide

  2. cells compartmentalize: use membranes to carry out metabolic processes (organelles)

    1. organelles: made up of membranes to maximize space for reactions

  3. some organs fold up

  4. some have very thin membranes

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when a cell uses only the gene from its genome that is needed to carry out a specific function; results in specialized cells (ex. lungs, cardiac, blood, etc.)

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an organism’s entire set of genes; each cell has the full genome so it can carry out and kind of function

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emergent properties

arise from the interaction of component parts of a complex structure; the whole organism can achieve more than the individual cells that make them up

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stem cells

cells that have the capacity to divide and to differentiate along different pathways to perform different functions; human embryos consist of solely stem cells in their early stages but then commit themselves to a pattern of differentiation; found in bone marrow, skin, and liver

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list the different categories of stem cells

  1. totipotent: can become any cell type

  2. pluripotent: can become any type except embryonic membrane

  3. multipotent: can become a number of different cell types

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moral principles that allow us to decide whether something is morally right or wrong; ethics play a huge role in the discussion of using stem cells for therapeutic use

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give an example of therapeutic stem cell use

leukemia treatment: leukemia is a type of cancer that causes an abnormally large number of white blood cells produced in the bone marrow

  • stem cells are taken from a large bone, typically the pelvis, and stored

  • intense chemotherapy is done to kill the cancer cells in the bone marrow

  • stem cells are returned and produce healthy blood cells

  • usually ends up curing the patient

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magnification calculation

magnification = size of image/size of specimen

ex. magnification = 10µm/20µm = 10,000µm/20µm = 500

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size of specimen calculation

size of specimen = size of image/magnification

ex. size of specimen = 48µm/x4000 = 48,000µm/x4000 = 12µm

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the ability of the microscope to show two close objects separately in the image; depends on the wavelengths of the rays being used to show the image; short wavelengths provide better resolution

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transmission electron microscopes (TEM)

used to view ultra-thin sections

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scanning electron microscopes (SEM)

produce an image of the surfaces of structures

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prokaryotic cells

came before eukaryotes; no nucleus; simple cell structure generally without membrane bound components

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draw and label a prokaryotic cell

(see image)

<p>(see image)</p>
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binary fission

the process in which prokaryotic cells divide

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outline the process of binary fission

  1. duplication of chromosomes and separation of copies

  2. continued elongation of the cell and movement of copies

  3. cleavage forms

  4. division into two daughter cells

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eukaryotic cells

came after prokaryotes; contain a nucleus; have membrane bound organelles

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draw and label a eukaryotic cell

(see image)

<p>(see image)</p>
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explain the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure

  1. phospholipid bilayer: composed of a hydrophilic phosphate head and two hydrophobic fatty acid tails (amphipathic)

  2. integral proteins: proteins embedded into the phospholipid bilayer

  3. peripheral proteins: proteins attached to an outer surface

  4. glycoproteins: have sugar units attached on the outer surface of membrane

  5. cholesterol: component of animal cell membranes, affects fluidity at different temperatures

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list examples of membrane proteins

  1. hormone receptor - integral

  2. cadherin for cell-to-cell adhesion integral

  3. cytochrome c - electron transport

  4. calcium pump - active transport

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the passive movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration

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simple diffusion

some molecules make it through the partially permeable membrane between the phospholipid molecules

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facilitated diffusion

some molecules make it through the partially permeable membrane but are unable to make it through solely the phospholipids, channel proteins are needed

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the passive movement of water across the membrane; water is a solvent so it follows the solute

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the surrounding solution has a higher concentration/osmolarity

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the surrounding solution has a lower concentration/osmolarity

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isotonic saline

a solution of salts, used for some procedures

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active transport

the movement of substances across the membrane using energy from ATP; they work in one direction only

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a membrane protein that transports substances in both directions

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Na+/K+ -ATPase

an ATPase, helps to transmit nerve impulses in axons

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takes substances in; endo = inner, within

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transports vesicles from one cell to another; exo = outer

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endosymbiotic theory

proposes that eukaryotic cells evolved from symbiotic relationships between different prokaryotic cells; suggests that organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free-living bacteria that were engulfed by a host cell and formed a mutually beneficial relationship

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explain what happens to the DNA during mitosis

condensation: the chromosomes become shorter and fatter

supercoiling: coiling… the process of which condensation occurs

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sister chromatids

the two components of the chromosome that are held together at the centromere

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outline the phases of mitosis

IPMATC! Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis (see image)

<p>IPMATC! Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis (see image)</p>
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the division of the cytoplasm

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mitotic index

ratio between number of cells in mitosis in a tissue and the total number of observed cells

mitotic index = number of cells in mitosis/total number of cells

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cell cycle

the sequence of events between cell division

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active phase of the cell’s where functions are carried out; consists of the G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase

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cell division

division of the cell…

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the formation of tumors

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genes in charge of the cell cycle

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