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Our knowledge about who we are
When does self develop in humans?
18-24 months old (red dot test)
How does self differ at young age veres older? (9 vs 11)
9: concrete at young age; tall, brown eyes
11: complex; truthful person, okay in school
organized body of knowledge ab self (attitudes, prefences, etc)
When asked to recall 40 words, participants remembered words mostly...
if relevant to self.
Self Concept Clarity
extent of which knowledge about self is stable, clear, and defined
Indepedance vs interdependance
Independence: I am comfortable at work
Interdependance: I will sacrifice my self interest for the group.
Western vs Eastern views of self
Western cultures have more independent view of self: emphasize own internal thoughts, feelings
Eastern cultures have more interdependent view of self: defining oneself based on thoughts, feelings, and actions of others.
Less common baby names given to those born in...
more BC, AB, MA, SK
less (ON,QC,NS)
How does Gender influence self concept..
WOMEN tend to define themselves more in terms of relationships w close others (INTERDEPENDANT)
MEN tend to define themselves in relationship to larger social groups they belong to. (COLLECTIVE)
processes whereby people look inward & examine their own thoughts, feelings, and motives. EG: watching a video of yourself.
Self awareness theory
increased self awareness leads to self evaluation; we compare our actual behaviour to internal standards & values.
If actions don't match out internal standards & values we feel discomfort. Solution?
change behaviour or avoid self-awareness.
FG: when given negative feedback about performance, studies suggest people.. avoid stimuli that directs attention at self .
Moskalenk study
participants completed a IQ test: easy, med, hard
Which connects these words: sleep, fantasy, day = DREAM
ppt asked to calculate own scores and indicate where on distribution table they lie
HARD condition: mark BELOW 50%
EASY condition: ABOVE 50%
then ppt left in room w/ TV and researcher recorded how long they watched TV before becoming distracted.
Those w failure to feedback spent more time watching TV.
Moskalenk study suggest..
people avoid self focus in these situations by distracting themselves (here, through watching TV)
Lecture study
5 weeks diary on mood (health, sleep, work)
What influence's mood?
Found that in relationships, excerise was high
Sleep, weather, food, wasn't big factor but often say, "oh, didn't sleep well).
Casual theories
internal theories about causes of mood based on culture.
People underestmate...
how good they feel after nature walk & overestimate how they will feel about a walk indoors.
Bem's self perception Theory
suggests we think about our past behaviour to make an inference
"if i chosen to do it in the past, I must like it)
Extrinic vs Intritic Motivation
E: win award, avoid punishment
I: Enjoy. f your reward,, they report liking it less.
Over-justification Effect
ppl begin to think behaviour was extrinsically motivated
Performance cotangent rewards
Less determinmal than rewarding for simily performing
Social Comparison Thoery
learn abilities & attitudes by comparing ourselves to other people (buffet)
Upward social comparison
comparing oneself to someone better on a given dimension, reduced self esteem
Upward comparison sometimes motivational..
when romantic partner performs well, we may upward compare, but also benefit from their success.
Downward social comparison
comparing to someone worse, do this when self esteem is relevant & tied to the trait on which we are comparing ourselves
Downward comparison
enhances self esteem & usually compare downwards when given choice
Self enhancement
creating an unrealistically positive view of oneself.
Self enhancement effect is largely an event of...
individualist cultures
Self Verification Theory
ppl have need to seek conformation of their self, whatever self concept is positive/negative.
We want others to have similar impressions of us as we have for ourselves.
Imposter Syndrome
feeling like you don't deserve a position, job, raises, etc.
When does self verification theory become most relevant? (when do we care more about accuracy than positive feedback) (FAI)
- when we see person frequently & stakes are high
- strongly convinced we are accurate
- we know there is room to improve on skill/ trait