1.4.3 - Organisational Design

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What is organisational design?

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What is organisational design?

The framework that provides a business with a structure to achieve its objectives

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What is hierarchy?

The structure of the workforce showing who is accountable to whom

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What are the levels of hierarchy?

  • Tall and thin - each superior is responsible for a few subordinates, which allows for close supervision and communication

  • Wide and flat - each superior is responsible for a large number of subordinates which requires greater delegation but fewer levels allowing for greater communication through the firm

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What is chain of command?

The way authority and power is passed down the levels of hierarchy; the longer this is, the slower communication and potentially decision making

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What is span of control?

The number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor is directly responsible for

  • Wide = many subordinates

  • Narrow = few subordinates

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What is centralisation?

When the responsibility is maintained by a limited number of senior managers at the top of the hierarchy

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What is decentralisation?

When the responsibility for decision-making is delegated to a number of middle managers throughout the hierarchy

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What are some influences on delegation, centralisation and decentralisation?

  • Attitudes and priorities of leader and their preferred leadership styles

  • Organisational design

  • Skills and attitudes of the workforce

  • Nature of decisions to be made

  • Legal form

  • Business objectives

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What is a matrix structure?

Where teams are put together from different functional areas to work on specific projects

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What are advantages of a matrix structure?

  • Communication across functional areas

  • Range of viewpoints considered

  • Functions support and understand each other

  • Motivational

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What are disadvantages of a matrix structure?

  • Potential loss of control

  • Dependent upon effective delegation

  • Teams may take time to work together effectively

  • Can cause conflict

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What are some impacts on efficiency and motivation?

  • Speed of decision making

  • Flow of communication

  • Degree of supervision

  • Opportunities for promotion

  • Cross functional relationships

  • Clarity of roles

  • Employee motivation

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