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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
is a technique to assess how one or more categorical independent variables affect a continuous dependent variable
F statistic
The test statistic employed in ANOVA is called the ___________, which is actually a ratio of variance estimates.
F distribution
The test statistic will have an ____________ when the stated null hypothesis is true and the basics of hypothesis testing we covered earlier apply
nominal variables that are independent variables
different categories of a factor
One-way ANOVA
-involves a comparison of several (two or more) population means
-The main analysis problem in one-way ANOVA is to determine whether the population means are all equal or not
-is a statistical method for testing for differences in the means of 3 or more groups
overall test (omnibus test)
the test of the null hypothesis
-response variable Y
-single independent variable X
What is required in a one-way ANOVA?
F statistic
a ratio of variance estimates
-normally distributed
-homogeneity of variance
What are the assumptions for ANOVA?
multiple-comparison procedures (MCPs)
-Tukey's HSD (honestly significant difference) test
-The Bonferroni approach
-Scheffe's method
type I error
Multiple-comparison procedures (MCPs) control the possibility of making a _____________
Two-way ANOVA
used in situations where you want to compare means of a continuous outcome across 2 or more factors
interaction or effect modification
variation (heterogeneity) in treatment effects
effect modification
occurs when the association between an independent variable of interest (i.e., exposure or treatment groups assignment) and a health outcome (i.e., the dependent variable) is "modified" (i.e., is different) depending on the value of one or more other variables called effect modifiers
effect modifiers
these variables modify the relationship between exposure - or treatment - and outcome
subgroup analysis
is a direct examination of whether the treatment effect depends on patient subgroups
factorial design
A research design with two or more categorical independent variables (a.k.a., factors), each studied at two or more levels
repeated-measures ANOVA
like the paired t test, can be used to test the equality of means when all members of a random sample are measured under a number of different conditions
As the sample is exposed to each condition in turn, the measurement of the dependent variable is ______________
longitudinal research
A research design in which the same individuals are followed over time and their development is repeatedly assessed
T-test and ANOVA are called _____________ stats techniques.
parametric stats
Assumes that sample data comes from a population that can be adequately models by a probability distribution
nonparametric statistics
Statistical techniques that make little to no assumptions about the sampled population (distribution-free procedures) fall into the general set of techniques
assumption violations
these techniques can be used when the outcome variable is ordinal or when the outcome variable is interval or higher and there are _______________
unpaired t test
What is the analogous test to the nonparametric test called Mann-Whitney Test?
paired t test
What is the analogous test to the nonparametric test Wilcoxon Test?
one-way ANOVA
What is the analogous test to the nonparametric test Kruskal-Wallis test?
two-way ANOVA
What is the analogous test to the nonparametric test Friedman Test?
continuous dependent variable, comparing two means
one-way ANOVA
continuous dependent variable, comparing means from two or more groups on a single factor
two-way ANOVA
continuous outcome, independent variable and effect modifier (both represented by grouping or "categorical" variables)
repeated measures ANOVA
ANOVA for dependent observations