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What borders Laos
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar
What is the GDP per capita of Laos
$2,066 (2023)
Population of Laos?
7.69 million
What percentage of the Laotian population are employed in agriculture
How many Laotians live abroad?
1.3 million
How many foreign migrants live in Laos
What is the most popular destination for Laotians to emigrate to ?
Thailand, due to proximity and economic opportunities.
How many Laotians live in Thailand?
What is the most popular origin country for those moving to Laos?
What is the GNI per capita of Laos
What is the GNI per capita of Thailand
What is the GNI per capita of Vietnam?
What does GNI per capita stand for, and what does it tell us about the countries?
Gross national Income per capita - shows average wages per year adn displays a countries economic status
What year did Laos become a member of ASEAN
How much was sent from Thailand to Laos in remittances in 2023?
225 million USD
How many undocumented Laotians are working in Thailand
What is being done to reduce human trafficking between Thailand and Laos
AEC (ASEAN economic community) schemes, allowing skilled workers to come over for up to 5 years for a specific proffession
How does the Mekong River commission support Thailand and Laos - s
managing flooding both sides of the Mekong river
Managing economic projects on both sides
What economic projects is the MRC working on
HEP power plant schemes - making Laos the HEP capital of South East Asia
How many HEP projects are currently active
88, with a 13,000 MW capacity
What is the daily minimum wage in Laos
80 baht
What is the daily minimum wage in Thailand
300 baht
How many jobs are there per returning migrants (from Laos to thailand)
1 job per 12 returning migrants
What percentage of Laotian population depend on natural resources
How does the political situation of Laos encourage emigration
Dictator led government, limits on freedom of speech and discrimination against women and minorities
What percentage of Thai human trafficking victims fell into the sex trade
What are the 3 P’s of the anti trafficking policy
What percentage of families live below the poverty line in Laos
How many Laotian projects has Vietnam invested in
Over 400
How many dollars has Vietnam invested into Laos
118.3 million dollars
How is Laos increasingly connected with other neighbouring countries
Rail links built to Vietnam and Thailand, and high speed service proposed to go to China
What is COMMIT working to do?
Decrease the amount of human trafficking from Laos
What are the main challenges of migration in Laos
Brain Drain
Inflation, labour shortages and falling value of the kip
Garment industry workers moving out to Thailand for better conditions
Success of anti trafficking policies dependant on IOM
How much wind power does Laos propose to sell to Vietnam
4150 MW
Laos has a net migration loss of…
1.1 per 1000 people