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The other name for the French and Indian war was?
The Seven Years War
After the American Revolution, what two crps were grown in the Chesapeake?
Corn and Wheat
What was the Sugar Act
It was a law that taxed sugar, and it was imposed on the American colonies by the British.
What was the Stamp Act?
It was a tax on stamps and Printed items.
What was the Quartering Act?
It was an Act passed by parliament that allowed British soldiers to occupy American colonists’ homes and use them as shelter.
What was the Name of the company that would benefit from the Tea Act?
The British East India Company
What did the Sons of Liberty do in Boston to make the British Angry?
Boston Tea Party. They protested against the Tea Act by dumping tea into Boston Harbor while dressed up as Indians.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Name of the philosopher who said the universe was orderly and operational?
Issac Newton
According to John Locke, what are the natural rights of people?
Life, Liberty, and Personal Property
What was the Declaration for Gradual Emancipation?
A legislative measure aimed at ending slavery in stages, allowing for the gradual liberation of enslaved individuals.
When was the Declaration of Independence Signed?
July 4, 1776
What was the Declaration of Independence referencing?
It was filled with complains against King George the Third
What did African Americans think related to them in the Declaration of Independence?
Talk of liberty
What did Issac Newton believe?
That the universe operated by a set of Natural Laws that humans could use reason to discover.
What did John Locke apply to human society?
Newton’s ideas
What did white colonists feel?
They felt that they were being enslaved.
What did some African Americans in the South do during the Revolution?
They used the Revolution as an opportunity to escape from plantations.
What was Phyllis Wheatley known for?
Being the first African-American person to have published material. She was famous for being a poet.
List an ability of Benjamin Bennaker.
Made a clock, surveyed D.C, became the first Black government worker, was an astronomer, made his own Almanac, was a polyglot
What were Loyalists?
British sympathizers
What were Patriots?
Patriots were people who sided with the Americans and fought against English rule.
Who was Lord Dunmore?
He was a British governor of Virginia who stated that any African Americans who fought for the British would be freed from slavery.
Where did the first battle of the American Revolution take place?
Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts
Where did the last battle of the American Revolution take place?
Yorktown, Virginia
In New York there was a book that listed the names of all Black people who helped the British. What was it called?
“The Book of Negroes”
Finish the phrase: No taxation…
Without representation
Which side did African Americans fight on during the revolution?
African Americans fought for whatever side they believed would give them freedom.
What did George Washington not want?
He did not want African Americans on the Continental Army.
What did the South not want?
They did not want Black soldiers.
List the reasons why George Washington and the South did not want Black soldiers.
Fear of revenge, the belief that slaves would escape, and the belief that the Black men were cowards
What happened as a result of the South not wanting Black soldiers?
Black loyalists therefore were more numerous in the South
Who did the British use as laborers?
Escaped slaves and black Africans
When did Lord Dunmore issue his proclamation?
In 1775
What was the motto on the uniform of Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment?
“Freedom to slaves”
Where were the headquarters for the British located?
They were located in New York City.
Even after Washington stated his opinions, what happened?
African Americans still found a way to fight against the British.
What did Washington do later on in the revolution?
He lifted his ban on Black soldiers.
When did Washington take back his opinion?
After Dunmore issued his proclamation.
What is another reason why Washington took back his opinion?
Troop shortages
Where was England fighting on in the Colonies?
The North and South Fronts
What happened after the Revolutionary War?
Washington and his men marched from NY to VA while the French sailed to the lower Chesapeake Bay to confront the British.
How did the French know where to find the British after the war?
A misdirection took place, as the British were convinced that NY would be attacked by the Patriots.
Which commander was defeated during the Battle of Yorktown?
Commander Cornwallis
Who was the commander that lost in the Battle of Yorktown defeated by?
A combination of Patriot and French forces.
What did the British still have to deal with in Europe after the Revolutionary War?
Conflicts withSpain and France
What were some impacts of the Revolution?
Northern states began to gradually emancipate slaves, Enslaved people in the South began to escape, in the Chesapeake masters freed slaves who fought for independence, VA Legislature freed slaves who fought as well, the surplus slaves were freed as they were not needed, and the Chesapeake changed from growing tobacco to wheat or corn
Where did Enslaved people in the South escape to?
Large Southern cities, and the North
What did absent slave masters during the war do?
It increased separation between Black people and White people.
What increased separation between Black and White people?
Absent slave masters
Free black people remained low in number where?
South Carolina and Georgia
Where were free black people of a darker complexion?
Where did free Black people numbers increase?
Where were black people of lighter complexion?
South Carolina and Georgia
What were the black people of lighter complexion usually considered?
Children of slave masters
Where did black women in the Chesapeake relocate to for employment
The North
What did the black women in the Chesapeake who relocated relocate for
Domestic Work
What emerged as a result of the movement of Black Women moving to the North?
Two parent Black families
When did two parent Black families emerge?
A generation after the movement of Black women to the Northern cities
List the hardships faced by Black people
few economic resources, and legal means excluding Black people from economic competition
What did the lack of economic resources prevent Black people from doing?
Owning shops
What did Slave masters not understand?
They didn’t understand why Black people wouldn’t remain as slaves or workers
Black people assumed what kind of names?
Biblical names and names like freedom or liberty