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Nelson Mandela
Elected president of South Africa in 1994 after nearly 30 years in prison for opposing Apartheid.
Racial discrimination policies in South Africa aimed at separating races; means 'separateness.'
The process of evaluating another culture by comparing it to one's own, often seeing the other as inferior.
F.W. de Klerk
Last Afrikaner Nationalist President of South Africa during Apartheid; co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela.
Dutch, French, and German settlers who ruled South Africa and implemented Apartheid.
Trade barriers a country imposes on others to encourage cessation of certain actions.
A government type where political power is held by the citizens.
The right to vote.
An ethnic group and language in South Africa.
Robben Island
Island near Cape Town where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years.