Nelson Mandela: he was elected president of South Africa in 1994 after spending nearly 30 years in prison for challenging the country's policy of Apartheid, or segregation


Apartheid: this was a name given to the racial discrimination policies aimed at separating races in South Africa through most of the 20th century; means “separateness”


ethnocentrism: this is the process of critically evaluating another culture by comparing it to one's own, believing the other to be inferior


F.W. de Klerk: he was the last Afrikaner Nationalist to be the President of South Africa in the era of Apartheid; he won the Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela


Afrikaners: Dutch, French, and German settlers of South Africa that would come to rule the country and implement Apartheid


sanction: name for a category of trade barriers that a country may impose on another country or countries; usually some sort of incentive designed to get one country to stop doing something


democracy: in this type of government, political and governmental power is held by the citizens of the country


suffrage: the right to vote


Xhosa: name of an ethnic group and language in South Africa


Robben Island: island near Cape Town on which a prison held Nelson Mandela for about 18 years

