Why is diffusion alone not sufficient for most organisms?
Most cells are too far away from exchange surfaces for diffusion to be fully efficient
Efficient exchange mechanisms require the SA: volume ratio to be large
What is the correlation between size and SA:volume ratio?
Bigger size = smaller SA:volume ratio
Smaller size= bigger SA: volume ratio
What are the requirements of an efficient exchange surface?
Large SA: volume ratio for speed of gas exchange
Very thin to keep diffusion pathway short to allow materials to cross rapidly
Partially permeable membrane to allow selected materials to easily diffuse
Moist because gases have to diffuse in water so they can enter cells
What are the requirements for efficient exchange in larger organisms?
Efficient transport system to move internal environment (blood) and maintain diffusion gradient
Ventilation mechanism to ensure air finds its way to the exchange surface quickly
What is ficks law?
The relationship between factors
Diffusion= SA x difference in concentration/thickness of membrane
What factors is diffusion affected by?
Difference in concentration
Thickness of membrane
How does exchange work in single-celled organisms?
There is a large SA:volume ratio
O2 diffuses in, CO2 diffuses out across cell membrane
This is efficient
What is the main problem facing animals on land?
Dehydration as the increase in SA required for gas restricts conserving water as the water will evaporate from it
This is fought by insects having a waterproof covering
What is the structure of the respiratory system in insects?
A series of tubes called tracheae which are supported by strengthened rings to stop them from collapsing
The trachea connect to the atmosphere by openings called spiracles
The tracheae divide into smaller tubes called tracheoles
Air diffuses through the spiracles and tracheae to all parts of the body supplying organs directly with air
How is the breathing system of larger insects different to that of small insects?
Larger insects pump their abdomens to quicken the movement of gases
What are the benefits of the spiracle mechanism?
They can open/close for certain situations
This can prevent water from enteriong the trachae meaning that it traps air in the body, causing the insects to float.
How does the the ventilation system of insects work?
Oxygen is used in aerobic respiration
An oxygen gradient is established
So oxygen diffuses in
How does an insect respire during flight?
A little water leaks across the cell membranes of the muscle cell
The end of the tracheoles fill with this water
The wing muscles respire anerobically and produce lactate which is a soluble waste product
This lowers the water potential of the muscle cells
Water passess from the tracheole to the muscle cells
This draws air into the tracheoles closer to the muscle cells and reduces the diffusion distance for oxygen
Name the structure that gases enter/leave the body of an insect.
How is an insects tracheal system adapted for efficient gas exchange?
Highly branched/large number of tracheoles so short diffusion distance to cells
Tracheoles have thin walls so short diffusion distance to cells
Tracheae are tubes full of air so fast diffusion
Fluid in the end of the tracheoles move out into tissues during exercise so larger SA for gas exchange
How are fish adapted for efficient exchange?
They have a gas tight waterproof covering which prevents water loss
Small SA:volume ratio so their body structure is not adequate to supply and remove respiratory gases
How does the ventilation mechanism of a fish and the structure of its gills result in the efficient uptake of oxygen from water?
Llamale which increases the SA: volume ratio
Gill plates and secondary lamellae
Large number of capillaries to remove oxygen and maintain a gradient
Thin epithelium so short diffusion pathway
Pressure changes to bring in more water
Countercurrent flow so the diffusion along the whole length of the fish and the gradient is maintained
How does the counter-current system work?
Bony arches support gills
Water enters via the fishes mouth, goes through gills and out through the operculum
Blood enters through the back of gills
The most oxygen rich blood meets the most oxygen rich water
Oxygen diffuses from water to the blood throughout the entire length of the fish as there is constantly a gradient
Why is the counter-current system beneficial?
There is constantly a diffusion gradient meaning diffusion is constantly happening amd gas exchange can be maximised across the whole length of the fish.
How is the gas exchange of a plant similar to that of an insect?
No living cell is far from the external air so they constantly have a source of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Diffusion takes place in the gas phase (air) which makes it faster than if it were in water
How are plants adapted for gas excahnge?
Many small pores (stomata) so diffusion pathway is short
Many interconnecting air spaces that occur throughout the mesophyll for easy gas exchange
Large SA of mesophyll cells for rapid diffusion
Why are stomata important?
They control the rate of gaseous exchange by opening and closing their pores
How do terrestrial organisms limit their water loss?
A thick cuticle which forms a waterproof barrier
Rolling up of leaves to protect the lower epidermis from the outside
Hairy leaves to trap still, moist air next to the leaf surface and reduce the water potential gradient
Stomata in pits/grooves to trap still, moist air near to the leaf surface and reduce the water potential gradient
A reduced surface area to volume ratio of the leaves
Label the diagram
What is the role of the cartilage rings on the trachea?
C shape so they can expand
Provides strength and support to trachea to prevent a collapse
What is the function of the plueral membrane?
Lubricates area between lungs and ribcage
What is the function of the plueral fluid?
Prevents friction during breathing between membrane and lung
Causes the outer surface of the lungs to adhere closely to the inside of the thoracic cavity during inspiration
How does the body protect us from dust and inhaled microorganisms?
Filtration of inhaled air by the nose
Cough reflex
Cilia and mucus in larger airways
Alveolar macrophages in the blood
What is the function and names of the lining cells in the trachea?
Ciliated Epithelium
Have hairs preventing trapping of cells
Goblet cells
Secrete muccus which serves as a lubricant
What is a bronchi?
Divisions of the trachea that lead into the lungs
What is a bronchiole?
Subdivisions of the bronchi
Walls made if muscle so they can constrict to contract air in and out of the alveoli
Label this image
How is the rate of diffusion maximised in the alveoli?
Good ventilation and efficient circulatory system to maintain a steep concentration gradient
Large number of alveoli to provide a large surface area
Alveolar and capillary walls are very thin and close together to minimize the diffusion path
How does inspiration work?
Contraction of muscles flattens diaphragm
Contraction of intercostal muscles raises ribcage
Iscrease in volume of thorax, lungs and alveoli decreases pressure below the pressure of air
So air is taken into the lungs to equalise the pressure
How does expiration work?
Diagrgam relaxes and curves upwards
External intercostal muscles relax allowing the ribs to fall
Thorax, lung and alveoli volume decreased
Pressure in alveoli increased above pressure of external air
Air flows out to equalise pressure
What is the equation for rate of diffusion?
SAx difference in conentration/length of diffusion pathway
What is ventilation rate?
Number of breaths taken in 1 minute
What is tidal volume?
Volume of air breathed in or out during quiet breathing at rest
What is expiratory reserve volume?
Maximum volume of air which can be forcibly expired after a tidal expiration
What inspiratory reserve volume?
Volume of air which can be inspired above tidal respiration
What is residual volume?
Air which remains in the lungs after forced expiration
What is vital capacity?
The total of inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume and tidal volume
What is the equation for pulmonary ventilation?
Pulmonary ventilation (dm3min-1) = tidal volume (dm3) x ventilation rate (min-1)
What happens during forced expiration?
Abdominal muscles contract, pushing diaphragm upwards
Internal intercostal muscles contract, pulling ribs downward
What is dead space?
The amount of air that remains in the trachea and bronchial tubes where no gas exchange takes place (150cm3)
What parts of the body control breathing rate?
Chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic arteries
Chemoreceptors in medulla
Stretch receptors in muscles
Cortex (voluntary control)
What are some risk factors to lung disease?
Air Pollution
Chest Infections
Occupation (gas, dust ext)
What are chemoreceptors stimulated by?
Rise in CO2 levels
Fall in PH
Rise in O2 conc in blood
What are stretch receptors?
Sensitive to stretch
Found in walls of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
Detects inhalation and sends inhibitory signals to the respiratory centre to cause exhalation
Continuous negative feedback system
What is digestion
Large biological molecules are hydrolysed into smaller molecules tat can be absorbed across cell membranes
Label the diagram
What is the function of the osephagus?
Carries food from the mouth to the stomach
What is the function of the stomach?
Produces enzymes, stores and digests food, muscles churn to mix the food with digestive juicesAbsor
What is the function of the ileum?
Absorption of digested food molecules into the bloodstream
What is the function of the large intenstine?
Reabsorption of water
What is the function of the rectum?
Feces are stored
What is the function of the anus?
Faeces are removed from the body in a process called egestion
What is the function of the salivary gland?
Secrete amylase to convert starch to maltose
What is the function of the pancreas?
Pancreatic juice contains protease which hydrolyse proteins, lipases to hydrolyse lipids and amylase to hydrolyse starch
Where does physical breakdown of food occur?
The mouth: teeth break down food into smaller pieces to increase the surface area upon which enzymes can act
The oesophagus: peristalsis keeps the moves the food moving towards the stomach
The stomach:muscles of stomach move about the food particles and produce chyme
How are carbohydrates digested?
Salivary amylase breaks down the glycosidic bonds in the starch
Food is passed into the stomach, stomach acid denatures amylase so it can no longer hydrolyse starch
Food passess into the small intestine where it mixes with pancreatic juice
Pancreatic amylase continues hydrolysis of any remaining starch into maltose
Lining of the ileum produces maltase, maltase breaks down the disaccharide maltose into the monosaccharide alpha glucose
Sucrase hydrolyses the single glycosidic bond in sucrose to form the monosaccharides glucose and fructose
Lactase hydrolyses the single glycosidic bond in lactose into its monosaccharides glucose and galactose
How are lipids broken down?
Lipids are coated in bile salts to create an emulsion
Many small droplets of lipids provide a large surface area
Lipases hydrolyse the ester bond in the triglyceride which breaks the triglyceride into 1 glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
What is a micelle?
Water soluble vesicles formed of fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides and bile salts
Deliver fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides to the epithelial cells of ileum for absorption
How are proteins broken down?
Endopeptidases hydrolyse the peptide bonds between the amino acids to form a series of smaller peptide molecule
Exopeptidases act to hydrolyse the peptide bonds between the terminal amino acids at the outer region of the peptide molecule, releasing dipeptides
Dipeptidases hydrolyse the bond between the dipeptides, resulting in single amino acids
How do villi increase the efficiency of absorpsion?
Increase surface area for diffusion
Thin walls reduce diffusion distance
Muscles that allow them to move to mix the contents of the ileum and ensures when digested molecules are absorbed, new nutrient rich material replaces it
Well supplied with blood vessels so blood can carry away absorbed molecules, which maintains the diffusion gradient
Epithelial cells covered in microvilli to further increase surface area
How are monosaccharides and amino acids absorbed?
Sodium ions are actively transported out the epithelial cell into the blood
This reduces the sodium ion concentration in the epithelial cell
The protein the sodium ions diffuse through is a cotransporter protein, so either glucose or amino acids also attach and are transported into the epithelial cell against their concentration gradient
How are lipids absorbed?
Micelles come into contact with epithelial cells lining the vill of the ileum
They are broken down and release the monoglycerides and fatty acids which diffused across the cell surface membrane into the epithelial cells
In the cells, monoglycerides and fatty acids and transported to the endoplasmic reticulum
They move to the golgi apparatus where they recombine
The recombined triglycerides combine with cholesterol and lipoproteins to form chylomicrons
Chylomicrons move out of the epithelial cells by exocytosis
They move into lacteals in the centre of each villus, where they ,,ove into the bloodstream